SURVEY: Home Defense Arsenal

Rem 870 Marine With Turkey load
Smith&Wesson 686 357.

"Are we at last brought to such an humiliating and debasing degradation that we cannot be trusted with arms for our own defense? Where is the difference between having our arms under our own possession and under our own direction, and having them under the management of Congress? If our defense be the real object of having those arms, in whose hands can they be trusted with more propriety, or equal safety to us, as in our own hands?"
- Patrick Henry
I am usually wearing a gun when awake. When I hit the rack, it gets put up on top of my book shelf or my wardrobe, depending on whether or not the wife is making me sleep on the couch.

There is a loaded (but not chambered) 12 gauge pump in the Walk-in Closet along with a loaded Speed Six and two speedloaders. There is also some body armor in there next to the shotgun.

There are a couple other revolvers loaded and stashed elsewhere in the house.

In the gun room there are mags loaded for the ARs and some other guns.

My LE equipment, including armor and duty belt, is in a Grab bag which is either in my office/den or occassionaly gets left out in the truck.

Flashlights in many rooms.

Full Time German Security Guard/Mobile Alarm on patrol in the yard.

Mi pocket nine is the only gun outside the gunsafe. When I leave so does it. I used to have my Moss 500 12 gauge riot gun by the bed, but in today's political climate do not want to be tried if a punk steals it and kills somebody. If 9mm is good enough to protect me outside the home it should protect me in it.( The wife has a Mak in .380 that can be found in different locals around the house)

I hate to bring this up but... If I have soaked my pre ban Louisville Slugger in coal oil and I don't have a Class II have I done something illegal? Now I really haven't done this yet but I was told if I soaked it that it would stand up better during rapid fire. Just curious.
The other Hank not Hank
A question:
It would seem that if you are going to have several different handguns around the house, that they should all have the same manual of arms. I.E. all Glocks or all USPs, all DA revolvers, ect. Does anyone agree with this?
This is only a partial list of my home defense precautions but here goes:

NEXT TO THE BED: Desert Eagle .50, several tear gas canisters, a buck knife, and a large variety of chinese throwing stars.

BATHROOM: One Kalishnakov mounted on wall next to the toilet and an electric stun gun in the medicine cabinet.

CLOSET NEXT TO FRONT DOOR: One Glock 10mm, nun-chucks, a Kubaton, and a machete.

KITCHEN: SIG226 9mm inside drawer, more tear gas cansisters in the cubbard, and several Freedom Arms Mini Revolvers descretely hidden inside canteloupes in the refrigerator.

MOUNTED TO ROOF: Numerous specially modified model rockets and one black powder beer can morter.


....By the way, how do you make those smiley faces?
In nightstand by bed: Taurus PT99 w/2 15 round mags, 135gr JHP. Currently with trigger lock.

Under bed: Mossberg 500 12 guage, 20inch barrel, 1 turkey load, 2 00, 1 slug. Currently with trigger lock.

On person or on nighstand: KelTec P-11, haven't decided on a load for it yet, just bought on Saturday.

Also have 50 pound Lab/Shepard who knows when to bark and ADT alarm, so I don't have call the police if the BGs kick in the door.


If the 2nd is antiquated, what will happen to the rest.
"the right to keep and bear arms."

[This message has been edited by KAM_Indianapolis (edited June 23, 1999).]
Well, lets just say there is always something within easy reach. The mobile alarm system keeps watch.
Just for fun I might let my older son, 6'4" and 300 lbs, "play" for a while. ;)
Let's just say you don't come here uninvited...Dante's Inferno is my house and ya can't leave unless I let you

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Like a lot of others...

Big-ass dog outside (1/2 Australian Shepherd, 1/2 traveling salesman) - dead bolts at the perimeter - carry gun of the day in bookcase headboard at night (cased AR-15 and mags in bedroom for seige situation).

Also in bedroom are phone, key to house (to be passed out window to responding officers), keyed locking doorknob on bedroom door, flashlight.

Last, but not least and not previously mentioned by anyone, an ADT security system with extra keypad in bedroom and panic buttons for quick contact prior to dialing 911. It also has a motion detector with zone warning light. Why is that important, you ask? If you think (but aren't sure) someone has broken in, lock the bedroom door and watch the keypad. If zone 4 lights up hit the panic button then call 911.

Hank soaking your Louisville Slugger in oil shouldn't be in violation of any *current* federal laws.

However pine tar above the label is in violation of MLB rules.

Now not only are you on an ATF list somewhere you also have to worry about an umpire kicking in your door in the middle of the night. :D :D :D


We live in a time in which attitudes and deeds once respected as courageous and honorable are now scorned as being antiquated and subversive.
Damn Mikey, have you been in my house?

All I need to say is ditto with these exceptions - Briard for Aussie, mini-14 for AR, and add a cell phone.

I really like the idea of being able to watch the progress of a bg from a safe room.
Gunslinger, Please be cool on this subject. I never had the intention of hitting any baseballs with my "Slugger" and I store my pine tar more than 50' away. The pine tar is also used only for making my hammer's grip a little more tacky. Oh no! I gave up on hammer!
Boy, some of you guys are VERY well protected! I just keep the handgun (only a wheel gun) and flashlight by the bed at night. No hicap semiauto pistol, rifle or shotgun loaded and ready to go...

But then I don't live in an overly dangerous place. If I lived somewhere with frequent problems, I'd have to change that.
Okay ya'll got me started now on the dog thing here. In addition to four (aggresive) Chows I have a 100% pure bred Grey Timber Wolf! She'll be one year old the 8th of July and is actually quite timid with people. (Wolves only natural preditor is man.) But she scares the pure hell out of people. She has the run of the place to include the house.

Now I'm on the Missouri (the ballot fraud state) Conservation Departments list.

FBI, ATF, MLB (for Hank), MCD (for me). If anyone mentions a hokey stick we'll all go on the NHL list. (quietly)( i suspect DC has a few frozen fish she could beat an ATF agent to death with.) Maybe they could just make a short cut and just make a TFL'ers list.


We live in a time in which attitudes and deeds once respected as courageous and honorable are now scorned as being antiquated and subversive.
I keep a slingshot by the bed in case Goliath shows up, a 15 pound attack cat in case someone shows up with one of DC's stolen frozen fish and I've considered getting a mother-in-law for the yard to handle the small stuff. Problem with mothers-in-law is they can't be trained to release on command. ;)

May your lead always hit center mass and your brass always land in your range bag.

I've got a photo of Janet Reno taking a shower that a blind friend taped to the end of a broom handle. If that doesn't stop a bg in his tracks, nothing will.

"All I ask is equal freedom. When it is denied, as it always is, I take it anyhow."
Jeez Ipecac, that mental pic is almost enough to make me lose my breakfast.. I would rather just get shot.

I subscribe to the 10 foot school of thought and have a K frame S&W in every room. The local cop shop had a bunch of M65s get traded in and I bought several. Same grips (Hogue), same speed loaders, same ammo.

My house long guns are - Car-15 in the safe room and a 20 ga Winchester 1200 in the kitchen.

One LabX for EW.


"Shoot low boys, they're riding Shetland ponies..." LG, RIP