SURVEY: Home Defense Arsenal

I have two vicious assault weiner dogs with surefire tactical flashlights mounted on their collars. They can rip a perps sock off in two seconds flat! ERRRR! Actually they are great watch dogs. They let me know when I need to pull out the 870 or the p90.
It's better to have any dog that's loud when it needs to be, size really doesn't matter. I love my Briard, she is the most intelligent dog I have ever had and she knows the difference between someone walking down the street and someone walking where they shouldn't be. I hate it when dogs bark at every little event, a cat in the yard, etc.
I have three noise makers (Cocker Spaniels) and one English Cocker. The three Cockers will bark when they hear something that does not belong aound the yard. The English Cocker is very intelligent, she will hear something at night and wake me up then lay there and growl until I get up to see what is going on outside. The only thing I really expect out of my dogs is to alert me when I'm at home, and to alert the would be perp that dogs are present on the property. Like the sign says Forget about the Dog, Beware of Owner.

Society is safer when the criminal does not know who is armed

[This message has been edited by Don Morgan (edited June 23, 1999).]
First, for the experienced shooter, I do not think weapon commonalty is important. I keep both revolvers, DA autos, P7s, SA autos, etc, at hand.

Long guns, Shorty Colt AR, 870, or Benelli, in vehicle, 870, and .308 semi auto.

I wonder -- many have just one weapon. Many have two, and others have several. I live in a town with a population of less than 20k. I would be curious to know the population of the town, city, etc, where those who responded to this post, live. Could be edited to each post. Would we see a pattern?

In my small town, I do not fear multiple home invaders, tho not impossible. What I do fear is an over zealous BATF, DEA, or other government agency operating on rumors, bad information, or just unable to read an address. GLV
Mine are politically incorrect...imagine that........i have two pitbulls, who raise the roof barking at a stranger, but will let them walk right through I have the intimidation factor for the ingnorant, and the noise for me, and Im not sure if other than barking they would do anything...they both have rarely met someone that they couldnt stand-=although the two or three times they have I have followed their lead...fubsy, and as far as what firearm I would use, it would not matter which one I had.....fubsy.
Walkin' Man,

You oughta take that shot to Kinko's and have them turn it into a 72" poster, then laminate it and nail it to your front door.

Then put a "Gun-Free Home" sticker on the window. :)

"We are going to fight. We are going to be hurt.
But in the end, we will stand."
--Roland Deschain

[This message has been edited by Coinneach (edited June 24, 1999).]
Tac-6 and Maglight beside bed.
Various pistols, depending on day. Various longarms stashed in various places. I currently have a Mossberg 500 loaded with (in order) #1, 00, and one magnum slug in my bed. A .308 is close by.

I have an insane 18-year old brother, a very intelligent but paranoid American Eskimo dog, and often various well-armed friends spending the night in other bedrooms for early warning/light defensive work. :)
Gunfighter - I would like to meet/see your wolf. I've been interested in how they would react to being pets and have always admired and loved their looks. BTW, a S&W 5906 w/laser sight has been all I've needed.

Anarchism: The radical notion that I am the sole authority when it comes to deciding what's best for me.
From: Ivan8883 6-24-99 936PM EDT Walking Man,your German Shepard is a spitting image of my 4.5 year old shepard. Maybe they are related! Mine lives in the basement at night and patrols fenced yard in dayime.I live in a small town in Western Maryland :only 5000people. I only keep 2 guns loaded in bedroom. One is a snubby 357Taurus and the other is a Smith 357 ,Model 13 with bull barrel. Both are loaded with hollow point or 38 hydroshok(original Hydroshok from Long Island) Heavy stuff is locked away in safe or elswhere and will be brought out and loaded up as we get near Y2k which probably will cause rolling blackouts across nation(My own personal opinion,of coarse) Ivan888
Home defense?
That leads to inference that there is
Home offense. That sounds interesting, so consider:

Hiking boots by the front door, with long dangly strings to snag feet and fell the unwary cat bungler.

Sharp corners on the dresser and armoire, to gouge the thighs and sides of the trespassing perps.

