So Palin has a couple minor skeletons...

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"Just out of curiosity...what makes Palin qualified to hold the office of the presidency?"

The same thing that puts any elected official in office. The will of the people.
A picture of a seal proves what?
Hello! Did you miss the text: "You'll need to scroll through the pictures to the one of Sarah and her kids at the zoo."
What is a woman that has just given birth supposed to look like? There is no definite standard there. It is however easy to see she is not pregnant in this pic taken just under one month before she supposedly gave birth.
If you had scrolled through the pics, you'd have found your answer.

But your own illogic destroys your statement. If there is, as you say, "What is a woman that has just given birth supposed to look like? There is no definite standard there," then how is it "easy to see she is not pregnant in this pic taken just under one month before she supposedly gave birth"? Can you point to a definite standard as to how women are supposed to look one month before they give birth? If so, please provide that definite standard, and not just your version of it. Something objective that you can point to.
If this is the standard we can expect to see from the membership over the next few months; some BIG changes are going to be necessary here in L&P.

This is closed for terminal low-roadedness.
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