SCOTUS: Cities may seize homes at will... Kelo v. New London (merged)

Only after I've run out of ammo will they even get close enough to take my property, and even then I still got the bayonet :mad: :mad:
Me, I'm very interested in which direction this is going to go. Private property Rights have been one of the main corner stones of this country and the SCOTUS has just sent in the wrecking ball and blasted it to bits.

The American dream of owning a piece of America and living out your life in happiness and without fear has just been blown away. There is no longer an American Dream because you may have paid for it, but it's not yours and can be taken on a whim.

Interesting time we live in. I know what would have happened about 260 or so years ago, but I'm interested in knowing what will happen now.

I agree with jonathon.
I think this will push enough people into a Minute Man mentality to make a stand

Didn't John Titor say that the civil war would start in 05 and that something like this would be the catalyst? :(
well the bottom line is that we the voters get our collective sh*t together and remind the politicians who is the boss...until we do that its gonna be downhill.
I think this will push enough people into a Minute Man mentality to make a stand

It might be a worthy project to form... mobilization starts when a piece of property is declared stolen, and doesn't end till the nazi's back down..

Guys, things WON'T change if you vote. We can not change the Supreme Court as it is. Only action can change them. Voting just got thrown out the window.
Who's gonna remind these appointed for life backbiting judges

When you get the politicians attention they can do a lot of things....

Congress can do some mean stuff to get the attention of other parts of government when they want too......

The other is impeachment or political pressure. Judges can be fired and have been fired.

Some Judges who have done stupid things have felt the wrath of John Q. Public via the politicinas and have mended thier evil ways.

If enough folks write the politicians about this and make phone calls and the response is overwhelming...things could be done.
Congress CAN override a decision by the "Supreme" Court, but it ain't easy, especially if Americans don't put on the pressure.

Wayne. Interesting times. I'm reminded of the ancient Chinese curse, "May you live in interesting times". :(
It might be a worthy project to form... mobilization starts when a piece of property is declared stolen,
Some time after The Waco incident, a group, I believe, in Montana call, I believe The Freemen, came under FBI/DOJ scruntiny/siege.
Armed citizens started showing uop to the rear of the goverment lines and through their mere presence, forced the G-Men to rethink their stradegy.

Turns out that the Freemen were an usavory lot, but citizen interection may be the reason that that was decided in court with them present instead of in an after action inquest.

Some others here will no doubt be more informed on the particulars, but that's what I remember from my readings
I must say--as a fiercely patriotic man--I have no more faith in my country. This ruling does not suprise me in the least.
"Teach me"

you have a computer.... is the place to start.

some reading is in order

then your ready to look up bills and see what thier staus is..who the sponsors are..what amendments have been proposed..ect

then if you decide that you like or dislike a bill your ready to contact your elected federal officials

which thomas makes easy.......clicking on the links to the House and Senate

find your represenatives and click on the contact links......

express your reasoning why you like or dislike legislation.....or any changes that you think the legislation needs

dont just say its crap or BS....

be name calling.

fill in your information and type your message in and hit the submit button.

Sometimes I get letters back or e-mail replys......

now you can fish for a lifetime.........
I have a killer plan.

Armor a bulldozer with 2 1/2 inch steel plates with some concrete in between, then I am going to drive into the houses of everyone involved with the injustice, fun!
What do y'all plan to do if this ruling is used against you personally?
Now that would spoil the suprise, would it not? And far be it for me to ruin fun the property grabbing, boot wearing stateists will have. :D
Where was all this righteous indignation when Gettysburg, PA was doing the same thing? What of Golden Pond, KY and let us not forget the TVA. The action is not new. The legitimatization by judicial review is not either. The fifth amendment has not been violated. Fair market compensation was proferred and denied. The proerty owners turned down financial renumeration and they lost in court. I feel that the private developer is not the bad guy, the court ruled within the law and the property owners were represented by counsel. The municipality is on shaky ground but, state law supports their posit. If we don't want this to happen again or to us, change your state laws. Will this decision result in bloodshed? No dark and bloody ground IF the green flows. Money, money, money!