Sellers remorse

Only one bothered me enough to go buy it back (5 years later). My Glock 20 that I put a KKM Barrel on. As much as I complained about the gun, I have to respect what it could do so I bought it back.
I've regret selling a couple of pistols in the past. You never really feel the regret until you agree to sell it (or just after :( )
I do miss complaining about my old mini-14. Kind of like a crazy Ex-girlfriend that you knew better than to get involved with but did anyway.
The only regret I have for selling is that there were a couple I wish I had waited longer to sell. I would have gotten 5 times what I sold them for. At the time of the sale they went for what was a high price then so I did not hesitate a bit to sell them.
In a nutshell... I've sold and/or traded more than I currently own. And, I own more that most folks I know (although many on this forum probably have me beat). In all cases that I remember, I sold or traded so that I could purchase something nicer, more expensive, and/or that I simply wanted more. As a result, my collection has improved over the years. So far, I've not had seller's remorse regarding any particular firearm I let go. Occasionally, I think it would be nice to have them all. But, I'm content. :) In fact, I've entered unknown territory this year... I can't think of any firearm that I want to buy for myself for Christmas! Help!
Sold or traded many, many of them over the last 30+ years as my tastes and circumstances changed. Only regret I have is that some of them would have sold for much more had I held onto them longer, so no real remorse in that regard. There are a few I regret not buying when I had the opportunity, but no sense crying over spilled milk either. I think my "collection" has gone through it's final evolution and I don't really have any serious thoughts of adding to or selling any of the one's I still have.
Under normal circumstances, I would never sell or trade any of my guns. That's actually something that I had never really thought of before joining this forum, but after seeing a lot of the people here have seller's remorse, I think I'd be better off just saving up money to buy whatever other guns I may want.

I could break another of my rules dealing with milsurps, and bubba one of them

I think we may have the same rules, but please don't break that one!
I couldn't reach my goal if I sold any guns!

Die with more guns in my closet than my years on the planet!

I did sell some when I was younger. I regret that now, because I would be closer to reaching my goal!

We all need to set goals!
Not me but . . .

. . . I had a co-worker who sold me a Ruger Super Blackhawk for $250.00.

About 12 years later he insisted I sell it back to him. He simply "wanted his gun back" as he put it.

He offered me $500.

I told him he could get a brand new one for $615 (at that time) he said, "I don't care. I want my gun back."

I sold it to him for $500 and bought a brand new one, in stainless, for $115 more.

We were both happy.

I bought a nice Marlin/Glenfield model 60 .22 rifle brand new in 1973. A couple of years later my cousin was looking for a .22 rifle, and I sold it to him. My interests had shifted to cars and motorcycles, but I did have a twinge of seller's remorse. A couple more years passed and at that point he needed money, so I bought it back for $25. Still have it, and I probably will never sell it or anything else I've got.
I sold the first gun I ever bought, a Bersa Thunder 380 to help cover the cost of a Kimber Ultra Carry II. I learned about the weakness of the 380 and wanted to have better stopping power. The Kimber has served me well over the years and I'm glad I have it.

That being said I could've come up with another $250. I regret selling it. It was my first firearm. Barring financial catastrophe I have no intention of ever selling one again.
One of my favorite camp and trail guns was a Ruger Super Single Six .22lr/.22wrm convertible, but I was doing a lot of rafting and canoe trips in those days, so I decided I needed a stainless steel gun. I traded the little Ruger for a stainless S&W model 63 kit gun. I could live with that, but a few years later, my best friend borrowed it to teach his new wife how to shoot. She fell in love with it and he hounded me for a year until I sold it to him for her.
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I sometimes question the sale, but then I have never later bought the same exact gun that I once sold.
This tells me I made the right decision.

So many new gun designs, I don't need to hoard gun safe queens.
Sold at least 30 over the past 5 years and only kind of regret 3 of those sales.

Only kind of because they where still a great sale and allowed me to buy something else but if I wanted to replace those 3 they would be hard to come by. 1970's SW model 71, Colt 1903 and CZ83 in .32. All in like new condition and commanded premium prices IE the model 71 sold for $1100, 1903 for $900 and CZ for $700.
I think I have bought nearly 100 handguns in the last 30 years or so, and sold or traded nearly all of them.

Regrets? Yeah, maybe two or three.
Percentage-wise, that's a drop in the bucket.

Tell you what.

If I had never sold or traded anything, I might have owned fifteen or so total firearms by now...and would have missed out on owning, shooting, carrying and deciding about the other 85 or so.

I'd probably still own a WWI 1911 (not A1) and not know any better.

I'd probably still own a POS Rossi M68, and think that this was the state of the revolver art.

I'd probably still own a G-23, and think that was as good as it got.

Regrets? No, not many at all. :rolleyes:
The only one I have ever been sorry about was a S&W 629-4 Backpacker with 2.5" barrel. It was a long time ago and I really needed the money, but still..... One I've never regreted was a NAA .22 mag. with 1 7/8 barrel. Traded it for a Remington Model 7 in 6mm. Best trade I ever made.
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I only trade or sell off guns that I have no real attachment to, that don't get shot, or that I have no real need for.
Then again, I buy guns that I don't want or need, when they present themselves at a great price, for exactly this trade or sell for a profit later.
I never sell or trade for less money than I paid or traded into it for. Guns aren't holy to me like they are to some people, so when I have one that doesn't ring my bell, I will get rid of it, and have never suffered sellers remorse.
I did sell a gun for MUCH less than I should have though. That sucked and stung a lot once i figured out what I did.
The gun would still have been sold, but for much more. Learned my lesson, and research my guns if I am unsure, and always bring the smartphone with me to gunshows to research, for this exact reason