So Palin has a couple minor skeletons...

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Hey, I have to say, Barrack was cool with his answer on this---in this area, I give him credit for taking the high road.

He can claim no such thing. As someone has mentioned, there is a well designed democrat attack machine (thanks bill and hillary) which does the dirty work for obama. There is no need for him to lift a finger. You will never hear him throw the Daily Kos under the bus because he believes in what they do.

Obama and high road can never be used in the same sentence unless you have a grin on your face.;)
Barack Obama can take the high road, because he has the DailyKos and Democratic Underground doing the despicable work for him. Obama said he'd fire any of his staff, but declined to ask Democrats as a whole to lay off the 17 year-old mother-to-be. And just wait until the late-night comedy boys have their "fun"..

He can claim no such thing. As someone has mentioned, there is a well designed democrat attack machine (thanks bill and hillary) which does the dirty work for obama. There is no need for him to lift a finger. You will never hear him throw the Daily Kos under the bus because he believes in what they do.

Point taken guys!!
Point is, now we'll see---will he throw the dailykos and others "under the bus"
like he did Wright and others or will he not condemn them and look like a fool??
Either way, he looses---he has taken the high road as of today--how far will he walk down it??
He can't win ---alienate the far left loons or let middle America watch him stand by and say nothing---could be interesting.

You know, I think this whole "OMG pregnant daughter" thing is kind of amusing, because very little of the coverage I've heard of it so far actually mentions the one relevant point to the whole thing.

I don't think Bristol is somehow a bad daughter, or a bad person. Teenagers having sex? Not exactly unheard of.

I don't think Sarah is somehow a bad mother. You can't follow your kids 24/7, and her daughter having *gasp* had sex puts her in good company with a majority of parents.

I think the only relevant point is the fact that both McCain and Palin support abstinence-only sex education. Now, I understand some of the objections to more comprehensive sex education, but let's be real here. I'd say her own daughter is just one more statistic as to how well that actually works out.

EDIT: I guess what I'm saying is that this is something that really in no way reflects on Palin, nor on her daughter, but it does reflect on a policy that she (presumably) still supports. And I think there's a conversation to be had there.
FireMax said:
He can claim no such thing. As someone has mentioned, there is a well designed democrat attack machine (thanks bill and hillary) which does the dirty work for obama. There is no need for him to lift a finger. You will never hear him throw the Daily Kos under the bus because he believes in what they do.

Obama and high road can never be used in the same sentence unless you have a grin on your face.;)

I don't suppose there's anything in the world Obama can do to defend his reputation against you? Even coming out and saying the right thing apparently isn't enough - he has to somehow take control of independent bloggers who do things he doesn't agree with (which is obviously impossible).

You don't have to like the guy, but is it possible to ever acknowledge even one right thing that someone you don't agree with does? I do it all the time. I disagree with a lot of Palin's ideas, but I can also acknowledge the good things she does. But you seem to have crossed the line from disagreement to just hatred or blind dismissal.

I guess a lot of people don't want to open their minds. :rolleyes:
I think the only relevant point is the fact that both McCain and Palin support abstinence-only sex education. Now, I understand some of the objections to more comprehensive sex education, but let's be real here. I'd say her own daughter is just one more statistic as to how well that actually works out.

Of course, no one that buys contraception for their children has EVER had one of them have an unplanned pregnancy. Noooooooooooo, Impossible. Never happens. If that would have ever happened, then that would mean that chemical or barrier contraception never works! The lessons in logic that are taught here. Just amazing!
Of course, no one that buys contraception for their children has EVER had one of them have an unplanned pregnancy. Noooooooooooo, Impossible. Never happens. If that would have ever happened, then that would mean that chemical or barrier contraception never works! The lessons in logic that are taught here. Just amazing!

There's a difference between promoting abstinence and promoting abstinence while specifically not mentioning any other birth control methods.

Everyone knows that birth control isn't perfect. Neither is abstinence, for the same reason - people forget to use it.
You don't have to like the guy, but is it possible to ever acknowledge even one right thing that someone you don't agree with does? I do it all the time. I disagree with a lot of Palin's ideas, but I can also acknowledge the good things she does. But you seem to have crossed the line from disagreement to just hatred or blind dismissal.

