Sellers remorse

Regret selling or trading a LONG time ago a S&W 66 snub, a Model 19-1, and a Colt Python 6 inch nickel...what I could get for those now. But being older and wiser I have made money on many others and keep what I really want. I also regret not buying every M1 carbine and Garand I could lay my hands on back in the day...but back in the day I was poor :)
Regret selling or trading a LONG time ago a S&W 66 snub, a Model 19-1, and a Colt Python 6 inch nickel...what I could get for those now.
This is kinda funny. Most are talking about seller's remorse... wishing we had an old favorite back so that we could shoot it & enjoy it.

Your remorse doesn't sound like that at all. You wish you had it back... so you could sell it again for more money! :p

If that were the case, we'd have seller's remorse over anything and everything EVER sellable, if there's a market for it today. Imagine if your parents still owned the first house they bought, and what THEY could sell it for today. (well, for the most part! :p)
I sell and trade a lot with my guns but there is only one that I sold that I wish I had back. About a year ago I sold a pristine condition Russian Makarov for $180 which is what I gave for it a few months earlier. At the time I needed the cash and thought it would be the easiest gun that I owned to replace. Now a year later the price of a Makarov has gone up to over $300 on average in my area. I loved the gun for the history and how well it shot, but with the increase in price I just can't justify spending the cash on one now knowing what I both bought and sold one for a year earlier.
Over the last year or so I've sold/traded/gifted to the point that I now have about half of what I had. I have no one to leave them to , so, I decided I didn't need such a big (to me anyway) collection. They're just material objects and have no real meaning to me other than the Ruger Single Six that was my dad's and I will not sell.

The only regret for me on any of them is if I would have sold them during the most recent panic I could have done pretty well with a few of them. Oh, well. Other than that I don't really miss any of them.
I've bought, sold and traded hundreds of guns in nearly 30 years of knocking around this game. Only 3 handguns have I ever regretted getting rid of.

A custom (done by Larry Kelly at Magna-Port) Smith model 29, 3" round butt, Magna-ported barrel, custom grips and a hard chrome finish. It was my EDC gun for a couple of years when I worked at a gun store.

A Smith model 27, 8 3/8" barrel, pinned and recessed. Probably the most accurate handgun I've ever fired.

And the worst, a Colt 1911 (no A1), WW1 era that I got from the widow of the Marine Officer that carried it through 2 conflicts. I even had his holster. I shot the old war horse some, and then a collector liked it a LOT more than I did and made me an offer I couldn't refuse. I sold it for enough of a profit to buy 4 VERY nice guns. I REALLY wish I had that one back.

I've also regretted the loss of a few long guns (mostly a 375 H&H), but these are the 3 handguns that I most regret letting lose of.

This may not be directly in line to the OP. but my "stable" has 3 kinds of guns in it: 1)The guns I will NEVER EVER get rid of due to a multitude of factors both practical and sentimental, 2)the guns I like but don't love, and 3)the guns I have that were either great deals or part of a trade and I don't really care if I keep them or not.

Thing is, I LOVE guns. I also LOVE the art of the deal. Buying/selling/trading is a TON of fun for me, lets me put more guns into my hands than otherwise would be possible, and I get to know and share stories with all kinds of people. I'll always have the guns I really want, and I get to have fun with the others. :)

Oh, and to the point - The only seller's remorse I've had was my 6" Model 19 sold 20 years ago for college money. Guess what though? I just found one for the SAME PRICE last month. The gun gods were smiling on me that day!
I had a 22LR and a Lee-Enfield I sold. I regret the 22, only because i only have a single shot and i miss having the semi auto. I have no regrets about the Enfield(it was a hunting rifle i never used). I make a point never to sell a gun that was passed down by family, as i know i will regret that later.
It is an accepted risk. Unless you are independently wealthy, you must sometimes make choices in life. If you want to buy B, you may have to sell A.

If you already own X number of guns (and X may be 3, or 10, or 20) then you may not have the funds for X+1. So you sell an existing one to fund a new one. To be clear...your choices are a) selling something you own, or b) keeping what you own, and never experiencing something that you would like to own.

To many of us, that is an easy choice...especially if we own 3, 10 or 20....if there is something I really want, I don't have too much trouble figuring out which one I am not getting much use from.

In this manner, I have managed to own about 100 different guns in the last 20 years...ten at a time. Similarly, I have managed to own 80+ motorcycles in my life (so far), two, or three, or four at a time.

Would I like to own all of them at once? Sure. But that would never have happened. Am I happy having owned a bunch of them for a limited time? Absolutely...because I have kept (or bought another example of) the ones that I liked the best.

And if I hadn't owned them all, how would I know which ones I liked the best? :)
It is an accepted risk. Unless you are independently wealthy, you must sometimes make choices in life. If you want to buy B, you may have to sell A.

