There's something here that you don't quite understand. Because of a decision back in 1803 that was never challenged (Marbury v. Madison), the Supreme Court has the power of Judicial Review. This power means that only the Supreme Court can interpret what the Constitution means (what the meaning of "is" is).redhawk41 wrote:
this amendment proposal is based soley on emotional response to this obviously unconstitutional ruling.
Therefore, any decision by this Court is absolutely Constitutional. To say that something they have ruled on is unconstitutional, is in fact a constitutional contradiction. There is only one way out. Amend the Constitution to define exactly what the phrase, "public use," means. And this needs to be done before the next case comes before them and they rule that even the states don't have the power to say what it means.
That is the two options before us. 1) Have our state laws or constitutions amended to define the terms (a stop gap measure). 2) Amend the Constitution itself.
There is always another option. Has to do with the real meaning of the Second. I don't propose that option because no one has the stomach for it.