Scenario: What would you do?

There is only one good response. Kill the guy. His act of holding a gun on another person is reason enough. Call 911 after it is over. Cops are only good for taking reports anyway.
Drop him immediately

In that situation there is no doubt in my mind what I would do, and there shouldn't be any doubt in the minds of anyone else either. Who knows if he is or isn't going to shoot the cashier?

If you put a bullet through his head, everyone but him is going to make it out fine. There's enough scumbags in the world anyway, and I'm sure we can get by with one less.

What if you don't take action, and he shoots the cashier, and then starts shooting other people? Then it should be your butt in the frying pan as well.

If you have the perfect opportunity to stop a situation like that, and you choose to do nothing, then I must ask WHY THE HECK YOU HAVE A CARRY PERMIT IN THE FIRST PLACE.

So are you saying that you'd wait around and let him shoot everyone else in the restaurant as long as he didn't point the gun at you? I think that if you have the opportunity to stop something like that, you should do it.

So the BG has a gun drawn and is pointing it at the employee. At what point do you decide whether or not he is going to shoot? What if the BG happens to have stolen a pistol with a light trigger to use in this heist?

It's not about the money!! This idiot is probably going to kill someone and God has placed you in the position to stop him dead in his tracks. If you hesitate you might be feeling like the trooper who killed himself a couple days ago- because he was in the position to prevent a murder (several) and made a small mistake- now the people in the bank are dead (Nebraska bank robbery gone bad).

I vote to drop him where he stands as soon as a clean shot is available.
Hey you guys with CCW...

What's the law say will happen to you if you do drop him even though you had clear access to an exit???
I'm saying the same thing I say whenever these type of threads come up.
I'm saying that I would protect myself, and a few other people who I feel obligated to, first. That means retreating, if possible. In this case, it almost certainly would be. I'd be out of the resturant through the kitchen/emergency exit/convienent window/any other line of retreat available.

- Chris

I don't know about the law in all states, but I do know that here in NC, I have the right to use 'justifiable deadly force' in the place of anyone else who has that same right. Now, it is conceivable that pizza-counter guy does not have this right in this situation--if, for instance, he has escalated a conflict that wasn't originally about money by pulling a knife and insulting the BG's girlfriend. Right--pretty thin odds. Chances are very good he has the right to use deadly force here (armed robbery is a violent crime and justifies deadly force, at least here); so shooting the BG where he stands and without warning is legally supported, unless the clerk has really thrown a wrench in the machine.

That doesn't mean it's gonna be pleasant to deal with the legal system, though, and it doesn't mean there are no consequences to killing a guy, even a B guy. I think I'd draw from cover, if I could get back around that corner, get a bead on the guy and hope nothing comes his deadly threat to the Pizza guy; maybe that's just an Airsoft he's wavin' around. ;) I'd hate myself, of course, if he did kill the kid (and, of course, I'd shoot him).

Ben: Where do you live? I want to move!


I have intervened (stopped) in assaults a few times in the past. I know I would intervene in a situation like this, how exactly would depend on the details (ie angles of fire etc). Ideally would engage from cover and some type of supported shooting position.

IMO defending someone else is the price I pay in exchange for the hope that someone else might help me or one of the people I care about if some goblin has the drop on us.

I know that at least one female family member was aided by strangers when being attacked/stalked by aggressive/violent ex. BTW she did file police report, get restraining order, and obtain a CCW after that incident.

I am curious, if the goblin was threatening a women that was pregant or that had children would those that would retreat from this situation do anything different? If so, why?
I would leave the scene and call the cops on my cell phone from a position of cover. You can't outdraw a weapon that's already in play and you'll do more good by making sure that the cops and EMS get there ASAP.
How did we get to a time and place where pointing a gun at someone and threatening their life ISN'T threatening enough to justify defensive force...?

What would YOU expect to happen if you pointed a pistol at someone near Jeff Cooper or Ray Chapman?

Trying to decide when the pistol pointing turns 'dangerous' is simply pointless.

Like I said before, what about his friend that's over by the door? Unless you're there in the situation you can't really decide what to do. If you just automatically say"I'd shoot the bastard" then you aren't really prepared for anything. You've watched too much TV and will give gun owners a bad name.

