Scenario: What would you do?

I would leave and call 911 or if I could not do so get my gun ready and monitor the situation.

If you pull the gun and alarm the BG you may start a firefight and there are too many potential targets there.

Even professionals would be unlikely to engage a bad guy in there- it would be likely to generate a firefight and a hostage situation.

It may be safer for law enforcement officers to tackle him outside.
If you shoot a Bg that's robbing a pizza hut prepare to spend the next 20 years in prison. Some people think since they have a ccw permit that means they are law enforcement. If you use your weapon in this manner it's going to cost you big time. Having a ccw permit does not give you the right to take the law into your own hands, it allows you to protect yourself when you feel YOU are in immediate danger that could result in serious harm or death. YOU doesn't mean the pizza boy.
Wrong Hahnb. Many officers have been saved or assisted by law-abiding citizens who used their guns against bad guys. Your attitude sickens me. As long as YOU are not in danger, that's all YOU care about. :rolleyes:
Many officers have been saved or assisted by law-abiding citizens who used their guns against bad guys.

I'm not getting into your guys argument, but I'd just love to read some of these stories. It seems a stretch in todays political climate. You said "many", so a "few" wouldn't be hard to source & post, eh?

"CPR and other first aid skills can be misused causing injury or death to a victim. Don't think for a minute you won't be sued for trying to help someone out in a situation like that. One case comes to mind in which a sheriff's deputy lost his legs when hit by a drunk driver in our town. A retired LEO (Massachusetts state trooper?) stopped to help and was sued for putting a tourniquet on his leg. "

One cannot be successfully sued for using CPR or first aid in an emergency situation. At least not in my state. It is called the Good Samaritan law. So long as the person gets permission from the victim to help and does not attempt techniques they are not trained for. If the victim is unconscious, permission is assumed. In the case above, doctors in surgery use tourniquets. CPR classes do not teach their use. The ex LEO above over stepped. The same with a tracheotomy. Leave that stuff to the professionals.

If the victim is unconscious, has no pulse and you break a few ribs and tear up some cartilage giving chest compressions ( which you will if you do it right) you can't be sued.

If you misdiagnose and a victim goes into anaphylactic shock because of an allergy and you think he is simply choking. You start doing abdominal thrusts on him. He continues to choke and clutch his throat. He tries to say something to you but you can't make out what it is. He eventually passes out and stops breathing. Now you try to breath for him and the breaths won't go in. You look for an obstruction and try again. Finally the EMT guys get there and you find out you totally misread the symptoms from the beginning. You STILL can't be sued because you did the best you could with the knowledge you had and you didn't overstep your training. Luckily a shot of epinephrine and he is right as rain in a few minutes.

Next time he promises to ware his medic alert bracelet. :barf:
Having been the pizza guy

involved in several situations over the years (could write a book)
you must make a judgement call and be able to read people
as nowadays a lot of BGs will shoot regardless if they get
what they want or not and you have to know your own
limitations mentally ie:
1) Could you honestly live with yourself by taking another life?
This sounds anti but really think for a moment and if not
go with the flock and when you get home lock the piece up
for good as you could endanger others by not actually going
through with it.
2) Are you prepared for the legal onslaught that will follow
until the investigation clears everything?
3) Are ready to stand up to the anti crowd who think that
there had to be another way? (WAAAAAAA)

This is just my .02 pennies

P.S. I have drawn but never had to fire (fortunately) but
the my life a loved one or an innocent I would not
hesitate and can honestly say I could live with it.
Apparently you haven't read the laws concerning concealed carry. It only gives you the right to defend yourself, or family members in the event of serious bodily harm or death.

Clearly, you haven't read them either. Nor have you paid attention to the law regarding self-defense. The general rule is that a person may use deadly force when there is an imminent and otherwise unavoidable danger of death or grave bodily harm to the innocent, whether that person is you, a family member, or a clerk you've never seen before but who now has a gun in his or her face. The reasonable and subjective standards still apply, but doing so is not "acting as a police officer" nor "taking the law into your own hands." The law is squarely on the side of defending the innocent; the only question is whether the particular facts at issue warrant deadly force.
Maybe JoshuaHanh should spend more time actually researching the laws he quotes and less time trolling.

In Fla he would be well within his rights to come to the aid of any victim of violent crime.
Please show me the link to the laws of any state that specifically limit defense to self or state approved family members.

Even if you kill someone in your own home they can question whether that person was intending to harm you or not
In many states the fact that he is in your home without authorization or invitation is proof that he means you harm.

Google up "Castle Doctrine" or "Make My Day Law

Do it quickly, judging from your other post on the BOB thread you may not be here much longer

Buzz types faster than I do
Buzz types faster than I do

Comes from being a seat polisher. ;)

By the way, for the people who have talked about getting the other 10 people out of the building and being a good witness: how exactly do you plan on doing that without precipitating a firefight? Anything you do or say to get them out of the area will tip off the bad guy, who's likely to start popping off rounds once the crowd starts moving and freaking him out.
So if the BG has a knife does that constitute deadly force? What about a brick? What about his fists? You don't understand that the law ISN'T SET IN STONE. The jury/judge decides what happens to you, not the law.

Well, you just proved you haven't studied the issue. If a person has the ability and opportunity to put you in jeopardy, then the rules apply. A person with a knife or brick (or bludgeon as the law looks at it) can easily kill a person they can reach, and law enforcement knows full well that anyone can cover 21 feet is less than 1.5 seconds. As for fists, it's a more difficult issue. If disparity of force is involved (i.e. martial artist, significantly larger or clearly stronger), then the use of fists can constitute deadly force and the distance rule comes into play. And if the person gets within striking range, they are within range to grab your weapon. Cops are trained to shoot the bad guy off the gun as a last resort, so I see no issue in that.

I'm very familiar with the fluid nature of the law. But you aren't familiar with the fact that the law does have structure consisting of statutes and precedents. And those are both firmly on my side, not yours.

As for the jury/judge deciding, the case has to go to them first. Which means the cops, DA, and/or grand jury have found probable cause to determine you did something wrong. Barring political considerations, that means you screwed up somewhere in the decision making or explaining process. So, I would suggest getting training in this area so you don't screw said process.
Even Though Most Peoples First Reaction Would Be To Drop The Bg, It's A Bad Idea. Too Many Liabilities. If It Was Me Or One Of My Loved Ones,behind The Counter I Would Pray For That Head Shot
The Lawyers Would Have A Field Day Picking Over What Should Have Been Done. Even With All The Evidence O.j. Was Found Innocent
I'm not getting into your guys argument, but I'd just love to read some of these stories. It seems a stretch in todays political climate. You said "many", so a "few" wouldn't be hard to source & post, eh?

Here is a "few".(about 22) Let me know if you want more. It took me all of 10 seconds to find these with that nifty Google thing, ever hear of it? You should try it, you would have been able to verify my post in less time than it took you to post the above. That was pretty easy, eh? :rolleyes:
OH Noes not name calling..........we need to have the visual equivelant of that commercial where the big beer can falls out of the sky crushing the person for not being a manly the offenders post.

I do beleive Cain killed Abel with a rock?

Wonder how many folks are killed by blunt instrument trauma?
Talk about cowardice. Some of the trolls are taking this to PM, but have disabled their PM so you can't respond. Guess their afraid of having somethign spoil their rather screwed up perception of reality. Who is hanksterhk anyway?
Hmmm...he hasn't seen me. Depends on what kind of gun it is. If like the gun and I can get any closer without being made I'd probaby start kicking his ass, take his gun and keep it for myself. Most people grossly underestimate me upon first sight. :)