S&W customer service experience

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The real question will be when do you actually get the part.

I think "two weeks" is a general statement and hopefully you will have it quicker.

I wouldn't sweat it and honestly, it sucks but there are examples of some truly bad customer service floating around. In two weeks or less you will have a new part along with a spare.

I hope when you get it up and running that you really enjoy it.
I've had warranty issues that took months to resolve with other manufacturers. I sent back two revolvers to Smith. One of their classic series with a cylinder gap of .012 some other problem I can't remember and I mentioned it was shooting to the left. Got it back in less than 2 weeks all problems resolved. They shipped the other one back with a note saying every thing was in spec. And I should clean it more often. Shipping was on them and I was a satisfied customer.
Another issue for my concern is him offering to send 2 guide rods. That combined with the fact it seems to be a common problem raises reliability concerns. And I still can't understand how a guide rod is something they don't keep in stock.
I have only had to call S&W one time. I lost my takedown pin for my bodyguard .380 (note, never leave small parts on a table with a cat in the house). I called to order one and even offered to pay for it. The customer service rep mailed me one that day for free, even though it was my mistake and I had offered to pay for it.

They just asked me for the serial number, I purchased the pistol new and had never went through the process of registering it, it has been a daily carry or backup for close to three years.. I do understand your frustration though especially if you had not even shot it yet. Sometimes companies don't have a lot of spare parts for new guns. (Granted, it should have left the factory operable).
Ninjarealist said:
I have to say I'm surprised by how many of you are quick to dismiss the OP and write off his concerns as specious.
IMHO his concerns are specious because S&W is taking care of his problem. He seems to be upset over the fact that they didn't give in to his attempt to blackmail them into giving him a free magazine on top of replacing the part.

I've had to send guns in for warranty repairs. Personally, if the manufacturer fixes the problem on the first try, I'm satisfied. That's all I can (or should) expect. For someone to publicly diss a manufacturer for not "sweetening the pot" on a warranty issue is, IMHO, more than a bit over the top. I think the Brit term is "cheeky."
Blackmail? Really? How is me expecting a replacement guide rod in a REASONABLE amount of time blackmail. And when the refuse or can't supply the part in a REASONABLE amount of time me asking for a gesture of good will blackmail. Perhaps you should learn the definition of words before using them.
Trust me I've learned my lesson. I'll only buy Springfield, sig or glock in the future.
It is kinda crappy if you ask me. That would be like your brand New F150 slinging a rod out of the side of the block as you drive it off the lot. And then the service dept saying, well it'll be 2 weeks we have no spare engines in stock. I believe it is a manufacturers responsibility to have a stock of spare parts as soon as the first item lands in a consumers hands. Another thought maybe you are not the first by far with this problem psycohellbilly666 being the reason they are out of stock.
Why couldn't they give me the next guide rod produced. I'm sure it doesn't take 2 weeks to produce one.

It has to do with logistics. The minute a spring/guide rod comes off the assembly line, it does not drop directly into the customer service reps lap. There are packaging, distribution and shipping times to get it to the service department, and then the times to process your warranty claim and ship it to you. If the item is backordered, then those times are even longer. The fact that the rod was backordered and the rep was shipping you two guide rods tells me also there may be an issue with them. Maybe the delay is because of a fix or upgrade to the original part. I dunno. The M&P is a very popular firearm and a Google of it and it's problems shows no abundance of broken guide rods.

It says to me they already have myomere but want to make more profit by selling more guns than replacing my part.

Trust me I've learned my lesson. I'll only buy Springfield, sig or glock in the future.

I was under the impression that myomere was part of a fish. Maybe I'm incorrect? Still, the fact that you are trashing S&W's CS because they won't give you a free $35 mag just cause you asked, seems a bit fishy to me. I doubt very much if Springfield, sig or glock would do it either.
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Blackmail? Really? How is me expecting a replacement guide rod in a REASONABLE amount of time blackmail.(sic)

I'm pretty sure whoever accused you of blackmail was referring to your attempt to extort a free magazine out of the deal.
Perhaps some of you have never managed or worked in a customer service related field. In my experience both working and managing the cs rep should ask the customer "what can we do to make it right". And at very least apologize.
Now as far as the ridiculous blackmail/extortion thing since its been brought up again I pose this question. If you're at a fine restaurant. And you're food comes back cold, undercooked or overcooked and you ask for a complimentary drink in the meantime are you extorting them. Blackmail or extortion hinges on a threat of a negative outcome should a request not be met. Since no threat was made to s&w my request was just that a request.
And any time a company does a recall it is customary for them to send a mag or some other free item. Springfield sends an extended mag. Ruger sent a mag and hat. So just because s&w doesn't do a recall, which from Google it appears could be due from s&w over a faulty design, they should just do what they are legally bound by warranty to do as opposed to truly making things right.
psychohellbilly666 said:
If you're at a fine restaurant. And you're food comes back cold, undercooked or overcooked and you ask for a complimentary drink in the meantime are you extorting them.

Well I have enough class that I would never ask for a complimentary drink, even in cases where they offered me a complimentary drink or desert I have declined saying it was not necessary.
Originally posted by Ibmikey

Moderator, Maybe this is the time to close this thread before the name calling gets intense.

Probably. This is another prime example of someone creating a trash thread and then getting upset when everyone on the forum doesn't agree with them....and yes, it generally degrades to name calling, because obviously anyone that does not completely agree with the OP must be a doormat.

Originally posted by psychohellbilly666

Perhaps some of you have never managed or worked in a customer service related field.

I have dealt with customers/clients most all of my adult life. Even when the job is perfect and done on time, there's always that small percentage that want something for nothing. They ask "Oh, while you're here, can you do this too?" and then when they get charged, they're upset. They think it should have been free. Then there's the ones that always hold back 5-15% because they find something that altho is an industry standard, supposedly isn't up to their expectations. Sometimes they have to look long and hard, but those folks generally find something. Because a vendor backorders something, you are supposed to give them a discount installing it when it comes, even if it is they that ordered it. Because it rained yesterday and you couldn't work outside without destroying their yard, they want something extra for free. Work outside in the rain and destroy their yard and they want something too. These are the same folks that take 4 free pens from the bank drive up, even tho they already have a full drawer of them at home, and then wonder why the bank charges them for checks.......
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