I guess a lot of people don't want to open their minds.

He said what he HAD to say. Im not a fan of BHO. It's not that I hate the guy, but I definitely do not trust him. I'm gonna give him credit for saying the "politically smart thing" to say. That being said... I dont trust him more, admire him more, think he's any less shady, or think he's more qualified just because of what he said.

Had he let the family attacks continue from his camp, the door would be left wide open for similar attacks on his family. You can almost argue that he made the statement for his own well being as much as anything.

I wonder if Biden will be able to hold his tongue on some of these issues come October.
There's a difference between promoting abstinence and promoting abstinence while specifically not mentioning any other birth control methods.

The unspecified, unnamed deity forbid that any parent should urge their children not to engage in premarital sex, and to not point out all the ways they could without getting caught, or that if all else fails they can just kill the baby so noone finds out. She's a monster!
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Clearly its better to have kids having sex without birth control and producing children, then it is to have kids having sex with birth control and not producing children.
Sarah Palin is real. She is not a run of the mill politician. She is being perceived as one of the most down to earth people to ever run for the office.

Her daughter is 17, and is marrying the father. Wonder how many voters have or have had children in the same situation? It only makes her more real to the voters, and any attacks on her like this will only serve to further discredit the left.

Someday, I can only pray that people wake up and see the despicable lengths that these looney liberal moonbats will go to. My mother was only 16 when her and my father got married. (my father too) Let somebody smear them around me. It will only make truly moral people hate the left even more.
It looks more and more apparent that Palin's vetting process was rushed at the last moment. If McCain properly vetted her he would have found about some of these nasty little details, and know how to deal with them or better not have picked her. It sad in today's day and age that the politcal process has become a side show at the carnival. If McCain had his people do their job properly then he would have realized how much a liability she was to him. The teenage daughter's pregnancy, and her own ethics scandal might be just the tip of the ice berg. Every little scandal that comes out about her will be trumped up by the media, and the Dem machine to sound much worse than it was/is. But the "trooper gate" is not going away, and it will be brought up every time she is interviewed. This will distraction for the McCain campaign, and will leave a lasting doubt in voters minds. It might be wise if she willingly bowed out of the VP slot, instead of dragging McCain down with her.
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I admire McCain for picking her, I think it was a good choice.

The teenage daughter's pregnancy,
From Forwardassits article
Although the McCain campaign said that Mr. McCain had known about Bristol Palin’s pregnancy before he asked her mother to join him on the ticket and that he did not consider it disqualifying,

her own ethics scandal
really a tempest in a teapot. Again from the article.
Had the story been written about the state trooper three months ago, nobody would care about it anymore,” said Dan Schnur, a former McCain aide who now directs the Jesse M. Unruh Institute of Politics at the University of Southern California.

Dragging McCain down, heck if anything I think she is not only keeping him afloat but lifting him up a bit.

I think that Iceberg you are referring to is an icecube.

Like they said in your article Forward, Alaska is a small community if there was dirt out there, the media who have now descended on Alaska looking for background on the VP pick will find it all by the end of the week.
Still the article shows that her vetting was rushed at the last moment. So far McCain did know of most of the issues, but the question remains if they went deep enough. At this time we do not know if they found out everything about her. Already they found some obvious juicy items, but all McCain needs is some other unknown issue to come up that will sink his ship. Now I agree that the pregnancy is not such as big political deal. As I stated in another thread it might actually even be a boon for McCain, since man women will sympathize with her. The husbands old DUI is also no big deal. What can not be understated are her ethics violation charges. At this time the charges are still being investigated. We do not know what the out come will be until one week before the election. For all we know she could be found guilty of all charges. Even if she is not, the Dems will not let go of the issue. They will keep hammering away with it, instilling in voters minds that she is unethical. That will hurt McCain.
Send in the bloodhounds

