Taurus TCP .380 range report

Unfired cartridges are easily removed. First eject the magazine. Pull the slide back and the unfired cartridge will fall out the magazine cavity.
OK, thanks.

Yeah, I know how it's supposed to work. I have 3-1911 45's, a 92S, etc.

They wouldn't eject in mine. They'd get seriously stuck diagonally between the extractor and the forward cutout on the slide.
If the extractor would have come back another 1/8" it probably would have come out.

Well, got the TCP back, they fixed it, ejects live rounds fine now.
They had it about 20 days, Fedex overnight both ways, they paid...kewell.

Don't pay any attention to their Repair Status page. They did acknowledge receiving the gun, but the following progressions were never updated.

Their repair ticket just says Replaced, but it's the same gun.
They didn't smooth any of the sharp corners or edges like I asked them to.
It still shoots about 3" left at 10'.

I put about 20 rounds through it upon receiving. Had one fail-to-feed, but otherwise OK.

One tip: When reassembling the gun and the slide won't go all the way forward, remove the pin and make sure the barrel is nearly all the way forward before you put the pin back in. You can move the barrel back and forth and see the rounded cutout under the barrel lug pass by the hole. The pin has to go through this. It's in the manual, but easy to miss.

I bought a TCP a couple weeks ago, and love it. I actually wasn't planning on buying one. I originally was planning on getting a SIG P238 if I could find one, and a Ruger LCP if I couldn't. The Taurus wasn't on my list...

However, once I saw it, and felt the trigger, I had to have it.

Perfect shooter so far. No malfunctions of any kind. No problems.
Saw two yesterday ...

I went to two of my LGS and one guy had it for $300 and Mr. Brown at Shooters Emporium had one for $269. I almost got it. But I decided to wait.
I got mine for 230 complete with the holster and two mags. It was a trade in, had a little grime in the corners, but no visible wear. I like the short front sight on a pocket gun because it is easier to retrieve. At short range, I just aim it like a shotgun.....close enough to do the job. I shot expert for several years straight in the Marines, but that was a 45....Only my Glock aims that accurately at 25 to 50 yards. The Taurus is strictly an up close protector but will do the job.
There is some really good feedback here on the TCP, covering good and not so good, and I appreciate it as I am considering this handgun over the 3AT and LCP. I would like to ask about the trigger, not the pull but the trap and reset. At full compression, it the trigger spongy or solid? With the trigger held fully aft, then as pressure is slowly relieved and released, is the a felt and slightly audible reset? This is an important point with a DA trigger. What does the TCP feel like?

On another subject, I just purchased the new Taurus 25PLY. This is their new polymer frame 25 BUG. I won't pick it up until Tuesday, it was the first I saw offered.

Taurus 25-PLY
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I'll be honest in what I think, and that is the the LCP doesn't even compare to this Taurus. This Taurus has a smooth and consistent trigger, and I can put 100 rounds down range with this little gun and not even know it. I shoot 50 through an LCP and I wonder why anyone even buys that gun.
As far as the reset on the Taurus, there isn't any audible click or anything like that. You can "stage" this trigger though, and that is pull back and you'll feel a distinct "stop". It's kinda like putting the gun into single action is how I describe it. This is what I do with it a few times when I go to the range.
I've shot lots of little pocket guns. This trigger is the best I have ever felt, bar none. One of my shooting buddies shot mine the first time, and went to the counter when we were done and bought one. He loved it.
I've had this gun now for 2 months, it gets shot every weekend, and it's as reliable as any gun I currently have, which consists of Glocks and Sigs...
I smile when I shoot it, and it goes everywhere I go in the console of my car.
And again I will say it; just be sure the gun you by has a serial number ending in B and not A.
Mine is an "A" and operates fine. What is supposed to be wrong with it? Since I purchased it used, is it possible that whatever flaw it had has been repaired or perhaps fixed with use or break in?
I spoke directly to Taurus about this.
B guns have a different ejector, and different magazine follower design.
Also, some A guns that got sent in for repairs got a different barrel.
If your A gun works good, that's great. Noone said there's anything wrong with it since obviously yours works. But many A guns did NOT work, and Taurus updated some stuff to make them more reliable.
Well, i just got a brand new TCP in a trade, it ends in B, it will not feed correctly, the slide needs to be physically pushed to slide closed.

im pretty upset.

everytime i eject a round, the round coming up does not feed in correctly.