However if you start asking questions like a few other people have, then you're prepared and can make an inteligent choice on what to do. Think about who's on the other side of the bg's head, if he's alone, if your bullet is going to go through his head into the parking lot into a the first responding officer. How about if you have an IWB holster with a shirt tucked around it and a jacket on top of that? If you know you can't draw quickly and quitely, then you're screwed unless you hide and slowly draw before getting itno position.

If you were in the situation and just automatically jump up and start shooting without analyzing the situation, you're an idiot. His friend by the door shoots you, original bg is startled by shot and shoots the cashier, someone jumps up to check on you and bg thinks they are going for your gun, and it goes on and on.

But if you look all around, he's alone and obviously focused on the money and not paying attention, nobody is on the other side of him, and you know where the bullet is going to stop, then you can proceed to remove a large chunk of his head.
If you just automatically say"I'd shoot the bastard" then you aren't really prepared for anything. You've watched too much TV and will give gun owners a bad name.
You know, you're not the only one here who comprehends the importance of awareness and analysis of the situation as best you can. No one that I have noticed is saying you should act in the most ill-informed spontaneous and irresponsible manner possible. OF COURSE you take into account where your rounds will land, how many perps there are, where they are, how you are armed, etc. etc. etc. It is a GIVEN that you will intervene in the most careful and prudent manner possible after weighing your options and evaluating the scene.

The scenario is that there is a lone slime involved in an armed robbery.

That said, can we get back to the important point of whether or not you would intervene, assuming you could do it without shooting anyone's kids. :rolleyes:

- Gabe
He has a gun. I have a clear shot. I will take it. Simple as that. Im doing the world good by removing the BG from the gene pool.

Any questions?

BTW- lets say he was pointing the gun directly at the clerks head. Well, that scenario calls for a headshot. By shooting him in the head, you remove the possibility of him "accidentally" shooting, as you remove his ability to move, let alone shoot.
I live in Utah.

It is actually legal to carry openly fully loaded, as long as you have a permit. I and several others that I am acquainted with do so quite often. I have yet to have anyone do more than a second glance when doing so.

When carrying it is law that when aproached by an officer you must inform them you are armed. I've talked "officially" to police more than a dozen times since obtaining my permit. Not one of them was even slightly upset that I was armed.
No doubt that you can shoot the bad guy, at least in most states.

What I didn't follow was just how far you were from the bad guy. At a local place where I like to sit, I would be a good 20 yards from the register. Do I really want to attempt that far of a shot?

Probably the most critical question would pertain to where I had gone wrong in assessing the situation. There is one bad guy that I see. There are 10 people whom I believe to be patrons. There is one clerk giving the bad guy the money or trying to. Okay, so where are the other bad guys and where are the other pizza employees. Chances are, he isn't alone, so I am no doubt missing some critical information about the situation. Maybe his partner(s) is outside, inside, or both.

If I did not see the bad guy come in and don't notice him until the action starts, how do I know he is alone in the store? Does his partner(s) have the manager going through the safe in the back of the store. Maybe his partner is outside the pizza shop behind me with a shotgun. Have I surveyed everything sufficiently enough to know that if I do decide to act that I won't immediately come under fire or the other 10 patrons won't immediately come under fire as a result of my action. I realize I am not responsible if a bad guy (that I see now or who may also be in the store or outside looking in with his shotgun) shoots the other patrons, but do I risk that?
GRD the scenario is that you SEE a lone gunman. Nobody said they would act in an uninformed manner, but only a few brought up how they would analyze it and what potential dangers there were or are we supposed to assume that everyone thinks before shooting? :rolleyes:
I am concerned about the other people in the restaurant. There is a danger to them to potentially starting a shoot out in a crowded restaurant.

You say I am undiscovered, and that I have a CLEAR shot... meaning that my bullet path (even beyond the perp) is clear?

I drop him... 2 COM, and 1 to the head... no question in my mind...

I was in fear for the life of the pizzaguy... and also my own... one less idjit in the world... (or suicide by CCW, if you prefer)