Road rage is real.


I have been a member here since Jan 2005. You joined last year?

You have a cheek assuming I came from up north. Mind you I did, Canada, prior to Canada, Australia, before that England. I also spent 18 months in Germany.

Drove in Dublin, Ireland. Most Countries in Europe. Including Switzerland.

After my stint in the British Army, drove Tractor Trailers, big and little Vans, all stick shift. So listen up, Sand Lake Road in Dr Philips has turned in to a parking lot, because of all kinds of new development.
I use it quite a bit, traffic coming out of the wee entrances from the right (going East 3 lanes here) close to Turkey Lake Road, would never get out, just to go into the kerb lane ever, if they were not allowed out, now and again, they squeeze out.
Because everyone is not gripping the steering wheels, like they are trying to crush them, boiling with rage! Don't know if Dr's are still prescribing Valium?
I am having trouble with the thought that in 2018, there were people who didn't think road rage was real. Rage is apt to happen anywhere that you have multiple people getting together. Was this a firearms or civil liberties issue?

Pulling the "I've been on the forum longer than you card" is sort of like forum rage, huh? How dare someone with less posts or less time on the forum say something contrary!!!
The first time I encountered it, my friend and I were driving to saint Lois in his fiat convertible, about the size of an mg. Two lane road, curves, pitch black, we were hanging at about the speed limit. Guy in an eighteen wheeler pulled up onto our butt, rode us, at times less than ten feet away. Yes, this guy was crazy, aggressive, dangerous. We pulled off as soon as we found a chance and let the crazy sob go.

Come on, all we were doing was driving down the road in a little white sports car.

We learned something else that night, too. We got in around midnight, tank was nearly dry, and we were lost. Wrong side of town. Pulled into a gas station, lots of black fellas hanging around outside. We both got out and he asked about filling up. Well, we were a pair of twenty year old white guys driving a nice little convertible. The all stood up, and one walked towards us, and told us that there wasn't any gas there, so get lost.

Jesus, we thought, what in hell is wrong with people? I learned that night that the bullies in the schools were nothing, the worst that would happen is that you'd get a beating. The rest of the world was even more messed up.
Pulling the "I've been on the forum longer than you card" is sort of like forum rage, huh? How dare someone with less posts or less time on the forum say something contrary!!!

I go to a bulletin board about cigars. They have a political section, and you must sign up a d be vetted before joining it.

It was entirely conservative or libertarian. I don't like it when people post STUPID things of any party. I made posts regarding the stock market and the housing bubble, the general population disagreed, and one of them told me "Nobody gives a crap what you think, you idiot, and it's pissing all of us off! Get the hell out of here and don't come back!"

It may also have been about war profit, but I don't remember. All that I can remember is being told that I was a total idiot and that idiots need to just STFU and go away.

45 mph speed limit on a city street is something I have never seen. On a "road" yes, "street," no.

Most people love being let out into traffic, I know I do. I always give the courteous driver a wave or tapped brake lights (at night).

The timid Charlotte driver the post was about was turning right, not left (not crossing traffic) so his hesitation made no sense. Speed of traffic flow was about 5 mph. I'm not going to stop traffic unless traffic is at a crawl to begin with. I'd think that's how it normally goes, I haven't seen it otherwise.

I'll keep being a courteous driver. One day, you might thank for me for it. :cool:


Facebook, Twitter are certainly full of stressed out and aggressive people, and those sites censor conservatives. Those are the main reasons I will never return to those platforms. I've seen some issues of sick ego on discussion forums, but nothing near what FB and Twitter allows. Interesting point about them being "hostile drivers too." That's an interesting angle. KUDOS.
45 mph speed limit on a city street is something I have never seen. On a "road" yes, "street," no.
It's common around here--even 50mph isn't that unusual.
I'll keep being a courteous driver. One day, you might thank for me for it.
I am certainly not against people being courteous on the road and I do appreciate it when it happens.

On the other hand, when people circumvent the right of way it can lead to misunderstandings which can be dangerous. When a person chooses to do that, they should be extremely careful to insure that what they intend to be a good deed doesn't turn ugly. We're not talking about theoretical situations here--not only did I list a number real world examples of how that can happen, others on this thread have also mentioned seeing similar occurrences.

Be courteous AND safe out there. ;)
The era of the polite society has been discarded with the on-demand gratitude, I'm someone special snowflake syndrome indicative of current times. I would back down/deescalate from confrontation because I don't want to wind up shooting someone.
The first time I encountered it, my friend and I were driving to saint Lois in his fiat convertible, about the size of an mg. Two lane road, curves, pitch black, we were hanging at about the speed limit. Guy in an eighteen wheeler pulled up onto our butt, rode us, at times less than ten feet away. Yes, this guy was crazy, aggressive, dangerous. We pulled off as soon as we found a chance and let the crazy sob go.

Come on, all we were doing was driving down the road in a little white sports car.

We learned something else that night, too. We got in around midnight, tank was nearly dry, and we were lost. Wrong side of town. Pulled into a gas station, lots of black fellas hanging around outside. We both got out and he asked about filling up. Well, we were a pair of twenty year old white guys driving a nice little convertible. The all stood up, and one walked towards us, and told us that there wasn't any gas there, so get lost.

Jesus, we thought, what in hell is wrong with people? I learned that night that the bullies in the schools were nothing, the worst that would happen is that you'd get a beating. The rest of the world was even more messed up.

Coming back from a Camping trip, 1970, my Wife, two little kids, towing a Tent Trailer.

Heading for the Canadian border, just going dark, came off the highway, low on gas! How did I get in this area! Not the best part of Buffalo. Gas was cheaper in the States.
Pulled up next to the pump... No one came up to me? The pump needed to be operated. The Wife and kids went in to go to the washroom. I walked up to a really big black guy "You on strike or what?" the big smile I was wearing didn't get his attention, the smack on the arm did!