I have a brand new TCP .380 and I have the same problem. Gun cycles fine when firing but when done by hand I have to smack the back of the slide. I'm guessing the force of the slide when being fired is like smacking it on the back by hand.

Called Taurus this past Monday and I've yet to get my FedEx shipping label emailed to me like they said they would. I'm already getting tired of this gun. Bought it as a gift for my fiancee so now I feel like an ass for getting her something that doesn't work.

The serial number ends in B.
I hate to hear that you guys are having trouble. My gun, and my friends gun, have been problem free and a joy to shoot. I just don't get it.
B guns are the latest, that's all I was saying. I wasn't proclaiming they are perfect, obviously some of them aren't.
As far as having to "smack" the slide to get the first round chambered, my gun chambers the first one kinda hard too. I don't worry about it, that's just how it is and has been. You ever shoot a Beretta Cheetah?? It is the same way, first round chambers very hard. It's just how some guns are, and doesn't indicate a problem in my opinion. And as long as the gun cycles properly otherwise it's fine with me.
As far as having to "smack" the slide to get the first round chambered, my gun chambers the first one kinda hard too. I don't worry about it, that's just how it is and has been. You ever shoot a Beretta Cheetah?? It is the same way, first round chambers very hard. It's just how some guns are, and doesn't indicate a problem in my opinion. And as long as the gun cycles properly otherwise it's fine with me.

For me it's not just the first round. I load a magazine and insert it. I pull the slide back to load one into the chamber. Slide gets stuck. I smack it to close it and put one in the chamber. I slide it back, eject the round, let go, again, the slide gets stuck. The slide gets stuck every time.
My Glock 30 does that when I have the magazine stuffed to full capacity for the first round. I think it's the pressure of the top bullet against the bottom of the slide along with the maximum magazine spring pressure resisting the feed.

After the top round is stripped off it works OK.

So why are you manually cycling the gun all those times anyway? You've established that the first round goes in hard, as it does in my gun. But you also say the gun cycles fine when firing.....so I don't get what you're doing all that manual cycling for. Do you like to watch it get stuck or what? Get one in the chamber and shoot the gun.
So why are you manually cycling the gun all those times anyway? You've established that the first round goes in hard, as it does in my gun. But you also say the gun cycles fine when firing.....so I don't get what you're doing all that manual cycling for. Do you like to watch it get stuck or what? Get one in the chamber and shoot the gun.

While it doesn't make sense to sit here and cycle the gun just for the hell of I don't like the idea of the gun not working correctly. Why do I want something that isn't working right?

If the slide getting stuck on a manual cycle were a design feature I wouldn't care because I probably wouldn't have bought the gun in the first place.
I have a Ruger LCP that does the same thing. When chambering the first round I have to gently "nudge" the slide forward, but once the first round is chambered and I'm firing the gun, it opperates just fine.
New TCP owner as well as first time poster. Got mine on Monday 4/4 and cleaned and oiled it on Tuesday. I did notice that it had a hard time ejecting a live round as it would jam into the front of the ejection port. What I did learn though was that if I pulled back hard it would eject just fine. I also noticed that when loading the first round it had trouble if I was gentle letting the slide go forward. If you released the slide lock or just let it slam forward it works just fine. I have concluded that even though it looks small and frail it much prefers to be treated like the red headed step child of myth.

Anyway off to the range I go with 100 rounds of Blazer Brass and 20 rounds of Speer Gold Dot. Having read about how this gun is either a Dr.Jeckel or Mr. Hyde I was curious which one I had. Well sure enough round 25, 26, 51 and 70 something failed to fire. The striker hit right at the edge of the primer on three of them and failed to mark on one. However that was my only problem with the first hundred rounds and all of them being Blazer. The next twenty rounds were the Speer and it gobbled them up no problem at all. Since the gun was new I chalked up the misfires to break-in and went home and re-cleaned and liberally oiled anything that might even think about moving.

Well back to the range again today with another hundred rounds of Blazer and six rounds of Remington Golden Saber. All 106 rounds down range without so much as a sneeze or a sniffle from the little .380.

I feel fairly confident that after another 100 rounds or so I will have no trouble using this in place of my XD40 SC when size and concealment are an issue. I am not sure about the serial number thing though as mine is 30XXXB and the one that went on the shelf to replace mine at the store was 04XXXA.

I do have one complaint though and that is with the trigger guard. No matter how I position my trigger finger the guard is rubbing the skin off the side of my knuckle. If anybody could help with that I would be thankful.