Sellers remorse

I am with Cheapshooter on this.

I have never sold or traded a gun.

I'm not so sure that you and Cheapshooter are riding in the same boat anymore. Seems that I recall Cheapshooter recently hanging a "For Trade" sign on a Mauser rifle after a Model 94 Winchester threw a seductive wink his way...:D
Sold lots of guns. There is only one that I wish I'd kept, but I found another identical to it a few years later so all is well.
Have sold and traded many. Some with regrets, others without. The ones I sold just because I needed money were the hard ones. The ones I sold or traded for the want of something new, no so much. I also find myself rethinking my collection. I have an affinity for Sigs and half of what I have is Sigs. But I now am slowly selling them off to afford other more expensive items. I will miss some of them, but I will enjoy owning and shooting the ones they become(new purchases). Sometimes it is an evolution of your needs/wants with little to regret. The ones sold for the need of money are always the ones you want back, regrardless if they are what you need or want now.
Sellers remorse yea but such is life .
Owning guns and selling is like drinking beer .
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By the time I decide to sell/trade a gun, it's dead to me. No regrets. A lot of thought went into it.

One rule I do have though, is there is always another gun in the deal. I don't sell guns just for the money, though there may be cash back in the deal.
If I sell/trade one, it's because there's a reason for it - either I just don't use it anymore or there's a feature I don't like but didn't realize when I purchased it. Remorse, if present, usually fades fast.

To be honest, the only "remorse" I've felt in a long time is not in selling/trading but in "buying". I was starting to shoot a lot more rimfire. I wanted a Sig 1911-22 and found one at a great price. I even switched out the grips with some nice double diamond checkered ones - looks sharp. Unfortunately, it sits and I've only fired a few rounds out of it. The ammo is just still too hard to find. So, I do have remorse over purchasing a new handgun that I can't use. It's not the handgun - it's nice - just nothing to feed it. A sign of the times . . sigh . . . :rolleyes:
Guns are like cars. Their cool factor tends to degrade until that benchmark is hit where you mentally justify selling it for a "better" gun. At least with me that's the case.
I am with Cheapshooter on this too.

I have only once sold a gun - actually a pair. They were worn out, brass framed Colt Navy replicas which a buddy (an honest to God, Special Forces Vietnam Veteran) asked if I would sell them to him. He just wanted them as wall hangers and I knew I wouldn't be shooting them so I could not turn him down.

My taste in guns is broad and changes from time to time but it almost always cycles back. So I know that if I ever wanted a gun, regardless of how I feel about it right now, I will one day want to have that gun again. It will only cost me more to buy the same gun again in the future - if I can locate one.
Buying, selling, trading guns's sort of an evolution. Our tastes and desires change over the years and these changes keep life interesting. If I were to just keep a few guns around to admire I would be stuck in a rut. Guns are to shoot and enjoy and like the old saying goes 'variety is the spice of life". So I say " get out there and enjoy it while you can".
I enjoy a nostalgic old gun just like the next guy but I'm not going to let my life revolve around it.
Only once,,,

I once made an accidental purchase on gunbroker.

I was waiting for an auction to end and out of boredom,,,
I placed a ridiculously low bid on a pristine 3" LadySmith in .38 Special.

I won the auction.

A lady acquaintance of mine had a model 36 snubbie,,,
She was doing good to hit the ground with it,,,
I let her try the 3" LadySmith one day,,,
She became Annie Oakley incarnate.

She begged me to sell her the LadySmith,,,
So I let her have it for the same amount I paid,,,
Including shipping and transfer that was a mere $375.

At least I think that was the price,,,
I've slept since then. :o

My sellers remorse kicked in almost immediately,,,
It was tempered by the knowledge that my friend was better protected.


Yeah I have, several times and it's my idiot fault, nobody made me.

I had bought a brand new Dan Wesson CBOB for just over $1K several years back. Loved it, it was beautiful an boy would that thing shoot! For some unknown reason I traded it in one day (on another DW) at Buds in Lexington thinking it wouldn't be a big deal to find another one. I kick myself a thousand times for that, but hopefully somebody somewhere is enjoying it.

Did something similar with a DW VBOB, which overall was a nicer gun than the CBOB, but for whatever reason I miss the CBOB more.

Yeap, don't own this anymore

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Yes and no...They're some I still miss, others I don't care about selling or trading. But the ones I miss I really miss...Don't think about the ones I got rid of that were crappy IMO.

Depends. We know how you feel, sorry man.
Along time ago ... I'm as old as dirt ... I thought it only wise to have 1 shotgun, 1 rifle and 1 handgun. So I bought a 6mm Remington Bolt action, and a 30-06 bolt action figuring I decide which one with use. Then I bought a Marlin 1894C and a S&W 686, a Marlin 1894 and a S&W 629 followed by a USGI M1 ,30 Carbine and a Ruger Blackhawk in same. Again the idea was with use I decide which to keep.

I had read, 'Beware the one gun shooter.' I figured by limiting my firearms to one rifle, one carbine and one handgun and select one ammunition choice for each that I would benefit.

Well it sounds good, but I have been unable to make that selection to this day. In fact I have added a couple more .44 magnums and .357 magnums. I find by doing that my selection gets even more complicated rather than simpler.

I finally decided that I'll let my kids and grandkids make that selection for me after I pass. It seems a whole lot easier that way and I will continue to shoot all of them at a leisurely pace.
I don't do much seller's remorse, honestly. Fact is, I don't sell my guns all too often. Occasionally, I'll do a bit of an "upgrade", where I specifically buy something that is better or different (in a way I prefer) and I'll move a similar one out, and I've not yet had any remorse in that regard.

I've assisted friends in selling guns where I feel a little remorse in that I couldn't convince myself to step up and buy it myself to keep, but that's not even all too bad simply because it's AWFULLY difficult to get a selling price they want/need and ALSO get a buy price that makes me happy.

I can tell you, at least from my experience, that some kinds are far more likely to have the ability to produce true remorse than others. If it's some manner of a classic or something well out of production, be careful. If it's something they make zillions of and distribute by the crate (such as an import, budget 1911 as in the original post), I just don't see such a strong attachment to something that is so easily replaced simply by running to the closest local gun store on a super saturday sale.
I used to have regrets about guns I didn't buy, but I do things far differently today than I did in most of my past. :D

I don't buy everything I come across, but I'm far more active in the game than I ever was and typically, if I walk away from the opportunity to buy, it's because it wasn't the right deal, for whatever reason.

I may have remorse about things I didn't buy (that I should have), but those are all *OLD* regrets and I'm not compiling new ones. ;)