He caught my accent in a flash. "You are in the wrong place for gas Scouse!"
Scouse, meaning someone from Liverpool UK. Turned out he used to be in the Merchant Navy, Liverpool was one of his ports of call.
One of the mechanics walked over, we talked for a couple of minutes, paid and left. A better idea of finding the Peace Bridge as well.
Where I was brought up, not too many black people, they were mostly West Indian, no problems with race relations in the North of England, at that time. I left in 1965.

My second Wife is from Guyana, South America, she looks Indian, pretty Lady as well. Married 25 years. We have lived in Florida since 2003. Never had a nasty comment, or a dirty look out together, none.

Love Florida, the weather, the people. Carrying a Gen 4 Glock 19 every day is kind of nice, as well!
Road rage is real.
On the way home from work Friday I had a guy buzz me. Not sure why. When we got to the next light, all I could think was, please don’t get out of your truck. I really really don’t want to have to shoot you.

As far as the honking.
In this day and age, everyone pulls out their phone as they are coming up to a light. If you aren’t willing to honk your horn, you could sit there all day. If the light turns green and you don’t go, I’m hitting the wake-up button. If it ticks you off, sorry.
This is tactically imprudent. Honking increase s risk. In regional areas (outside of the North) honking at someone can get you killed.
I've found the most submissive and quiet people out of a car are often the worst in a car. Something like the small dog barking at a big dog from inside their cage scenario. The feeling of anonymity and privacy many derive from being in a motor vehicle with non-tinted windows and a state issued ID number publicly visible is amazing. Road rage or picking their nose at a stoplight.
People driving vans used to be the worst drivers. They have been replaced by the people who drive big trucks, who frequently demonstrate"GET OUT OF MY WAY, PUNK!" behaviors.
People driving vans used to be the worst drivers
I used to drive a garbage truck on residential trash routes and the "soccer mom's" in minivans were the ones I had to watch out for. They wouldn't slow down for a pedestrian/worker on the road. I also agree about the big 4x4's. It's ironic that they want the middle of the road even though they are capable of some shoulder maneuvers.

I experienced road rage Friday night. I crested a hill at about 35mph only to find a car sideways across the road on the bottom of the hill. I tried the brakes, but there was black ice. They were sideways in the right lane(on a 2 lane road) so I moved to the leftt lane to avoid hitting them broadside, driver's side. Well, they decided to move forward and block the left lane. I moved to the shoulder which was actually a ditch and embankment. I rode the embankment all the way down the hill. In the meantime, the car blocking the road righted itself and continued in the same direction as me and I ended up behind them. At the next intersection, the driver of the car I avoided accosted me for driving too fast and not stopping. I couldn't stop due to the slippery roads, but my ability to maintain control, after they could not, probably saved his life. I, at the very least, avoided a collision and any injury for both parties. I didn't expect a thank you, but I wasn't prepared for the fu¢€ you I got either.
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In the Ten Ring said:
The timid Charlotte driver the post was about was turning right, not left (not crossing traffic) so his hesitation made no sense. Speed of traffic flow was about 5 mph. I'm not going to stop traffic unless traffic is at a crawl to begin with. I'd think that's how it normally goes, I haven't seen it otherwise.

I'll keep being a courteous driver. One day, you might thank for me for it.

This has been identified as a problem in Canada, and I notice it where I live as well. Drivers are courteous to the point of being disorderly. If you are the driver to the right in a four way stop, and you wave the driver to your left through, your act is courteous, selfless, considerate, kind and disorderly. Get two of you at a four way stop and you may have a Heckle and Jeckle (No, please, YOU first!) impass. That's only very funny when people are trying to get onto an elevator.

The fundamental value underlying safe and efficient flow of traffic is order. When you practice non-standard rules in an effort to be kind, you may be undermining that order.
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Driving is an adventure where I live. Coming home yesterday, 4 pm, me on a two-lane road, coming to a red light, where there was a turn left lane.

Fire station we had just passed, sirens blaring, a ladder truck coming up behind us me in left lane squeezing as far to the kerb lane as I could get, like most of the other vehicles did.
The big Mercedes, on my left, tried to pull into the left turn lane, blocking the fire truck!
An old guy driving it, head whipping from left to right, panic mode (Not as old as me!) firetruck squeezed through regardless. Can firetruck guys drive!
Try a Prius in the PNW

The testosterone fueled 20 somethings here in the PNW just love their lifted 4X4 diesel pickups.

I have been smoked a number of times. It seems their pastime is a switch flipped in the cab that grossly overfuels the engine, resulting in thick black smoke out the exhaust.

Oh yeah it's real. A few years ago some guy in a huge pickup truck rolled up next to me and started cussing me out about something. I never could understand what he was ranting about, and I didn't roll down my window to find out. His face was red and he opened his door and started getting out just as my light was turning green, so I sped off and thankfully never saw him again. I suppose I could have cut him off somewhere? I never had a clue what that was all about, but people are freaking crazy :(

Makes me wonder, if that happened again, and I had no clear escape by car, and he came towards me with a hand in his pocket...what the heck do you do? Waiting for that hand to come out before you see whether it's holding something dangerous could be the last thing you do on earth. But preemptively letting him know he'd better back off could land you in prison. Or escalate things. There's no way to know.
OhioGuy said:
Makes me wonder, if that happened again, and I had no clear escape by car, and he came towards me with a hand in his pocket...what the heck do you do?

If you are sitting in a 3000 lb to 5000 lb motorized metal cage, you have several excellent options that don't involve a firearm.