Taurus haters?

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Is this forum biased against Taurus with moderators browbeating those who post positive things about Taurus? I am asking because if so, I do not belong on this forum and want no part of it.
I’ve had 12 Taurus Revolvers. I like them and miss some that I have sold. I have 2 at this time.


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Meh, Taurus has earned the "spotty" reviews its products have earned.

I say this as the owner of a Taurus product that was a drama queen I finally slapped into line as a decent weapon. I am keeping it, but I can not suggest Taurus to other folks.
They are not known for the greatest quality control. They are not all bad though. I have owned four of their revolvers and still own two with one being my night stand gun. I regret selling the other two.

My night stand gun. Model 66 w/ 2 1/2" barrel .357 Mag

Model 82 .38 Special
Not sure it is a particular bias of the moderators. But there are quite a few here with a sever case of TDS. Taurus Derangement Syndrome. A mental disorder brought on because some guns don't have an "accepted" brand name, or are not made in an "accpted" country. It is a disorder closely related to Gun Snobbery. A disorder of it's own that manifests itself in the belief that one must attain a certain financial level before daring to enter the realm of gun ownership.
These ailments tend to flair up with mentions of things like Taurus, Hi-Point, Herritage, Armscore, and Windicator to name a few!:D
I have a stainless Taurus 3" 431 .44spl. My friend has a Smith 696 3" .44spl he bought after shooting my 431. The action and trigger on my 431 is slightly smoother and lighter than his 696. The fit and finish is on par with his Smith which cost more than twice what my gun cost.
Is this forum biased against Taurus with moderators browbeating those who post positive things about Taurus?

Not that I've noticed. If you think a moderator is being unfairly biased, report it. If they are abusing their authority, report it!

But don't confuse a personal opinion with an official policy.
I have owned 10-12 Taurus revolvers and not a single problem with any of them. I sold them because I thought I needed something else. I have owned a couple of the model 66 and model 82 like posted above and about 5 model 85s. I wish I had everyone of them back. Especially the last model 85 I had. My bud has it and he won't sell it back to me. Smart man.

Taurus has had some legitimate complaints. I have seen some pics here of just horrible rifling and chambers. How it got out the door is anyones guess. But if buying a Taurus I would suggest having it in hand so you can give it a good inspection. I'm not sure I would buy one off GB or other online seller without looking at it first. But overall they are quality guns. I like the ones from the late 1980s and 90s with the wood grips. I always thought they were the best.
Is this forum biased against Taurus with moderators browbeating those who post positive things about Taurus?

What kind of question is that? Moderators, like most people, may have their opinions one way or the other about a lot of things, but "browbeating" someone for their choice of firearm. Hardly.

You disappeared for 3 years, only to come back to post something like that?
...With no references, examples, or links.

Who's got your goat? :rolleyes:
They are not known for the greatest quality control. They are not all bad though.

That has always been my problem with them. When I was in the industry, my shop made waves for completely cutting off the brand.

We had good reason. "Out of the box" failure rates were around 20%, and some of the defects were pretty serious. When I had the chance to talk to a Taurus exec, his response was, "we're increasing our customer-service staff." No mention of quality control, which was the issue. We got sick of returning their stuff, so we stopped carrying them all around.

The company absolutely can make a good firearm. If one of their guns works well out of the box, it's a keeper. Our problem was the percentage of guns that didn't.

Is this forum biased against Taurus with moderators browbeating those who post positive things about Taurus?

I've never seen that, and if it comes up, please report it.
I’ve owned three Taurus and one Rossi. First was a stainless snub, model 85 stainless snub. Forgot my bore light so didn’t notice the rough bore with bad chatter marks. It did shoot just fine, functioned fine, but no matter what I tried it always shot 3-4” to the left for me so I traded it off. Next was a PT111G2, and once again no bore light with and it also had a rough bore, but it functioned fine. It was a bad fit for me and I just never was able to shoot it as accurately as I find acceptable, not the guns fault. I really liked a lot of things about it but just didn’t work for me so I sold it. Last but not least was a nice older Rossi revolver, don’t remember the model number. It held six rounds with a three inch barrel and was a nice gun. This one had nice rifling and really fit me. It shot very accurately and I really liked it, when it actually functioned which was probably one in 30 cylinders full of ammo. So I contacted Taurus and they emailed me a return label since it was included in a safety recall. After about three months they contacted me saying it couldn’t be fixed since they no longer supported that model and the would replace it with literally the cheapest snub they make with a five shot capacity. I called to see if they would just give me credit instead but no go. So I figured what the heck and accepted the deal, beats a stick in the eye. After nine months of nothing I contacted them as to why I never received the firearm, they were out of stock and said if I would accept a Poly Protector instead they could ship one. Three weeks later it showed up and I had to fork out $30.00 for the transfer. Then finally another four months later I received a check for $50.00 to compensate for my troubles. So essentially a year and a half later I have a gun I’m still trying to like but not too tickled with that also has a rough bore. Accuracy wise it’s just ok, but the trigger pull is horrendous and no one from Taurus can seem to give me an answer about what springs would fit so I can get lighter ones. So in a long winded way their CS is horrendous, but it could have been worse I could have ended up with nothing considering I bought a used gun that didn’t work.
I had a Taurus model 66 stainless 4" .357 that I really liked. It was "well used" when I got it, but it functioned flawlessly. In single action, the trigger would break if you lightly blew on it! It really was TOO light, if you can believe that.
Maybe back in the day but I think more on this forum have become significantly more knowledgeable with Taurus firearms.

Although I personally don't own any Taurus semi-autos, except for a Taurus 25, I still own a half dozen of their revolvers. Over the years, I've had a couple of dozen. Each one functioned reliability. Accuracy on par with my S&W's and Rugers. The only things that stood out were the rougher tool cuts, tool marks, & thin finish on blued pieces.

These days, I am tempted to pick up a G3 but am willing to wait until gun prices in general come back down some.
^^^I am reading some interesting things about the new G3C. But to keep to the point of the thread, I own several Taurus revolvers all bought in the 90's and 2000's, and none of them have given me any trouble. The cylinder release on my Poly Protectors is very tight, and I hope it will eventually loosen up. If they came out again with some of the Total Titanium snub nose models, I would snatch some of them up.

I don't think I have noticed moderator bias, per se, but it can sometimes be difficult to separate out statements made in their role as a member of this board vs. statements made in their role as a moderator of this board.
Personally never known a single person that had trouble with them but many gunshop owners say they get quite a few back with issues.
Smith&Wessons have gotten so expensive the last few years Taurus should be able to compete in the marketplace if their quality control gets better.
Always wanted a 22mag revolver, the 992 is pretty heavy even in 4", if they made a small frame 4" with adjustable sight I'd probably buy one.
Anyone here have a 992?
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