Shooting and Moving Practice-- In your house

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I think the laser has a role in self defense shooting just like point shooting does and just like aimed shooting does.
First off, I never mentioned lasers, you did.

But, for the record, I've always said here that it's point shooting out to about 20 ft, laser out to about 50ft and sights past that. It's a combination....a system.

I tout Lasergrips because they work and are indeed an immediate tactical advantage. You simply superimpose the laser on the threat.
That's 'real' Threat Focused shooting and it's very accurate.

Many master trainers use them for training and recommend them for defense/carry. They are superior to any sight system for old or weak eyes, in low light, darkness, indoors, from over/under/around cover and from awkward positions. That's just fact.
The master trainers teach all that. They're champion shooters and military/LE trainers like Jim Cirillo, Ernie Langdon, Ken Hackathorn, Mas Ayoob, Tod Jarret, et al. Ever heard of those guys?

I often explain that a deviation of 1/4" at the barrel either up, down or sideways is a massive 16" deviation @ 20ft. A mere 1/8" deviation is an 8" deviation at 20 ft....enough to wing a stationary target, but usually a complete miss of the com. Ponder that.
Throw in movement, the semi-reality of moving, bladed, shoot/no-shoot targets, etc and you'd better be a damn good shot.
With a laser you just place the dot and you 'will' hit that spot. Accuracy rules.

Learn here:
Laser Training and Defense Technique Video.....
Master Trainers Video.....

Ask your next instructor if he'd be willing to go up against a trained laser equipped bad guy in low light or darkness.
His answer will tell you a lot. :)

Well, they'll probably lock this thread now, but just maybe one more person will have gotten the message that could save his life.
First off, I never mentioned lasers, you did.

Uh, and Crimson Trace and laser sights that you've been touting uses red fairies, I suppose. You can't honestly not understand that the little red light comes from a laser since 7 of your replys were promoting laser sights or Crimson Trace in particular?

Now I am insulted, at least my intelligence is. You can play your sophomore debate games with other trainers all you want, but I was decent enough to answer your questions as someone who'd taken the course and you shift from word games to lying.

Buh by, Skytroll.
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My sincere apologies to you, hso. I never meant to offend your sensibilities or your intelligence.
You are exactly right, I did mention Lasergrips and laser sighting in other posts. But, I did not consciously lie.

I suppose I was caught up in our 'immediate' conversation about your satisfaction from Quick Kill training and my curiousity about the actual training technique, targets, etc. That stuff is never mentioned in the marketing.
I did learn though, that there are more advanced levels to that system....and more to learn.

I'm equally sorry that you chose not to respond to the actual gist of my post which contained some very valuable information, videos and testimonials from world class 'master' trainers....... and chose only to respond to my bad.

Finally, I don't want to debate the merits of so many of the commercialized self defense businesses here. It's like debating the merits of the various martial arts. It goes nowhere.
All I ever say is that I do judo. :))
I agree with Sweatnbullets when he said that this was a very informative thread and it is rare that we see so much agreement on the "fundamentals" of shooting on the move. BUT it seems to have gotten sidetracked because of the "one-up-man-ship" and "I just gotta have the last word" by some individuals and that takes all the fun out of even reading the damn thread. Too much bickering because someone is just too damn stubborn to admit that maybe there is more then one way to skin a cat spoils it for everyone. Why must everyone insist that their way is the only way? Chill out guys, life is too short.
Buh by, Skytroll.
Skytroll??? :rolleyes:

Why must everyone insist that their way is the only way? Chill out guys, life is too short.
Riverrat66 said it for me.

Well, they'll probably lock this thread now

For the record guys, we can't, and wouldn't even if we could, monitor private messages. Private means just that. You can beat each other silly via PM's, but when you take it to the forums, it's a Problem, and Problems lead to locked threads, at the least.

Understand that I'm not taking sides here. Several here have displayed extremely parochial views, and debates should always result in something constructive. When neither side will concede a point, nothing constructive comes of it. Consider my sig line,....please!
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