School Shootings In General - What is the solution

Put the kid on the foot ball field with bolt actions shoot targets at 25, 50 and 100 yards. Learn the respect of the rifle! I was in a high school that had a marksman club! Them days are over!!!!!:barf:
Kayak said it first I will say it thirdly, Parents are not instilling in their children the diferences between right and wrong, I got the crap kicked out of me by my father when I messed up and I was definately taught firsthand that there are and should be consequences for bad behavior I am 30 years old now and I have a son of my own Parents in this day and age have been legislated out of their posisions by government agaency's and liberal officials

if I were to spank yes I did say the politically incorrect word (SPANK) my child and the American GESTAPO AKA CPS Child Protective Services got wind of this I would be questioned , they would come into my home and inspect and most likely find anything that they could to use against me in a court of law to remove my child from me I would be branded as a child abuser in society and would have to undergo extensive counceling to have visitation in any form.

I understand that many children are actually abused by one or both of their parents in that they hit their children out of anger and do not take the time to explain why they are going to be disciplined before and after the physical act.

I was the subject of a bully in school one time I got both my eyes blackened by him I never thought to get a gun and kill him my father told me to put a roll of nickels in my hand and hold it as tight as possible then punch the bully in the face as hard as I could, I did so and that bully fell to the ground with a broken nose and I never got picked on in that fashion by him or anyone else again, Parents need to teach their kids that it is ok to stand up for themselves , disagreements are going to occur and when someone chooses you and you cannot employ reasoning to defuse the situation than escalation to physical force is an option to overcome an unprovoked assault I for one am tired of this society's brainwashing "violence is wrong " "war is evil" I agree it is not ok for my child or me for that matter , to be a aggressor but in the same I will not accept cowordous as a solution either- Being a man means taking a stand sometimes even amidst an unpopular opinion of his resolve-

I will get alot of flack for this but my opinion is that society has been and will continue to be degraded by the popular opinion that a single mother can raise her children and give them the same upbringing and the instalation of values as that of a mother and father unit, its wrong why has the media never linked the two violent muder of children by children to the lack of a positive and strong male role model aka Father in that childs life.
Books have been written on the subject with no clear cut solutions. Evil is a multi faceted problem mankind has been dealing with since Adam and Eve listened to the serpent (as the story goes).

Mainah's post is worth repeating IMO
There's a great, but underutilized, program in the military called Troops to Teachers. It involves helping military personnel transition into a teaching career once they leave the service.

One of the challenges that service members face when trying to obtain a teaching certificate is that requirements vary from state to state. It's tough to work on a Vermont certificate if you're stationed in Texas. States could make it easier for our troops by streamlining certification for them. Ideally they could substitute a current requirement with a security component.

And we're going to have thousands of potential teachers who have unique skills when they leave Afghanistan and Iraq. Not just responding to a school shooting, but identifying problems before they happen.
A large majority of my teachers back in Jr. and Senior H.S. were Vets and were men I looked up to and respected, who treated me like a young grownup (Mr. Baba Louie they called me) and brooked no shinola from the ner-do-wells.

My ex-wife worked in the Dean's office at a couple of our local Middle and Senior H.S.'s, intereacted with and knew most of the "future criminals" (no kidding, that's what these kids called themselves and were proud of the fact) and treated them mostly like young grown-ups and while they usually gave respect back when given it, they were not interested in being there (school or class) in the first place, hated authority, but when expelled would come back to hang around on campus (and thus get charged with trespassing when caught). Guns and knives were not the norm, but they were also not uncommon.

When you can identify the troublemakers (or potential troublemakers), part of the problem is resolved. But it's not always the loudmouthed bangers, be they white, black, latino, asian, etc. you need to worry about nowadays, now is it? It's the dog that doesn't bark more and more, but who somehow, seems to leave clues or "tells" that need to be read by someone who knows how to read the trail and whom the kids trust enough to tell (even tho' squealing can bring about repercussions) and whom the parents might even trust enough to talk to and listen to should they ever decide to be a good parent and care enough about their children's education to interact with their child's teachers. (hard one to resolve that) It may be that a group of teaching Vets, educators who have participated in and know violence, might be in a good position to lessen the impact of future "loner" student violence.

Be they Armed or not.

But as I said, it's a multi-faceted problem. These guys blame guns. But there's still some good links within that are worth reading.

Life isn't safe. Bullies have been around forever. Some children can be horribly mean at times. Some kid's parents have no business reproducing. The media loves a good bloody story. In a free society, responsibility starts at home with the individual, but is also reflected from the top down. (Look at our leadership and rage or cry at times)

Criminal activity starts at an early age. This nation has a lot of criminals (which stands to reason since it has a lot of people). The Criminal Justice System doesn't know how to properly deal with them it seems, even after 231+ years of trying. Freedom's like that sometimes. Frustrating in that we've institutionalized our children's formulative years where they get to experience "lockdown" for their own safety. Where have we heard that term used elsewhere in one of our "institutions"? (and aren't THEY safe places to spend a few years?)

Mainah, I'm sure you've heard the old adage, "The true test of intelligence is another who agrees with your point of view". You must be a genius. :D (as is 44 Amp)
But all here have given good input and I'm sure all here don't have to worry about their kids as being the problem poster children we're discussing.
In the future ones cubicle will be ones coffin. Lower it all.

These school shootings end with that the shooter kills himself. The shooter is tired of life. Life is meaningless. To the shooter, life has become rigid, like a road without intersections, only one job oportunity that awaits in town, only bullies at school, every day the same. The shooter probably has religious parents who demands obeyance and submission at all cost. There is only so much **** a person can take. One day he snapps.

Let us face it. The modern society is not very fun. It is a long road to the grave, a road fenced by cubicels, from where hollow-eyed people stare at you.

Got to load my guns now...
Let us face it. The modern society is not very fun

Man, you are either hanging out with the wrong friends or watch too much TV. Life is a freaking blast! Get out there and do something fun for a change.