SURVEY: Home Defense Arsenal

First line of defense - two English Mastiffs at a little over 150# each - not really dangerous to anyone but fearsome in appearance and LOUD and do not get distracted by strangers offering food. Very territorial of home property, owners, and car. Mastiffs are known for their tendancy to corner and hold an intruder (it has happened once) and not to bite.
I wear a Glock 23 while awake and it joins Glocks 27, 20, and 29 at night in the bedside stand (at least two spare mags each).
An M1A in 308 in the closet in condition 3.
My wife and I live alone and practically never have children (we have none of our own)in the house (guns I am not wearing go in the safe if we do have a visitor).
All guns go in the safe except the one I wear while gone camping or traveling.
Not as fearsome as the picture of Janet Reno taking a shower but probably adequate for me since I don't live in a neighborhood dangerous enough to require such high power protection.


[This message has been edited by OJ (edited July 10, 1999).]
well from the looks of it dog registration is next,if your pup has more than 4 teeth and weighs more than 10#,your fair game for a lawsuit from any burglar that gets bit on the heels,sure you go right ahead and tattoo that # on his butt mr.agent sir.........nawwww he won't bite.
By the bed:Sig P228w/115 gr. Silvertips
Under the bed: Ar-15 with Aimpoint sight
By the bed: M1A and four cell maglight
Closet:Remington 870

Numerous knives scattered about the residence

Early warning system: VERY light sleeping brother, 6 foot 2, 200 lbs. in the front bedroom. I pity anyone that wakes him up at 0dark thirty :).He comes with his own selection of trauma injectors.
Since the place belongs to my parents, all my guns stay in my room, unload, cuz its kinda their rules.
but, there is a load mag 40rd mag for my ar-15 and a loaded 8rd for my 1911A1 under my pillow. and a couple other loaded mags that I can grab on the way out of my room. I can be out the door with 2 load gun and plenty of ammo is under 20 sec.
None of you, I mean NONE OF YOU has a better home defense system than I have.

Here's mine......... Buried around my property is an underground sprinkler system. Every square inch around my property is covered. Anyone, no matter what or who is going to get wet if they are anywhere near my home and I don't want them there. The sprinkler system is filled and fed by a large gasoline tank. WHOOMP! End of problem! HAR! HAR! HAR!

Seriously, I don't have such a thing but the thought is there.

Great responses! Come on guys! Let's make it 100 plus responses on this thread!

Since I originally posted this I figured I should contribute my list of home defense equipment as well. At the moment, my fiance and I live in a large (900 square foot) one bedroom upstairs apartment.

FIRST LAYER: Noisy stairs leading to front door.

SECOND LAYER: Perimeter Security System

THIRD LAYER: Locked Bedroom Door

FOURTH LAYER: (see below)

Nightstand Drawer:

Glock 20 with MMC bar-dot night sights loaded with Silveritps and four preban 15-shot mags of Silvertips for G-20.

Laser Products Surefire 12Z 12-volt tactical light (oUcH! BRIGHT!!!)

Next to Bed:

Benelli Super 90 loaded with Winchester #1 Buckshot with six rounds on the sidesaddle.

Under Bed:

Colt AR-15 Sporter with 30-shot magazine in condition three in Eagle Discreet Case with four spare magazines.

Heavily customized Smith & Wesson Model 657 .41 Magnum with a three inch barrel in custom Sam Andrews shoulder rig with three spare speedloaders and Gerber Mark II knife on offside.

Duty sized canister of pepper spray mixed with CN. Very nasty according to an police instructor friend off mine.

55-round bandoleer of shotgun shells for Benelli.


Nickel plated Smith & Wesson Model 58 .41 Magnum and spare speedloader.

FIFTH LAYER: Fiancee and her Colt Detective Special plus speedloaders

- Anthony
I am surprised that I'm the first one to mention this: The most common way people die in bed (unnatural) is by fire. So I have a fire extinguisher next to the bed.

As a gunsmith, I have a freakin' plethora of weapons, but my first line of defense are motion detectors surrounding the house. If someone gets in, there is a pump shotgun by the bed, and various handguns throughout the house.


"I'd rather be judged by 12, than carried by 6."
A Colt Dakota .45 magnum revolver, loaded with Glaser "safety slugs", and a 1.5 million candle power flashlight. (It's practically an offensive weapon in it's own right!) I also keep the 9MM Calico carbine in the closet, with a full 100RD magazine. But that's a last resort, as I really don't want to have to explain to a jury that "Dead is dead, so why do you care what I shot him with?"
Say, Frank, isn't that system of your's kind of hard on the lawn? Not to mention the house... Suggest you swap the tank of gasoline for anhydrous Amonia; You'll have a much greener lawn afterwards.
When it comes to home defense I always keep in mind the cracker box that I live in.
A 223 or greater would stroll through my house and go half way through my neighbor's house.
I keep all my firearms locked in a safe except the one or more that I am carrying, I don't want them stolen. When I am home I carry the gun(s) on me, I don't leave then lying around. At night in bed I keep one gun "hidden", within reach, usually a 38.
AND.. a three cell Mag light and 5 cell Kel-Lite, and a bunch of Mini-Mag lights.