An esteemed group of presidential historians,political analysts, and pundits kicked around the nomination of Senator McCain's pick of Governor Palin for the VP spot.
After moaning and wailing about her lack of experience and her being "a heartbeat away from the presidency" for about twenty minutes, the moderator asked Doris Kearns Goodwin (noted Presidential biographer of Lincoln) just what were the qualities needed to be a good president or VP candidate.
Her response: Honesty, being able to connect with people, tenaciousness humor, intelligence, curiosity and a history of learning from their mistakes.
Rhodes, the moderator then said, "but really there is no mention there of experience there is there?"
She said no I guess not...It took the rabid anti-Palin folk another twenty minutes to decide that McCain's pick was either crazy or brilliant.
It was mentioned that legions of investigative reporters are now in her home town looking to uncover more dirt--they believe ther's got to be more.
Personally, I think the pregnancy issue is stupid. The daughter is not the candidate. HOWEVER, whether or not it is actually a political matter is a whole other ball of wax. As noted, some will see it as refreshing. Others see such transgressions or perceived embarrassments as being significant political weaknesses.

I don't recall Billy Carter doing anything wrong, but he cost Jimmy a lot of votes. Bush's people wasted a bunch of political energy on his daughter's drinking escapades. Other Presidencies and campaigns have had similar issues with which to deal. It all comes down to the perception of the people come election day. It could be a significant issue if it bothers enough people, especially the fence sitters. Recent close elections are an indication of just how important fence sitters really are.
Forwarassist, what DNC Kool Aid are you drinking?

Seriously, this is stupid. A 20+ year old DWI for her husband from WHEN THEY WERE DATING. How is that in any way relavant when the actual candidate for the presidency on the opposition ticket was a coke head? Reaching a little here?

Her 17 year old daughter is pregnant. I know the left would have applauded had Palin driven her down to the clinic for an abortion. They would be even prouder if she waits until the last trimester! Parents know that kids screw up. You can give them all the guidance in the world but there is still the possibility they will do something stupid. This girl got pregnant. The rest of her life will be altered because of this. Responsibility is a hard thing and she is going to learn it, along with the father. Perhaps some other kids will see this and realize the implications of having sex. Abstinence would be best as it IS 100%. In this day and age though you cannot tell me a 17 year old doesn't know what a condom is even if their mother is not handing them out. As to the idiotic suggestion that was made by one poster on it commenting on Palin... Theodore Roosevelt's first child, Alice from his first wife, was famous for her wild ways while in DC. At the time it was very scandalous. When confronted with her behaviour Roosevelt responded:

President Roosevelt sighed and said, "I can either run the country or I can control Alice. I cannot possibly do both."

I know a thing or two about Teddy Roosevelt. I defy anyone to comment on his devotion to his family as a fault.

Palin was vetted. Items were bound to come up for two reasons:

1. Palin is a real person with a real family. She has not been vat grown to be a political animal as have many of the politicians we see today.

2. If needed the press will make things up.

The troopergate is also asinine. This trooper had been disciplined something like 12 times already and had used his department issue taser on his own stepson. This guy is bad news. If Palin had ordered his firing and there was no relation between them people would applaud her. Because she has let her dissatisfaction with him be known though and they are related it is made out to be the story of a cop attacked by the governor for family reasons. This cop is a thug and I could care less HOW he is removed as long as he is. The whole thing had no traction in AK and will die out in spite of the efforts by Obama and company to gain mileage out of it.
This cop is a thug and I could care less HOW he is removed as long as he is.

BTW, the guy that got fired as state police director had testified that he was not pressured while she was governor. The whole complaint was cooked up by the guy she beat in the election. If we take even half as close a look at Barry's nutjob family how long do you think his candidacy will hold up. This is a demonstration of the Democrat party's misogyny, attacking a woman's family believing it is the best way to wound her. Why is the press attacking Palin's family and not Barry's, I'll leave the conclusion as an exercise for the reader.
She better be thick skinned because she will have everything that even looks like a discrestion thrown out at her. Hope the stayed between the lines when she did her coloring in kindergarten....
There's a lot of discussion here about the widely disseminated pregnancy and DWI, which don't amount to much IMO, but do we think that Palin was indeed properly vetted? Or are we in for more surprises?
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