S&W customer service experience

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So because I expected a new gun to operate and be defect free I was like you're customers who expect free stuff. Had the gun worked and not been defective s&w wouldn't have heard from me. I wouldn't have had a reason to seek a new guide rod or ask for a gesture of good will when I have to wait 2 weeks for that part.
psychohellbilly666 said:
So because I expected a new gun to operate and be defect free I was like you're customers who expect free stuff.

Uhh, yeah. That's exactly what you did. They honored their warranty and said they can have the part out to you. Just because it wasn't as fast as you desired you felt you were entitled to a free magazine. Nowhere in their warranty does it say, if we don't please your every whim we will give you free stuff. I had a brand new Beretta that needed to be sent in because it was out of spec, they said it would have to be replaced but would take a couple months, I thanked them for replacing the gun and waited the 2 months. I am realistic as I know that they cant just pull a gun off the assembly line and send it to me, they have a schedule to keep to and I am not their only customer nor top priority.

As I pointed out it's their best selling model and they likely don't have a ton of spares lying around. They are selling them as fast as they make them, and keeping up with a production schedule and having to fulfill orders is far more important than getting that spare part out to you the minute you want it. They said they will send it out to you in 2 weeks, and by the way S&W has quoted me 4 weeks before and I have gotten work done in less than 2. Patience can go a long way.
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Wow some of these stories of people with used guns getting free fixes astonish me. I recently sent in my coveted mod 625 that I bought like new from an FFL and after some time I discovered that the barrel was twisted on it maybe 1/8 inch, no signs of previous abuse at all, nothing, gun is practically mint. Looks to me like it was installed incorrectly from the get go @ the factory. ...sent it in to them free of course. I get a bill this week from them for 130$ :mad:
Hunter2678 said:
Wow, well I sent in my coveted mod 625 that I bought like new from an FFL and after some time I discovered that the barrel was twisted on it maybe 1/8 inch, no signs of previous abuse, nothing, looks to me like it was installed incorrectly from the factory. ...sent it in to them free of course...they send me a bill this week showing the shop charges for the fix... 130$ to twist the barrel back correctly... so much for their worlds greatest warranty.

S&W's warranty only applies if you are the original owner. You were not the original owner.
I get that drag....but this was something that IMO and a few others one of which was a pistolsmith was a manufactured defect and shouldnt have left the factory.
I get that drag....but this was something that IMO and a few others one of which was a pistolsmith was a manufactured defect.

That's the price you pay buying used sometimes. I bought a used Sig 232 that inbetween where the barrel and barrel hood met there was displaced metal pushing through the seam. When Sig looked at it they said it was the previous owner who removed the barrel and put it back incorrectly. This is not an easily removed part mind you as it is a blowback pistol and the barrel is fixed, and there would be no reason to remove it in the first place. While it likely came from Sig that way, I ate the cost.
So because I expected a new gun to operate and be defect free I was like you're customers who expect free stuff.

Yep, pretty much. You bought a $400 entry level firearm and even tho it comes with a lifetime warranty, because you have to wait a whole two weeks for a free replacement part, plus a spare, you demand a magazine that retails for approximately 10% of the cost of the firearm for your troubles, or you will never buy from them again. As somebody said before, I doubt if S&W will miss you. Buy a new car and have a recall on it or a warranty issue and demand a 10% "gesture of good will" and see what reply you receive. According to your own words, the customer service rep was courteous and quick to respond. He also said he send you two, not just one replacement part, free of charge, no questions asked, as soon as they were available. Yet because they won't give you a free $35 mag along with them, you are upset.......but still claim you are not asking for free stuff. The little compassion you are getting here from the majority of responses shows you might be expecting too much.
To get back to the OP and away from the name calling and look at some of the thing which have been said ....

It has to do with logistics. The minute a spring/guide rod comes off the assembly line, it does not drop directly into the customer service reps lap. There are packaging, distribution and shipping times to get it to the service department, and then the times to process your warranty claim and ship it to you. If the item is backordered, then those times are even longer. The fact that the rod was backordered and the rep was shipping you two guide rods tells me also there may be an issue with them. Maybe the delay is because of a fix or upgrade to the original part. I dunno. The M&P is a very popular firearm and a Google of it and it's problems shows no abundance of broken guide rods.

