Soldier from Texas imprisoned in Mexico for weapons charges

But you don't understand. He had a gun with him so he has to be innocent.

So many people on this board will jump to the defense of anyone involved in a crime that involves a gun or if the person is being charged by the government. It does not matter if they are a gun runner, and idiot chasing down a possible petty thief and shooting up an innocent neighborhood, a guy illegally altering an AR15 and getting caught or even people sexually abusing small children. These people will jump to their defense. It is really quite sickening and just brings truth to the old adage that "gun owners are their own worst enemy."

That is not far off for some on this and other boards. Anytime it is someone with a gun vs. LEO the LEO is always wrong according to a few posters. About like the mother defending her good bout son that just could not have killed those three people while committing a robbery. :eek:
Fire arms and ammo in the wrong places.

I know a person that went down to Mexico to buy some meds! On entry they found a corroded 30-06 cartridge in the truck behind the seat. He sat in the county lock up for a month. His family did everything they could to get him out. He was convicted of arms smuggling. Put to jail for 10 years. He spent six months in the clink. It seems that $10.000 paid to the right person had him on this side of the boarder in like 12 hours!

Yep thier our friends alright!:barf:
Maybe that's why so many people here advocate restoring felons' rights to possess firearms, because apparently any mistake should result in a felony charge.

The story doesn't claim that Medina was unaware he was crossing into Mexico, it claims Medina "got lost on the highway and was forced to cross into Mexico." Seeing as how last year I was driving in San Francisco, accidentally missed the last exit before the Golden Gate and was then forced to pay an unintended toll charge, I can understand his situation.

The story claims Medina attempted to make a u-turn, at which time he was stopped by the police. This sounds to me like a traffic mistake.

Granted additional caution could and probably should have been taken when driving with firearms near Mexico, but I'm unwilling to condemn a soldier on his way home to see his mom for her birthday without more evidence. Hopefully the government will negotiate his release soon.
I grew up in El Paso.
It does sound weird but.
If he made a wrong turn on the highway, he could've been stuck with nowhere else to go but over the border.
It isn't as simple as just hanging a U-turn.
Travel in Texas is legal with a concealed firearm in the car.

NavyLT said:
And, BTW, the article says he was on his way from Ft Hood Texas to visit his mother in Fresno California. Now the Mexico border is like 300 miles SOUTH of Ft Hood Texas and Fresno is NORTHERN California. Now come on, he went 600 miles round trip for a pit stop for breakfast in Mexico?!?
I have family here in Texas and I lived in Northern Cali in the 90's.
First: Fresno is central Cali.
Second: Ft Hood is in between Austin and Dallas. Central Texas.
Third: what Interstate do you use to get from California to other Southern States?
I-10 and I-80 are the only Interstates that cross the eastern California state line.
So, you either go thru Colorado or New Mexico, en route.
The Sierra Mountain Range severely limits any other travel route.
I-10 is only an hour and a half drive south from Ft Hood. I-10 goes thru El Paso.
Why didn't you look at that globe in gradeschool?

If your input is more ridiculous than the original situation, please refrain from posting.
It makes some people angry at your ridicule, and makes you look like an...

...never mind.
Ignorance is bliss after all.

Juarez is a scum town anyway.
Nothing but a drug and murder haven.
There is no simple way of dealing with the corruption in that town, and country.
I will make this my last because we are just repeating.

Some say they lived in El Paso, etc. Well I did. I lived on the West side and crossed into Mexico every work day. I paid Mexico & US income taxes because I spent all of my work time in Mexico. I first started crossing from El Paso into Juarez in about 1968, did not live there then. I would go on three week trips and stay on the El Paso side. Now in the old days it was easier to make a mistake. But now days they do have a u-turn break just before you get to the final leaving of US border. Signs are all over the place that you are entering Mexico.
I have to say that parking on the US side and walking into Mexico is real common also. Vehicle theft is common on the south side and the Mexican police don't put much effort into recovering gringo cars. Not sure about the meal thing. There are many, many great places to eat in El Paso and they are super cheap.

I've heard there are cheap whores in Juarez... if you are vigilant and avoid the trannies. :) If I had to guess what the real purpose of his trip was, this would be high on the list.

