So Palin has a couple minor skeletons...

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A pattern we see too often is:

Step one: Accuse social conservatives of being intolerant of ordinary human weakness and error.

Step two: Make accusations of hypocrisy for failing to conform to your ideas about them, and it becomes apparent that your original accusation is false.
PBP, I will discuss any point you like, but this isn't the board for it. If you want to pursue a course of argument, I recommnd the board in my signature line.
Cool, address my accusation via PM then, I am eager to hear your qualifications that support your statements regarding sexual education promoting sexual activity in children.

But in reality, since this is the L&P section and this is a party platform, it is very relevant on this board and open to discussion. is very relevant on this board and open to discussion.

My experience is that mods are unlikely to agree. Get a mod to sign off and I will do it here.

Otherwise you can take it to the board in my sig.
My experience is that mods are unlikely to agree. Get a mod to sign off and I will do it here.
Why would they feel that a platform, which her selection was partially based, would be off topic? Palin was selected partially because of her conservative stance on abortion and sexual education to placate the far right that was unhappy with McCain. So both topics are very much open to discussion in an uncensored debate on her qualification.
My experience is that mods are unlikely to agree. Get a mod to sign off and I will do it here.

Otherwise you can take it to the board in my sig.
Admitted Pot and Cocaine use vs. Teen Daughter Preg and 20 yr old Hubby DUI


"Something I did" vs. "Stuff other people did"
Admitted Pot and Cocaine use vs. Teen Daughter Preg and 20 yr old Hubby DUI
The point is, Obama admitted "trying" cocaine. He did not then go out and start preaching that people who try cocaine are bad or that people should not be allowed to try cocaine if they so choose to. The hypocrisy of Palin is the issue.

PS: You might want to remember there is a difference between trying cocaine and having a cocaine addiction...which Bush had.
The hypocrisy of Palin is the issue.

My mother is a devout Christian. She raised her children strictly by the Bible, including no sex until after marriage. She now teaches it to her grandchildren and great-grandchildren. She still firmly believes in these principles, teaches them at church and lectures anyone that will listen.

To date, two of her children and one of her grandchildren have had children out of wedlock.

Does that make her a hypocrite?
How is Palin a hypocrite?
If she continues to take a stance of being a pious woman who believes that such things as abstinence-only works while hiding the failures of such an upbringing inside her own home she is a hypocrite.

Also, if she did indeed fake her own pregnancy, which it is looking more and more like she did, it shows she is more concerned with her own public image than she is the truth.
I do not even care if the stories that her youngest child was actually born to the same daughter, which I am starting to think is more valid than I originally thought.

Check your facts - the youngest child is 4 months old (4/18/2008) and the oldest daughter is 5 months pregnant.

I don't agree with Obama about much, but he is correct that spreading slime about children is wrong.
Check your facts - the youngest child is 4 months old (4/18/2008) and the oldest daughter is 5 months pregnant.
There are no facts to check. There is no proof of the young child's age nor any proof of the duration of her daughters current pregnancy. My grandmother claimed I was only a little under two years old when they returned to my hometown with me but in reality I was closer to three years old.

The only facts are the pictures taken of her one month before she supposedly gave birth in which she is clearly not pregnant and the fact that she took a 12 hour return trip home while supposedly in labor.
"In the long run, I think McCain has just locked up the Presidency for Obama."

Bush did that, not McCain. The most hated (republican) presidency in recent history locked up the election for the next Dem to come down the pike. Obama was just the luck of the draw. Better him than Hillary, I say. (and I'm not fond of him at all - but he's not evil like Hillary is, just inexperienced and misguided)

I applaud the pick of Sarah Palin and wish we were able to vote for Palin/McCain not McCain/Palin. To those that think that the babygate thing is a big scandal, ask yourself this:

If I was hiring this woman to work for my business, would I want to know/care if her daughter was pregnant?

Because hiring this woman (and McCain) is essentially what you are doing by voting. If you wouldn't care in the private sector, you shouldn't care in the public sector. It doesn't make a bit of difference to you or the country in any way.
I applaud the pick of Sarah Palin and wish we were able to vote for Palin/McCain not McCain/Palin. To those that think that the babygate thing is a big scandal, ask yourself this:
Just out of curiosity...what makes Palin qualified to hold the office of the presidency? People seem to be really strong on her but so far all I see is that she hunts and is anti-abortion.

I ask in part because I heard a statement from the republican senate leader in Alaska who said she was not qualified to be governor, much less VP.
If she continues to take a stance of being a pious woman who believes that such things as abstinence-only works while hiding the failures of such an upbringing inside her own home she is a hypocrite.
So if one failure means an entire concept is a failure and everyone who supports it is a hypocrite, what are we left with? No concept is without flaw. Also, how did she hide something that was an “open secret” in her community, and which McCain has repeatedly said he was aware of?
There are no facts to check. … Also, if she did indeed fake her own pregnancy, which it is looking more and more like she did, it shows she is more concerned with her own public image than she is the truth.
Actually, it’s looking impossible because, yes, there are facts to check. Check out the photo here: You'll need to scroll through the pictures to the one of Sarah and her kids at the zoo.

As I've said in other threads, if Sarah Palin had concocted a conspiracy to hide her daughter's pregnancy, Sarah must have mutant powers that rival those of X-Men characters. Of the females pictured, only Sarah looks like one who has recently given birth. If the rumors were correct, Sarah Palin has the mutant ability to absorb "baby fat" from other people, because Bristol sure didn't have any when the photo was taken.

Besides, the topic of this thread is:
… just how thorough these people are.

Given that the McCain campaign has already said they knew about this situation, I’d say they’ve been thorough thus far. However, if by thorough one means “Did they find a perfect person?” well, no vetting process will ever be that thorough.
...I heard a statement from the republican senate leader in Alaska who said she was not qualified to be governor, much less VP.

Fortunately, whether she is qualified isn't his call.

There is no hypocrisy in espousing a standard or goal and failing to meet it. I know that I should put the bullet in the x-ring every time, but only get it right occassionally. People who think that is hypocrisy should consult a dictionary.
If she continues to take a stance of being a pious woman who believes that such things as abstinence-only works while hiding the failures of such an upbringing inside her own home she is a hypocrite.

I don't think that hypocrite is quite the right word there. Naive, maybe? In denial? It's certainly not a good thing, but I'm just not seeing hypocrisy as being the proper term.

Oh, and as an aside I'd note that my knowledge of sex-ed today is entirely second hand (it's been about 15 years for me)...but being a non-traditional college student I actually get to hear a bit from kids who actually had it within the last couple years. I don't know that I'd trust the Heritage Foundation or any partisan source as to the content of sex-ed programs least average sex-ed programs. I don't doubt some of the stories I've heard regarding over-the-top curricula, but everything I've heard suggests that they're outliers.
So if one failure means an entire concept is a failure and everyone who supports it is a hypocrite
If you pretend to pretend it works after all scientific data shows otherwise and your own personal experience shows otherwise you are a hypocrite. Noone outside of the conservative religious right wing supports abstinence only programs as effective.
Actually, it’s looking impossible because, yes, there are facts to check. Check out the photo here:
A picture of a seal proves what?
only Sarah looks like one who has recently given birth
What is a woman that has just given birth supposed to look like? There is no definite standard there. It is however easy to see she is not pregnant in this pic taken just under one month before she supposedly gave birth. No pics exist of her pregnant with her last child and her daughter missed almost five months of school around the same time period. Smells fishy to me.
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