[This message has been edited by Patrick Graham (edited July 25, 1999).]
One last and very important piece of home defense I have that I'm tickled to death to find: nosy, armed neighbors. I just moved into an apartment complex, and found that I'm next door to the manager, who's ALWAYS there. He's armed, and leaves his door open with the screen door shut. (Must be spending a fortune on electricity in Texas in the summertime, but hey, it's the complex's money.) Neighbor above me knocked on the door to ask if I knew the two guys who were removing some tools from my truckbox (I did, they just didn't want to wake me up because I'm a daysleeper.). *He* had a Model 10 in his belt under his shirt.

Next door neighbor on the other side is a nosy old lady.

Frankly, I couldn't be happier. If y'all don't know your neighbors, take the time tonight or tomorrow. It takes guts to walk up to a total stranger and introduce yourself, sometimes, but good neighbors are GOLDEN!!! Convince them you're a good person, and for goodness sake, give them your phone number to tape up by the phone. Work number, too. Make them know that you welcome any and all contact.

We need all the help we can get.

If you're *not* a member of the NRA, what *are* you doing to protect your rights to enjoy yourself on this Bulletin Board?
OK, I can play this game ... in the interest of getting to 100!

A. Fenced yard rear with motion activated flood lamps.

B. Double deadbolts front, rear and side.

C. 63 lb. black lab, territorial and noisy but won't bite, at bedroom door.

D. Lock on bedroom door.

E. Adirondack baseball bat, white handle, red upper.

F. Ceremonial Guatemalan machete, sharpened good enuf to cut grass on a bad mower day.

G. Cell phone.

H. Oh,yeah, firearms:

-Walther PPK/S w/ HydraShoks, also 4 CCW
-Dan Wesson 44 mag with speed loader,
currently loaded with 44 mag PMC
target rounds cause that's just what
I have, but soon to have some
frangibles, probably in 44 special
-Glock 19 with Glaser Safety Slug
Blue,and SAF-T-LOK mag, may
replace Dan Wesson

I. -all other firearms are stored
in a locked closet in second bedroom,
also locked from inside,
-collection includes Browning Hi Power
with 2 30 rd. mags, S&W 686 Power
Port with Tasco red dot scope,
Sigpro 2340 in 357 sig, Sig P230, old
Star Mod. B in 9mm

J. Additions contemplated before reading post
- 20 ga. pump shotgun filled w/ bird shot
short but legal length (what is the
$5.00 AOW tax to cut it below 18"?)
(12 ga. FABARM O/U is stored in locked

K. Additions inspired by this list
- fire extinguisher
- flash light

L. Also have a pair of handcuffs in bedroom which I guess I could use on a BG if they weren't otherwise deployed.

[This message has been edited by abruzzi (edited July 26, 1999).]
Abruzzi: You can get the same monster flash light I've got from U.S. Cavalry. (Don't know if they've got an internet site, I can'f find the catalogue.) Pistol grip, weighs about 4 pounds, and good for 20 minutes on a charge. Like I said, it's practically a weapon in it's own right; Shine it in somebody's eyes when they're night adapted, and they'll be utterly blind for quite some time. (Heck, at 1.5 million candle power, I think it has that effect in broad daylight!)

The nice thing about the Glaser safety slugs is that not only does a regular interior home wall stop them, they have roughly the stopping power of a point blank range shotgun blast. A big bore handgun loaded with them is the effective equivalent of a sawn off shotgun, except that they're legal.
Geeezzz buys... you forgot the claymores on the basements windows!!
Always armed. I'm curious how may people carry in their house. We seemed to get a rash of home invasion robberies. That's when I started.

ubi ignes est?
All righty then, how many of y'all have designated Bathroom guns, and what is it? It's mighty steamy in there, and sometimes some rather (ahem) caustic agents may be there, so I'm not keeping a nice pistol in there. I use the ole' Iver Johnson .38 S&W on a high shelf between towels.

Are we to make 100 posts?

Will you, too, be one who stands in the gap?

Used to use my Smith & Wesson Model 58 in .41 Magnum loaded with Winchester Silvertip as I didn't need full house .41 Magnum loads for the bathroom.

Changed to an old stainless steel Ruger Security Six with a six inch barrel though when I noticed how much steam was getting into the cabinet where I keep the gun.

- Anthony

P.S. Two more and we make 100...
I keep a USP 40 w/ 6v mounted SureFire light, SureFire 6P, Ruger mini-14, ParaOrd. P14, 4 extra mags for the USP, 3 for the P14, a cell phone, and last, but foremost . . .


I sleep soundly.