Add to this the fact that they are not going to take a part of the line because if they do there will be excess of the other parts which will not be assembled because of a missing guide rod. In today's world of just in time inventory you cannot disrupt the assembly line to meet part replacement issues. It would create a logistical nightmare.

S&W has excellent customer service. I would personally put them in the top 3 with Ruger, and Springfield. They are certainly better than Sig, HK, Glock, CZ and a whole list of others. They take care of their guns under warranty better than most. With them if you have to ship a gun back for warranty work they always pay shipping both ways. If you are having custom work or refinish work done on a gun they will send you a pre-paid FedEx label and allow you to ship it 2nd day on their account saving you $$$. When they can simply send you a part and let you repair something yourself they do it.

So because I expected a new gun to operate and be defect free I was like you're customers who expect free stuff. Had the gun worked and not been defective s&w wouldn't have heard from me. I wouldn't have had a reason to seek a new guide rod or ask for a gesture of good will when I have to wait 2 weeks for that part.

You seem to be missing the point a bit. They do not owe you anything more than a functioning pistol. Yes it sucks to buy a new anything and have it not work right out of the box but S&W is making it right by sending you 2 recoil assemblies. They are under no obligation to do more than that.

Perhaps some of you have never managed or worked in a customer service related field. In my experience both working and managing the cs rep should ask the customer "what can we do to make it right". And at very least apologize.
Now as far as the ridiculous blackmail/extortion thing since its been brought up again I pose this question. If you're at a fine restaurant. And you're food comes back cold, undercooked or overcooked and you ask for a complimentary drink in the meantime are you extorting them. Blackmail or extortion hinges on a threat of a negative outcome should a request not be met. Since no threat was made to s&w my request was just that a request.

You restaurant analogy also does not hold up. When I am at a restaurant regardless of price point if something is not to my satisfaction I bring it to the attention of the staff. If the error is bad enough I will ask that the item be replaced. They are under no obligation to give me anything more than I ordered. Personally 99% of the time at restaurant when I lodge a complaint about the food or service I state up front I do not want anything free. I am telling you about the issue I had so you can correct it and improve your business because if no one tells you that you messed up you will never be able to correct your mistakes.

You are mistaking people giving a restaurant or gun manufacturer the opportunity to correct the mistake with placating the customer by giving them something they are not entitled to. Not demanding free things does not make one a door mat.

You did not make an implicit threat to S&W when they did not give you "free stuff" but in a great irony or ironies you followed through as if you had. They did not give you a "free" mag so here you are trashing them. Unfortunately others are not seeing it the same way you are and you seem to be getting very upset about it. In the end 2 weeks is not an unreasonable amount of time. It once took Steyr 14 months to replace my gun. Colt took 10 months once. Did it make me happy no. Did I mention it if someone asked yes. Did I ask for free stuff????? NO.

Clearly you want free stuff. You feel entitled to it because 2 weeks of your life will be spent without a functioning pistol. I think that you should remember your desire for "free stuff" the next time your favorite brand raises prices on your favorite pistol because I hate to break it to you that stuff you got from Ruger and Springfield was not free. It cost them $$$ and you might not have had to pay for it but someone else will.

I personally would rather simply get the gun fixed and keep the price where it is and allow companies to continue to exists vs giving away the store over every little issue. YMMV
To address the car analogy. It's been my experience that if I take something under warranty to a dealer they have supplied a loaner vehicle. So are you saying I should have asked for a loaner gun instead.
And I didn't expect anything free. I expected the gun to operate. Or be fixed in a timely manner. If one guide rod is produced after my call that is not spoken for by an already paid customer then that should be sent to me. S&W already has my money and I have a pile of polymer and steel. So yeah I'm upset. At this point I'd been better off buying a $150 hi point. At least they stock replacement parts for warranty.
I kinda get the impression from you account that S&W did a fine job honoring their contract with you.
To expect 100% perfection in mass manufacturing is wishful thinking and unrealistic.
To expect payment beyond the terms of the contract is unreasonable.
To address the car analogy. It's been my experience that if I take something under warranty to a dealer they have supplied a loaner vehicle. So are you saying I should have asked for a loaner gun instead.