2-day old chicory coffee in the Mister Coffee coffee maker carafe to choke the larcenous gluttons.

No toilet paper in the throne room, to frustrate and slow the squatters to a pants around ankles amble.

Doors that lock when pulled to, and there's no keys... but the window is only 8 floors up.

"If you really want to know what's going on;
then, you have to follow the money trail."
Howdy all!

In my household, we have a relatively meager arsenal, compared to some of the other posts I've read (mmmmm, AR15, drool drool). I currently have a SIG P228 (9 mm Quik-Shox) my side of the bed, my husband has a P229 (.40 Quik Shox) on his side. Under the bed on his side we HAD a Moss 590. We sold the Moss so we could get our CHL's, here in TX. Woo hoo!

We also have one zwei-haender sword (no movie props here, this is the real shee-bang) and an authentic Scottish sgain-dhu. Both are w/n easy reach.

Guard animals: 2 very beligerent parrots, who would visciously maul ANY intruders stupid enough to stick a finger in their cage and say "Polly wanna cracker?"

Oh! and a pair of Light Sabers underneath our pillows...

[This message has been edited by Darthmaum (edited June 25, 1999).]
I don't need the poster on the door, her favorite activity is to stare out the front window and intimidate those who pass by. That dog is so smart it spooks me sometimes, very protective of her mommy (Miss .357). The sound of gunfire causes her to cock her head a little. ;)

Ivan8883......I live in N.VA, are there any good places to plink some bottles with evil guns in your area. I've got alot of time off soon and want to do a good bit'a shootin...drop me an email.

To be or not to be-that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune or to take arms against a sea of troubles and by opposing end them.
Ruger P85, Remington 870 (speedfeed stock & sidesaddle), SKS. All aren't high grade or expensive (less than $300) so if I shoot someone in self defense and the firearm is confiscated, no great loss. Hate to lose a customized 1911, Benelli or AR15 (any of which is easily $600 plus).

Call me cheap, but don't call me late for dinner.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
SlackO I don't know where you are but I'm located in Missouri (the ballot fraud state) and would be glad to show her off.
As I said she is actually quite shy around strangers. She's extremely intelligent and very much a "puppy" with no hope of ever growing up. :) She interacts well with the dogs (Chows) but is definately NOT a dog. I wouldn't trade her for the world but also would not recommend anyone to get one. Difficult to train and house break. (She is an in door/out door animal and sleeps on the couch. :)) Having a wolf is definately..........different. :D

Walkin' Man love your dog. :)


We live in a time in which attitudes and deeds once respected as courageous and honorable are now scorned as being antiquated and subversive.
Well, I won't be given the entire collection, but here's a tease:

M-Bdrm: My side....Glock 34 w/M3 tactical illuminator, Scattergun Technologies modified Rem 870, ASP. Her side.....SIG 230, Ruger Security Six, Surefire 6Z, ASP.

Son's room: Mini-14.

Upstairs Head: Rossi Overland double barrel coach gun (12 ga. w/18.5in barrels).

Closet: Colt carbine w/electronic sight system/light source, Knight Industries RIS w/vertical foregrip. Can't count all the mags.....strategically located throughout the casa.

Kitchen: Glock 26, Randall model 14.

Downstairs Head: American Arms .45 LC/.410 4" derringer.

Living room: Tripp/McCormick 1911 widebody in .38 Super. 20 rd mags!!! (19+1)

Garage: SIG 229, Mossberg 500 ATP.

Formal Living Room: HK P7M10

Dining Room: M11 open bolt in the linen closet.

Computer room: Rem 700 tactical shooter.

Cars: can't tell ya! ;)

Flashlights are placed throughout the house, as well as spare mags for all the guns. This would be the wrong house to pick on the block!

Almost forgot the 72lb in color. He eats everything I shoot!


"There's gunpowder and there's pu**y. Live by one, die by the other, and love the smell of both."
So the estimate of 200,000 guns and 80 million gun owners must be wrong. Taking what you've shared with us, it must be 200,000 guns and 79 million gun owners! :D

(Wish you were my neighbor...)