Soldier from Texas imprisoned in Mexico for weapons charges

BTW, not that it matters, but there are lots of guns in Mexico. Just as long as you belong to a drug cartel, you can carry any type of gun you want.
We can always count on some of ya'll to attack the victim of unjust firearms laws and prosecutiuons.

We can always count on some of ya'll to support a criminal just because a gun is involved.

WildturnaboutAlaska TM
always the same nonsense from the same perspectives.

The guys a veteran so he is right. The guy had gun protected under the 2nd amendment so he is right.

I'm sure there are no veterans in American prisons who were convicted of a crime where they used a firearm as a weapon to commit a felony!

Somehow I guess I missed reading the part on my DD214 that grants me immunity from all laws.
I'm sure there are no veterans in American prisons who were convicted of a crime where they used a firearm as a weapon to commit a felony!
Actually there are tons of them. When I was in the military many violent crimes, such as rape and assault, actually occurred at higher rates on base than in the surrounding civilian towns...and theft/vandalism was rampant.

Like I have said before...they do not issue halos with the uniform and many people that are there are there because of a lack of other options.
It isn't like the border checkpoints are on the actual border line

They sure as hell are on the actual border line roads in Arizona. I've traveled along the border in Arizona and in New Mexico many times and I can assure you there is a wall or a fence along the border.
Here is the strange part. Well maybe not so strange. By his name it appears this solider was Hispanic. The Mexican guards pay more attention to you if you appear Mexican than just the normal gringo's going across every day. I spent much of 35 years going across the borders at Juarez and Tijuana. Of course normally I was wearing a business suit and had a company badge on by pocket. This was up until about 2003. I don't think I was ever stopped going into Mexico one time. Just come to a slow roll and go. But our company was the 2nd largest employer in the area at that time.

Now coming back is of course different. If you don't give good answers to the US border patrol you can find yourself on the side with your tires being taken off the rim. Anyway, if he looked Mexican then that probably worked against him...for being stopped that is.
[QUOTE If you don't give good answers to the US border patrol][/QUOTE]Border Patrol doesn't work at the POEs. Those are Customs Officers (CBPO's). Customs= blue. Border Patrol= green.
wrong turn?

i have drivïn around the border quite a bit, and dont really understand how this guy just ended up in mexico that whay. i have friends that have made this same mistake, but while driving on a ranch that borders with Mexico. I feel bad for the guy as i know what mexican jails are like, and i absslutely agree that the US needs to get him out of there. When a mexican does something over here we deport him, but us US folk don´t have that right.

too bad the guy did not know anough spanish to offer a bribe, just check out my thread on tactics where i show the weapons the mexican mob carries. you really think the mexican police are trying to carry out justice? just remember folk, when stopped by a mexican cop memorize this line...

¨oye compadre, sera que no hay manera areglar esto como hombresitos? de repente tienes alguna necesidad donde puedo hechar la mano?

hopefully it will help out a fellow american in a place where justice does not exist and the law is just a job where people make money.
I grew up in El Paso.

It's not uncommon for tourists to accidentally drive across a border. There is a popular tourist stop that's part "shared territory" and very easy to cross. It's also possible to miss a turn and end up being unable to turn around once you're headed for a bridge.

There are several stories I remember about drivers who asked what to do with a legally transported weapon in Texas when they got to the border, only to be thrown into a Mexican jail.

I don't know all the details, but it's not hard to imagine how this could happen to a well-intentioned individual.

Also, nothing wrong with stopping across the border for a brief tourist visit or meal. My family there still patrons some of the nicer restaurants in Juarez on occasion. I wouldn't frequent the night clubs any longer, but there are times and areas that are pretty safe.
breakfast in mexico??
Best breakfast I ever had was in Tiajuana when stationed at Miramar.mmmmm...tequila and fish tacos........:D

Yes, I know, us darn, dirty, drunken sailors......
I don't know all the details, but it's not hard to imagine how this could happen to a well-intentioned individual.

I agree with you Bond007. I've noticed that in general we are quick to condemn and hang people these days. It seems like when someone makes a mistake, all you hear is "HE SHOULD HAVE KNOWN BETTER" and, "YOU GET WHAT YOU DESERVE". I don't feel that way. I believe that mistakes are different than intent and should be prosecuted differently, if one is able to discern between the two.
how sad so many

are not willing to face the reality. Several posters claim they lived in El Paso for a number of years. Those same posters claim its impossible to simply cross the border in this area and end up in Mexico without knowing you've crossed the border. Yet we still have a few posters who are always ready to defend stupidity or total BS stories and claim we are just blaming a poor innocent guy who made a simple mistake. When do we start to expect individuals have to be held responsible for their actions regardless of how stupid a mistake they make?

If its so easy to simply drive into Mexico from El Paso and not know you did it then maybe the entire border fence issue is a farce. Because if this guy could simply accidental cross into Mexico without any actually entry point I have to expect anyone in Mexico could simply walk across at this same point and be in the US. Maybe its a secret spot the Border Patrol has not yet discovered or maybe the smell of manure attached to the story is really there.
Yet we still have a few posters who are always ready to defend stupidity and claim we are just claiming a poor innocent guy who made a simple mistake. When do we start to expect individuals have to be held responsible for their actions regardless of how stupid a mistake they make?
But you don't understand. He had a gun with him so he has to be innocent. :rolleyes:

So many people on this board will jump to the defense of anyone involved in a crime that involves a gun or if the person is being charged by the government. It does not matter if they are a gun runner, and idiot chasing down a possible petty thief and shooting up an innocent neighborhood, a guy illegally altering an AR15 and getting caught or even people sexually abusing small children. These people will jump to their defense. It is really quite sickening and just brings truth to the old adage that "gun owners are their own worst enemy." :barf:
I'm sorry, ya'll are right. He should have known better than to own a firearm and try to travel with it in his vehicle anywhere near Mexico.

He deserves to spend at least 3 years in a Mexican jail. I hope he gets Tuberculosis, but he probably won't. The jail will undoubtably give him preferential treatment because he's an American of Hispanic descent. Those Mexicans have nothing but respect for a Latino who has lost touch with his cultural heritage.

I think it's hilarious. What a dumbass. Anyone that screws up, even a little, deserves to be broken and ruined by a corrupt judicial system.

thisissostupidthaticantevenbelievethatyoupurporttosupporttherighttoownfirearmsandihopethatsomedayyouendupinadirtymexicanjailcellbecauseiveneverbrokenthelawfor anythingormadeamistakeandanyonethathaseverbeenarrestedissurelyguiltyanddeserveswhateverhappenstohimincludingbeingrapedandmurdered
I can understand going to Mexico for breakfast, but the rest of the story smells fishy. Who knows what this guy was really up to...

Maybe he needed to cross to get a prescription filled and wasn't thinking clearly without his Mexican pills. It's as good an excuse as any.