Mexican officials have a special kind of disdain for US Marines, soldiers and cops. (Especially Marines, From the Halls of Montezuma and all that.) He'll get back soon enough, once his family has paid all they can. He will be without his car and guns. He'll also be a lot less chubby because they don't feed you in Mexican jails. Your family is responsible for that.
Have you ever been on the bridge of the Americas? As soon as you make the left turn your committed! No Return! There is no check point Charley on the American side. No Place to turn around! If you did turn around you would be chased down coming into America!:D

The same here in my two horse town of Deming! Once your in the tracks you can not de rail!

I still think he was a dumb ass!
I aint pickin an arguement with you madmag.
I agree there are signs and turn-offs.
The problem is, what was the traffic like when he got on it?
The typical 'accidental crossing' occurs when the driver panics, ignoring signs, trying to get to the turn-offs.
Mexicans do not follow traffic laws there, and therefore they typically ignore or impede cutting cars on the bridge.

Personally, I think the guy was looking for a score on some drugs.
There is no other real reason to cross the border.
The food on this side is better.
No need to worry about customs on the return, or international laws.
Safer on the EP side.
Lesser corruption on the EP side.

The only other reason to cross the border would be to visit family or freinds.
Food is, by far, a poor excuse.
Roach Coaches and Taco Trucks on Paisano Dr. have better food.
Personally, I think the guy was looking for a score on some drugs.

You seem to have pre-judged this guy in a terrible way. I hope that you never sit on a jury with someone elses life in your hands.
You seem to have pre-judged this guy in a terrible way. I hope that you never sit on a jury with someone elses life in your hands
he is not prejudging at all. He is stating his opinion of the most likely scenario based on the situation. If you see a white college kid driving around in the really bad part of town at 1am it is not hard to figure out why he is there.
You seem to have pre-judged this guy in a terrible way. I hope that you never sit on a jury with someone elses life in your hands

he is not prejudging at all. He is stating his opinion of the most likely scenario based on the situation.

Most likely scenario, based on situation, this sounds oddly familiar. ;)
You seem to have pre-judged this guy in a terrible way. I hope that you never sit on a jury with someone elses life in your hands
he is not prejudging at all. He is stating his opinion of the most likely scenario based on the situation. If you see a white college kid driving around in the really bad part of town at 1am it is not hard to figure out why he is there.

My comment goes for you too. Yikes... :eek:
If you see a white college kid driving around in the really bad part of town at 1am it is not hard to figure out why he is there.

Yeah, that would be me on my way home. I'm already going to be deep in the hole by the time I graduate, I'm not going to borrow any more money just so I can live in a "nice" part of town.

I could start tossing stereotypes at you, PBP, but that would be too ugly. I'll just leave with the old chestnut about people who live in glass houses...
Yeah, that would be me on my way home. I'm already going to be deep in the hole by the time I graduate, I'm not going to borrow any more money just so I can live in a "nice" part of town.

I could start tossing stereotypes at you, PBP, but that would be too ugly. I'll just leave with the old chestnut about people who live in glass houses...
You need to study the difference between stereotypes and actual trends.

As for your trip home, there is a big difference between diving through and driving around in...ask any LEO. But nice try at confusing the issue.
Study up on the Hinky factor

If you don't, you shouldnt be carrying a gun

Profiling people for simply being white or black and in a certain part of town is quite different from profiling an arab sitting at a Candian/US border crossing sweating profusely and acting nervous.

As for me not carrying a gun if I don't agree with you... wtf is that about?
Profiling people for simply being white or black and in a certain part of town is quite different from profiling an arab sitting at a Candian/US border crossing sweating profusely and acting nervous.
I hate to break it to you but profiling is one of the single most effective and accurate methods used in law enforcement...and has been for decades.

And like I said, there is a big difference between stereotyping and profiling.
Well, the "actual trend" I have seen is large numbers of relatively upstanding white folks living in "bad" parts of town without any attention from the police. Cops don't give them a second look, they go after the folks who they consider to be more likely to be guilty of doing something illegal (black, hispanic, etc...). I don't know how they do it out west, but in other places I have lived, cops don't mess with white people unless they are forced to. It may be an "actual trend" where you live, but I have never seen it.

But I guess you can't argue with how effective this blatant racism has been. It's a good thing cops are constantly hassling brown folks, it has obviously made crime a thing of the past.

I know you can't ignore certain things when you see them, but pretending they are the end-all-be-all of crime detection is silly and causes more problems than it is likely to fix.