Sellers remorse

so for all the guys saying they never have and never will sell their guns. What if something happened and you really needed money? Would you still not be able to part with them? Im not trying to stir the pot or anything im really just curious
I'll probably take heat for this, but I have never regretted getting rid of any of my 1911 pistols;) I have owned 3, a Springfield, Colt, and a Kimber.
"so for all the guys saying they never have and never will sell their guns. What if something happened and you really needed money? Would you still not be able to part with them? Im not trying to stir the pot or anything im really just curious "

I would sell the shoes off my feet and shirt off my back if that is what it took to feed my family.

But I have much more money set aside than the total value of all my guns. The only thing I buy on credit is real estate. The house will be paid off in 4 years and I could pay it off this minute in cash if need be. I have never spent money on "stuff". Guns and the occasional blade are my only indulgences.

Before the kids, while my wife was working, we saved about 60% of what we made. We do live well but always find ways to save every month. I admit that we have been blessed in that we have never run into anything we had not prepared for but we are prepared.
About 25 years ago and before I knew better, (not that I know all now, because I'm still learning expensive lessons), I had a Security Six. I had just finished reading "Handgun Stopping Power" and decided I had to start reloading 125 gr JHP 357 mag. rounds. Damn thing shot low, way low. One more click on the rear sight and the screw came out of the threads. So I filed some off the front sight (then more and more) and still low. Figured it wasn't going to do what I wanted so I traded it off on a long barreled H&R .22. (that didn't do what I wanted either). Have done a little trading since but I'll sleep on it now.
Several times.....................that's why I no longer sell any gun!
I just pack them away, nice and clean....................never know when I or someone else might want to shoot them again. :D
I would not sell it because the American Classic II by Metro Arms is one of the

best 1911's I have ever shot. Very good fit and finish.

Very accurate, I routinely shoot the cap off of soda bottles at 30 feet. I know

it is made in the Philippines, as well, a best kept secret!!!
Sold my Model 66-2, 2 1/2", to a co-worker. She sold it back to me for same price, and I'm really glad she did. It's worth about twice what I paid for it, and it's my favorite range gun. Also, I carried it on the job, so it has sentimental value. Have not sold any other guns.
I have regretted selling and trading every gun I've ever done it with. This is why I don't do it anymore. If I had a gun I disliked I would but otherwise no way.

I am normally in the Cheapshooter camp, being pretty much anti-sell. There have been a couple of notable exceptions, though.

I used to have a Beretta 21A mouse gun in 22LR. I liked the gun and it was a neat, tiny package. But I sort of lost faith in it as a defensive or backup gun, and if you did not keep it meticulously clean it might turn into a single shot on you. I traded it plus $80 on a Mossberg pump shotgun at the evil pawn shop. It was a fun plinker when it worked properly and I sort of miss it, but do not regret the trade. If I get another, it will probably be in .25 ACP.

More recently, I bought a Savage Axis in .223 and then came upon hard times. I decided I would sell it, and replace it with a nicer bolt .223 when times got better. That is still the plan, and I should be able to replace it shortly. The $200 meant more to me than the gun at the time.

Those are my only two notable situations. Again, I normally don't sell because if something works properly that is valuable to me and you can't be sure you'll be as fortunate when you buy used - or even possibly when buying new (granted this is rare). So I can't quite say "never" the way Cheapshooter and others do... but I am at peace with what has happened. Anyway, that is my story on selling stuff.
Here's my deal. I'm relatively poor. If I buy a gun, it's because I REALLY wanted it, and waited a long time to get it, but, the only firearm I've ever felt I needed (as in, SHTF, or, if you could only have one gun, or these types of things) was a 12 gauge pump. That, I will never trade.
With all that being said, I've made the mistake of trading away some of those guns I had lusted after for so long. I've seriously considered adopting that rule, NEVER SELL OR TRADE ANYTHING.
A little bit now and again, but I find that I get over it pretty quickly. I did let go of a WWI Erfurt manufactured Luger a few years ago that I still regret now and again. That is until I remember that it was very picky about ammo and spent more time failing to feed than shooting. I traded it for a Colt Lawman Mk III snubbie. I still own that chunky beast. It shoots everytime I pull the trigger. So even that one I've gotten over.
I've sold or traded 4 firearms in my life:

- Mossberg 500. Good gun, but didn't do anything my Wingmaster couldn't do. No regrets.

- S&W 4586. Good gun, but hated the trigger. Traded for a Hi-Power. No regrets.

- S&W M37 Flat-Latch. Good gun, but wasn't being used. Sold it to a husband and wife that needed a reliable gun because they lived in a tough area. I have a few regrets, but it went to a good home.

- Glock 22. Good gun but never cared for the caliber. Traded for a CZ SP01 Phantom. No regrets.
I used to feel seller's remorse.

Now, when I sell a gun, it is because I buy a gun I want more. I just sold a 1911 and bought two Glocks (24 and 30S). I am infinitely happier, and know that ditching that safe queen for two guns I will get more enjoyment from will make me happier.

Now, I really don't like the idea of selling guns without buying a replacement.

You can't own them all, and its a dynamic market. Funds are usually limited. Buying, selling, trading is half the fun.
Only sells and trades I have regretted are the ones my dad made. He was always selling and trading when he was really active in shooting, not so much anymore. The worst one, for me, was when he got rid of 3 S&W mod. 29's 4", 6", 8&3/8" all in nickel. I really wanted those. :mad:
I've also never sold or even traded a gun before...but I might be soon. My wife and I both don't like her Sig P250 so I might be looking to trade it away. I really don't like it so I doubt I'll be sad to see it go.