Kelo v. New London
With this decision, the Court has permanently equated USE = PURPOSE, on nothing more than the flimsiest of grounds.
Justice Stevens said:
"...the city is trying to coordinate a variety of commercial, residential, and recreational land uses, with the hope that they will form a whole greater than the sum of its parts."
(emphasis added)
When the government of the United States exceeds its legitimate enumerated powers, the courts have the authority, indeed the duty, to declare that exercise of power unconstitutional. On the one hand, progressive's tend to reject the notion that the courts have a role in protecting property rights. After all, property should be held in common for the common good and you are not a property owner, just its caretaker. While on the other hand, conservatives call for Judicial Restraint. Let congress do what it must and trust the "democratic" process to quell misuse. Thus effectively achieving the same goal as the progressive's: Bigger and more powerful government at the expense of basic Liberties.
Was the results of this decision unexpected? Only to those that thought the Congress, the President or the Courts respected individual liberties. They do not. What they respect is money... And the corporations that make that money. We are not talking about small business here. We are speaking of large nearly monolithic entities that have the time, the resources and the money to peddle their influence to whatever political source they can, that will ally themselves with the corporation.
This decision not only guts what's left of private property rights, but also legitimizes governmental corruption down to the level of your local city council, your unelected zoning commission and your city or county planning commission.
While I generally agree with Thomas, even he gets it wrong when dealing with the reality of eminent domain. It has been my experience and that of many others that "Fair Market Price" is almost never offered. Generally the land is first condemned. This has the immediate effect of making market price literally pennies on the dollar. That is what is offered to "buy you out." This land is then turned around and sold, again for pennies on that dollar, to the developer.
In view of the reality, eminent domain should never occur. The founders blew this one.
Eminent Domain has only one real use in a Free Society: To provide for public roads and in some cases, public buildings.
As Commerce was redefined to equal economics in Gonzales v. Raich, so another constitutional term has been redefined. Public use is now equal to Public Purpose.
I was going to write yet another dispassionate and scholarly essay. But the more I thought about this, the more enraged I became. Two cases, published within 20 days of one another have completely gutted the very reasons for the existence of this country. This didn't happen overnight, to be sure. Precedent upon precedent was added. The slippery slope has been achieved.
In Raich, the commerce clause power of the Federal Government has been broadened so far that it is doubtful that there is any limit to it at all. But while this issue is meaningful to some few of us, for most Americans, it means little or nothing. Eyes glaze over at the mention of such esoteric thoughts.
But Kelo... Now here's a decision that will strike at the gut of the Average American. This is something that everyone will understand. We live our lives, safe in the thought that we can own our property. Our House. The American Dream... Now to be confronted by the possibility that some wealthy developer can come along and convince (a little contribution to their campaign fund?) your city council or county commissioners that for a "fair" price, they will build a strip mall and the city will get back 10 times the revenue in property taxes and sales taxes that they would not get by letting the little people own their homes.
Of what use is the academic essay? To sit back in their lofty chairs and mumble to each other about how bad it could get? Sorry. It's already Bad. Really, really bad.
This is not a taking. It is out and out theft, legally condoned by those Black Robes who sit on a bench in D.C., unelected, unaccountable to anyone, for life.
When the Joe and Jane Sixpacks of America get thrown out on their ear, by some wealthy developer... How many will stand humbly by and bend over?
Do these idiots in Washington not know what they have done? This is the firestorm issue.