So Palin has a couple minor skeletons...

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I think the drunk driving analogy works pretty well. We all know kids will drive drunk, but I doubt we would see schools teaching kids to have coffee, roll the windows down in winter, and drive slowly so as not to be pulled over or crash. Similarly, we wouldn't teach kids the effects of drug use, and encourage them to only use clean herione.

Kids do think differently and hear "go ahead" when you actually said "be careful".

Basically, at least by what I hear second-hand (it's been many, many moons since I had to experience a sex-ed class), anytime you hear any form of birth control mentioned you're probably going to hear the failure rate mentioned in the same breath.

Could the bolded part be part of the basis for your conclusion?

In some districts sex ed invovles teaching fairly young children not just about birth control and how to use it, but about sexual practices other than copulation and how everything is A OK. That last part often isn't a heard as a recognition of what kids will do, but an endorsement of what they should do.

As I understand the abstinence programs, they involve peer support toward the end of not finding yourself naked on the golf course at 3am wishing you had a pocket full of condoms.
my question was if McCain's camp did their homework in checking out Palin's background

News articles about the vetting say 'yes' - pundits are arguing 'yes' or 'no' for their respective political purposes.

It would be interesting to know (I assume it may be routine) whether McCain's vetting team had surveys showing how the population would react to different scenarios.
In some districts sex ed invovles teaching fairly young children not just about birth control and how to use it, but about sexual practices other than copulation and how everything is A OK. That last part often isn't a heard as a recognition of what kids will do, but an endorsement of what they should do.
That's is a HUGE load of garbage. You have obviously never had any knowledge of sex ed except what you have heard from conservative christian talking heads.
Gentlemen, I don't believe a discussion on this topic (sex ed) is going to change any minds and is likely to lead to some harsh(er) words. Let's ask ourselves what purpose this serves.
In the long run, I think McCain has just locked up the Presidency for Obama.

I don't think so. American people know spin when they see it, and their
families have some of the same problems.

This witch hunt will back-fire on the DemocRats, if anything.
Well researched, even tempered and soundly reasoned. Excellent.
More so than you load of crap you posted. if you want to throw stones that is fine, but when you want to post something on the board how about trying to understand what you are talking about before posting a complete fabrication. I stand by what I have said. Please correct me if you have any true knowledge of sexual education. I somehow think you do not.
You just proved my point. You have zero first hand knowledge and are basing you statements solely on what you have been fed by pro-abstinence only talking heads. The Heritage Foundation no less. :rolleyes: :barf:
PbP said:
You just proved my point. You have zero first hand knowledge and are basing you statements solely on what you have been fed by pro-abstinence only talking heads. The Heritage Foundation no less.

I think sex ed is off topic guys.
PBP said:
You just proved my point. You have zero first hand knowledge and are basing you statements solely on what you have been fed by pro-abstinence only talking heads.

That wasn't your point. How could I know your point? Because you wrote it only a post above.

PBP said:
You have obviously never had any knowledge of sex ed except what you have heard from conservative christian talking heads.

So now that your claim is clearly untrue, you move on to a different argument.

I simply note that you have produced no authority that attempts to contradict the information you requested.
So now that your claim is clearly untrue, you move on to a different argument.
My claim is 100% true. You know absolutely nothing about sexual education yet you choose to make false statements condemning it and it's content. You then back up your statements only with biased propaganda, which is full of lies and exaggerations, from the Heritage Foundation. So what I said about you spreading false information based only on what you have been fed by right wing christian talking heads is completely true.

Abstinence only sexual education is a farce and those that support it cannot do so with a logical mind. Any politician that supports it shows a willingness to ignore the reality of what is best for America and the children simply to placate a very loud minority of narrow minded people. That is not a trait I want in an elected official.
The hysterical response from the lefties on the board convince me that this choice for VP is right spot on target. Bullseye.
...but my question was if McCain's camp did their homework in checking out Palin's background.

I've read that the fact of Palin's impending grandmotherhood was common knowledge in their town.

None of the emerging facts about the family are too concerning in themselves, but if McCain's campaign reflects his temperment and has an impetutous element, then it could signal a problem. Missing matters of common knowledge would be a bad sign in itself.

I haven't read social conservatives or feminists being especially upset about these revelations.
Palin's daughter being pregnant at 17 is far more innocent and less destructive than Obama's drug use at 17.

Also, I saw a video of Palin shooting an AR-15. She looked comfortable with it. I'd call her a gun-grabber, but in the sense that she grabs it on her way out to the moose hunt!
I will add that I have no issue what-so-ever with her having a pregnant teen daughter. I know firsthand how even the best intentions and most valiant efforts can go awry with some children. I do not even care if the stories that her youngest child was actually born to the same daughter, which I am starting to think is more valid than I originally thought. That is not exactly a new thing. My mother and grandmother did the same thing. There goal was to spare me and my mother the ridicule that came with having a child when you just turned 15.

My problem is with anyone willing to do these things yet still try to appear pious in the eyes of the public and continue to preach from their soapbox against the very issues on which they themselves seem to be failing. I do not tolerate someone pointing a finger at others while pulling a curtain over their own shortcomings in the same arena.

I am also more concerned about her abuse of power while trying to get her brother-n-law fired.
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