Let's keep this in perspective.

The loaner car.......is not provided by the car manufacturer, it is provided by the dealer that sold you the car, or is performing the recall maintenance. Also, if you just take the parts to do the warranty work yourself, no one is going to give you a loaner car. The loaner car is not a gift because of your inconvenience, but as an incentive to have that dealer perform the work. That's why you'd get the same loaner car if you went there to have new tires put on.

2 weeks is not an unreasonable time for a free replacement part. Odds are if they would have had the part in stock and shipped it next day air, you still would have asked for the free mag and been upset you didn't get it. Don't know how a free hat is going to get the gun up and running any faster either. S&W could have requested you send the gun back to them for repair and you could have waited 4-6 weeks for it to be fixed and returned. Not many times will they ship parts just for the asking. I wonder how many broken guide rod requests they would have gotten if you had come back here and posted that you just called about a broken guide rod and got a free mag?
Perhaps some of you don't but I expect to get what I pay for. And if not yes I expect compensation. Maybe if more Americans held businesses to a higher standard then we wouldn't get such crappy services in general. I refuse to let a company skate by. Had a part been shipped next day or within 2-3 days that would have been it. No compensation needed. But when a company already has my money and wants to make more money before correcting an issue I am not ok with that. As someone here said "it's the price of doing businesses". So a few of you can call me a blackmailer or extortionist that's fine. I ask you though if you tell a friend about bad service at someplace or write a review are you blackmailing that company. No you're not. You're giving an opinion. Had I been trying to extort them I wouldn't have been honest and said the rep was polite. Some of you need to consult a dictionary before using some words.
you could have waited 4-6 weeks for it to be fixed and returned.

That has not been my experience with S&W C.S. Both times it's been less than two weeks. Not like the warranty station I sent a rifle to, which kept it for months and didn't fix the problem and now has it for more months.

Maybe the OP is caught up in the thread, but to much paraphrase a Bible verse...Its better to dwell in the desert than hang out with a contentious gun nut.
Gosh, I love this thread!

Hope the mods don't lock it.

If they do, I'll have to ask for my money back. Oh wait.........
No compensation needed. But when a company already has my money and wants to make more money before correcting an issue I am not ok with that

.......so are you saying S&W asked you to pay for the guide-rods or just for the mag? If the guide-rods were to be shipped as soon as they were available for no cost, I see the issue as being corrected, no?

Perhaps some of you don't but I expect to get what I pay for. And if not yes I expect compensation.

Did you not get a courteous reply immediately and a promise for the parts as soon as they are available? Is that not what you expected from a lifetime warranty? With the latest handgun buying frenzy along with the increase in shooting them, having a common part backordered for two weeks is not an exception, but for the most part, the rule.

I stick with quality products because of the warranty and CS that generally comes with them. This goes for home appliances, tools of my trade and the tools of my hobbies. I had a new Kitchen-Aid mixer conk out and I had to drive 80 miles round trip to take it to a service center and another 80 mile round trip to get it after it was fixed for nothing under warranty. Didn't even get an offer for one of the accessories that goes with it, not even as much as a cake mix. Had a new LG washing machine take a dump and had to take an afternoon off from work and wait all day for the repair guy to show up(sometime between 12:30 and 4:00), and didn't even get a free case of soap. Didn't ask for one tho, maybe I should have, eh? Had a decapping pin break on my reloading press and it took about a week and a half before it showed up in the mail under warranty. Didn't get a free set of dies or even 500 free bullets. Do you think it would have helped to demand a $50 set of dies, because I couldn't reload for that week or was I just being realistic not to expect something for nuttin'? In every case I got what I paid for, a quality product with a good warranty. While I may have been inconvenienced, having my concerns met and the defects corrected without any out of pocket costs is all I expected. Not a hat.
OK, so the gun is broken, that sucks, I am sorry to hear that nothing is worse than waiting the 8 days to pick it up, getting it home and waiting another 2 weeks to get a part... I feel for you..

