Road rage is real.

My wife hates to drive, but loves to criticize how I do it. I routinely threaten to pull over and let her take the wheel.
I get frustrated with slow drivers. The 10+mph below the limit ones. I'll never fault someone for not speeding, but the slow ones get under my skin, I'll admit.
My wife hates to drive, but loves to criticize how I do it. I routinely threaten to pull over and let her take the wheel.
I get frustrated with slow drivers. The 10+mph below the limit ones. I'll never fault someone for not speeding, but the slow ones get under my skin, I'll admit.

My wife hates me when I get a little aggressive with the driving, after getting fed up with some other drivers that have bad driving habits. Oh yea many of them on the road think they are all high in mighty in their fancy SUV's and cars, they think they own the road. Many of them are lacking the driving skills to control an out of control vehicle that's over 55 MPH. Sometimes I have to dust them off in the bushes as they would say.

I am no pro, but I have been on the skid pad, high speed driving tracks and know what to do if you are out of control in a skid or what to do at 75 MPH if you go off the pavement on the shoulder. I believe I could out drive over 85 percent of the people on the road when it comes to high speed and slick road conditions car control. Yelp been trained more than a few times on all that stuff, including all the courses, figure 8 curve skills, precision backing, serpentine you name it.

As far as road rage yelp, I have had a few incidents on the road, gave some people the middle finger and I have gotten the middle finger a few times, I just laughed and went on.
lol, I'm loving these comments. All the way from Miami Florida.

Road wage is a way of life here.

I have 5% tints on my car and ignore everyone the best I can.

Britt was right, using your turn signal is a surefire way to block yourself from changing lanes. Honking is an emotional response that most people feel justified in using their horns if they're in a rush and you're supposed to somehow understand let them through. Not to mention tailgating. Which I somewhat understand. You leave a nice big 12 inches of space between you and the vehicle in front of you, be it at a stop light or driving or even in traffic and someone will weasel on in and not even acknowledge your existence. Don't have a response to it. A small honk to let them know they suck could get ugly.

Just look up Miami road range incidents, you'll see.

Also doesn't help that we're severely overcrowded. It's like the sign says "maximum occupancy 250" when the real number is 520.

Anyways, I can go on for days about this. So I'll just leave it at this...

Try your damn best to not start anything and people will still get upset. Just avoid them at all costs. Worst comes to worse, drive to a police station or call 911. We all know what happens if it gets even worse and you have to stop. But that could go any way.
My biggest pet peeves are people going slow in the left lane, which really holds up traffic, and the jerks that cut in to the exit when there are a long line of cars waiting to exit. They will just completely stop in a moving lane and force their way in. While I don't want to encourage road rage, I usually don't let those people in. Miami driving at its best!

@Constantine, what are turn signals? Was that optional on your car? LOL How often do you get stopped for your 5% tints? Seems like more trouble than it is worth.