I agree with this. I am still relatively young, still owe a bit on college loans, and probably don't make as much as some of you older guys on here. Alot of times I have to sell a gun to get something else I want, even if I really like that gun. I am about to sell my Sig 232 which I absolutely love for a Bodyguard 380 and putting the rest of the money towards saving up for a Shield 9mm. Between the two of those guns, the 232 will never see carry use, and as much as I love the gun I wont need it. Maybe someday I will get another, but for the time being it just doesn't make sense for me to keep a gun that wont see much use.

In this manner, I have managed to own about 100 different guns in the last 20 years...ten at a time. Similarly, I have managed to own 80+ motorcycles in my life (so far), two, or three, or four at a time.

Would I like to own all of them at once? Sure. But that would never have happened. Am I happy having owned a bunch of them for a limited time? Absolutely...because I have kept (or bought another example of) the ones that I liked the best.

And if I hadn't owned them all, how would I know which ones I liked the best?

This has also been my experience. I currently only own 6 guns, but in the process of buying, selling, and trading, I have owned over 20. I enjoyed most of them, and in the process found out what I like and don't like. Sure I wish I could have kept most of them, and probably will buy some of the ones I sold again, but it's not the end of the world.
I can sometimes see the necessity in selling a firearm, especially one that does not have much sentimental value or does not see much use. But for me, I have never sold a gun and I never plan on it either. I say that I don't plan on it, but you never know what circumstances may come up. My wife and my son come way before any material object.

Most of the guns that I currently own are guns that have been in my family for generations or have some kind of special meaning or memory and I would have a VERY hard time letting something like that go. All of my guns see use and are, for the most part, well taken care of. They have been passed down through my family and I look forward to one day passing them down to my son (along with a few more aquisitions along the way).
I'm not so sure that you and Cheapshooter are riding in the same boat anymore. Seems that I recall Cheapshooter recently hanging a "For Trade" sign on a Mauser rifle after a Model 94 Winchester threw a seductive wink his way...

Guilty as charged! However, the Mauser wasn't a one and only in my safe, and the Winchester turned out to be sweeeeeeeet!

Sometimes there just has to be exceptions, and I think a run of the mill, fairly common "duplicate" I had a few bucks more than a C-note in for an excellent condition, "I don't have" worth 3X the money was one of those exceptions. No decrease in numbers, just an addition of a caliber, model, and action that I didn't have.:D
I bought and sold the same lever action Winchester 44 mag carbine 3 times in a year. I would use it to trade for a pistol then regret it. At present a friend of mine owns it . he bought it from dealer last time I traded it and I have tried to buy it. He refuses to sell to me . He old and I have ask him to put it in his will to go to me. I don't know what is about the rifle I want it but then I really always find a reason to trade it for a different gun .
Only one I regret selling was a BHP, used the funds to buy a Gold Cup.
I have bought and sold a lot as a result of thinking it was something I wanted.
Case in point, I have always liked single action revolvers but every time I get the bug I wind up selling it soon after purchase, at least this has been the case with four Rugers. Just can't get comfortable with the plow handle grip and long hammer throw. Last one I ordered was a Blackhawk Bisley hunter, imagine my disappointment when it arrived with a plow handle grip, traded it three months later for a Smith 625 and have never regretted it. Still get the bug once in a while especially since Colt has revived the New frontier.
Other than that I traded a Berretta 96F for a Sig 229 because the Berretta couldn't group, for me, worth a damn and a Walther PPKs because the magazine kept falling out and the trigger was terrible.
I have "seller's remorse" every time, for one reason or another. I always look at it this way: seller's remorse, right after the sale, is probably just normal for me. I have more concern for how I feel about it, 6 months down the road. In THAT context, there is only one gun which I truly miised.... and I cured that, a year later, by getting another one.
Cheapshooter's rules of gun ownership #1: NEVER SELL OR TRADE ANYTHING!

Sometimes there just has to be exceptions,

So I guess it should read: Cheapshooter's rules of gun ownership #1: NEVER SELL OR TRADE ANYTHING! UNLESS...

I so looked up to you, Cheapshooter, and you so let me down. But you did teach me to never say never...:D
Well dgludwig, that was my one and only exception to my rule. Although I do have a pair of nearly identical Yugo SKS rifles, one of which may end up as #2. Or I could break another of my rules dealing with misurps, and bubba one of them up with all the useless aftermarket crap!:eek:
Nah, I'd rather just turn It into something I don't have, and really want. Like a Chinese milsurp SKS, or a Finn M/N. Either one would be a net gain in value considering I have 99 bucks in one of the Yugo's, and $119 in the other one. I ordered a shooter grade SKS looking for a grafiti rifle that had been adorned by some Yugo dude, and got a like new, likely never issued rifle. Ordered another shooter grade and got another one just like It. So now I have two very nice identical Yugo SKS's
Had a .50 BMG Noreen ULR and a Springfield SOCOM 16 in a Sage EBR chassis I both let go.

Regretted both sales almost immediately after selling :(