Now as far as SW cs, I have to say I have always been more than happy, I just recently contacted them about a broken set of grips for my 351pd and they sent a new set that day!!! No questions asked, I actually started a thread about it, I probably own around $10K in their products, and will continue to buy them...

BUT that is just my personal experience, I was happy to get the parts and I didn't ask for anything "extra". I am not going to judge anyone for doing so...

I figure it this way and maybe by me sharing this with you you may change your mind about sw... They sold you a gun for X amount with a warranty not a guarantee, they are so close in definition but a warranty {actually a type of guarantee} is saying for a period of time and under certain conditions they will repair or replace their product do to manufacturer defect...

A guarantee does the same but in SOME cases can promise you something like, "this gun will always shoot or twice your money back" or {this will not break and if it does you get a free mag"....

What you got with your gun was a warranty, that it sounds to me like SW is honoring, I bought a ninety seven thousand dollar BMW and they recalled it for a wiring harness replacement!!! My dashboard squeaked ever since they repaired it and they didn't give me any extras or even compensate me for my time and loss of vehicle!!! They even made me wait there 40 minutes past my appointment time just to sign the car in!!!

NOW I bought a $45K four door Rubicon from Jeep and they recalled it for a transmission issue, they gave me a gift certificate to a local restaurant, they filled the truck with gas when they returned it, AND they picked it up and dropped it off, leaving a loaner vehicle in my driveway for us to use if we needed to!!!

So I don't blame you for not wanting to buy sw again, I will never buy another bmw because of how I was treated, but I also see sw's point, maybe if you asked for a free hat or tee shirt and they told you to "screw" I would be like "WTH, thats not fair", but a free mag may be over what they expect to give up, and it may be policy not to give stuff like that away... I am sure if you bring it up at the next gun show an sw rep is at you will get some free swag out of it...

I was discussing a barrel issue I had with beretta at a show once and I got a free 391 barrel and beretta hard case sent to my house!!!! They took my address and name and 2 weeks later $600 barrel in a beretta box with a note that said "thank you for the loyal patronage", I was impressed...
My service experience

Two weeks ago I bought a Ruger 10mm 38/40 convertible revolver that was sold as new in the box even though it was made in 1990. It really looked new but I bought it to shoot so I was shooting it. The accuracy was good but not great and there seemed to be excessive fouling on the cylinder throats when I cleaned it. The throats should have been 0.401” but they were undersized in the 0.398”-0.399” area. Revolver guys know this is not unusual but finding a local gunsmith with a 10mm cylinder reamer is hard. Now clearly these cylinders were cut undersized at the factory so it was a factory issue. I thought what the heck and called Ruger, explained the problem and that I am probably not the original owner. Ruger gave me a RA number but made it clear they have no cylinders for these guns. I sent it back with detailed notes and pictures about the problem. I got the gun back in about a week, not fixed and with a note agreeing the cylinders are undersized and they considered it unserviceable as they did not have replacement parts. While I wish it had been fixed, all in all I still think Ruger was reasonable. The revolver was clean, still absolutely scratch free, well packed, had a new owners manual enclosed along with some Ruger decals. To me it was worth a shot with Ruger and I just ordered a new reamer from Dave Manson so things will be good within a week. YMMV
Well s&w finally came thru. 2 weeks after first contact. I received 2 guide rods. I still believe there's a design flaw with the rods as not much of the spring actually hold on to the rod. But I got it back together. Gun shoots vet well.
Well s&w finally came thru. 2 weeks after first contact. I received 2 guide rods. I still believe there's a design flaw with the rods as not much of the spring actually hold on to the rod. But I got it back together. Gun shoots vet well.

This thread has went on and on, but bottom line, you got your gun back together and now hopefully you can enjoy it.
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