Road rage is real.

I have been smoked a number of times. It seems their pastime is a switch flipped in the cab that grossly overfuels the engine, resulting in thick black smoke out the exhaust.

some punk did that to me once. right into my front vents. he did it every time he passed a car until he passed oi\ut of sight.

then there are the clowns on crotch rockets that blow out their engines right next to a driver.
One thing I've noticed about discussion forums, guys are super detailed, accounting for every possible instance no matter what that is, to support their position. :p Nothing wrong with it, I like discussion. :)

Absolutely nothing wrong with letting people out into traffic, in fact, it helps everyone by freeing up traffic flow. Of course you have to exercise common sense....that goes without typing (or so I thought). :p My letting others out is the reason I usually get out without much wait, no matter where I go. Some people call this "karma" but I call it "God makes note of who helps others and returns the favor."

OMGosh when I was younger and someone would flip me off, I'd blow them a kiss or gesture with a french kiss tongue motion. It really ticked people off! Once on the interstate, a guy out in a sports car with bombshell blonde, so lost his temper when he flipped me off and I blew him a kiss in return, ran off the road and nearly crashed! He was hanging out the window, shaking his fist, when off the road he went at 70 mph and he almost rolled his car. Was that funny to watch? Yes! Was it a smart move on my part? Not at all!

I have been smoked a number of times. It seems their pastime is a switch flipped in the cab that grossly overfuels the engine, resulting in thick black smoke out the exhaust.

That is called "rolling coal." Whenever I see a truck with huge tailpipes (some vertical in bed) or the "rolling coal" sticker, I close the vents and back way off from that guy!
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I've got so many stories of stupidity. In ks I was passed on a dark foggy night on a curving road by a guy with a stock trailer, a few miles later, I started seeing blood and giblets on the road, a few hundred yards we found the guy with a deer head wedged in his trailer axle. He had dragged it and it was shredded all the way down the road. There was nothing left but a head and some of the cape.

My wife almost vomited because we had to stop to get around him safely. I suppose that he kept the rack.

I kind of appreciated having a cow catcher clearing the road for me.
If you are sitting in a 3000 lb to 5000 lb motorized metal cage, you have several excellent options that don't involve a firearm.
Ok, I’m setting in my truck. There is a ticked off guy in front of me. A car behind me. A curb that I can’t jump to the left. Traffic to the right. I’m sorry, but the only option I see is sitting there and letting him do what ever he wants. I’m locked in my truck with the windows up. As long as he doesn’t break my glass and try to get in my truck, he is safe to do what he wants.
I cracked up reading the story about the "deer dragged to bits under the axle & my wife vomited." Actually I am still laughing at that. :p

"There are things too strange to be believed, but there is nothing too strange to have happened."

Do you guys ever watch the dash cam vids on youtube? Crazy stuff on there.
I wish that I could tell you that it was all made up, but seriously, it happened just as I said. Just imagine it. Passed on the LONELY highway. A while later, blood on the road. More blood. Chunk, smear, blood, lights in the distance. bigger chunks and longer smears, "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT? A LEG? ANOTHER ONE?" coming up on the stock trailer and truck, gore all over the road, slow down to drive past, deer head sticking out of the front of the trailer, that's right, pretty much nothing but the head.

we have never done too much driving, I cover about 3,000 miles annually. I can't begin to understand why that little bit of travel can be so eventful. It's like we are always saying, 'THIS STUFF NEVER HAPPENED TO OUR PARENTS!'
Absolutely nothing wrong with letting people out into traffic, in fact, it helps everyone by freeing up traffic flow.
Well, as the many examples provided show, there certainly CAN be something wrong with it. Those examples make it plain that it can cause (and has caused) wrecks and even fatalities. Pretty hard to argue that "nothing is wrong" when someone ends up dead.
Of course you have to exercise common sense...
Common sense is always a very good place to start, but it is only a start. Good situational awareness of what is going on with all the other drivers on the road at the time is also critical, in addition to being able to predict what they will do with reasonable accuracy. Furthermore, understanding what the other drivers can (and can't see) is also important as that plays a big part in how things play out.

I'm not saying people should never do it (although there are official sources recommending against it) just pointing out that it has been proven that it is potentially a very dangerous, even deadly, practice.

For whatever it's worth to others who read this thread (and yes, I realized quite awhile back that there's no chance of changing your mind on this topic), here's what one source had to say about it:

Do Not Wave Across
The easy way to prevent this is to not "wave across" anyone who wants to pull out and cross lanes of traffic to go the other direction. The drivers wanting to pull out may not be happy with you, but they will be more upset if you wave them into an accident. Only allow cars to pull out if they want to pull into the lane you are in and go the direction you are going.​

And here's what another source said:

Every time we wave someone through or across a lane when the law grants no right-of-way to the recipient of the “favor” the possibility of a collision greatly increases. While it is somewhat ironic that being nice can be dangerous and illegal, the best practice is to save those favors for when someone is trying to merge into the lane in front of you.​
For whatever it's worth to others who read this thread (and yes, I realized quite awhile back that there's no chance of changing your mind on this topic)

Well you are right about that :p because I deal with the benefits of letting people out into traffic, not to mention being let out, at least a couple times a week. Further, you invalidated your own argument with the line I'm not saying people should never do it...

There are so many laws on the books we all commit several felonies a day. Arguing not to let people out into traffic on the basis that "it might cause an accident" is what the gun grabbers say "don't carry a gun, you'll just arm a criminal."

Next time you or any keyboard dissenter here is in a parking lot, wishing to turn right, and a driver in the right lane, passing by at 5 mph stops to let you out, don't be a hypocrite, kindly refuse the gesture. (You won't because no one is going to refuse that and if they say (or type) that they will, they are lying).

For those that like being let out into traffic, try this. It only works with stopped or very slowly moving cars since you need eye contact. Put your hands together in the classic "praying/begging" gesture. Put a look of great sadness/pleading on your face. Move your hands in and out in that classic move. People laugh and then stop to let you out. I learned when I was a salesman that if you can get people to laugh, they are more likely to say "yes." Try it. It's fun and it works. Just don't get killed or kill anyone else while pulling into the lane and prove my critics right. :p
Further, you invalidated your own argument with the line I'm not saying people should never do it...
Not at all. I have been very clear about my thoughts on the topic and re-reading my comments should make it amply obvious that my position is not to "never do it" but rather that people who choose to do it should "be extremely careful". In fact, I posted two sources which explicitly state when it is an acceptable practice and when it is inadvisable.
Just don't get killed or kill anyone else while pulling into the lane...
Actually letting someone pull into your lane is relatively benign as the two sources I quoted indicate. It is the practice of trying to "...stop traffic to allow people to cross the road..." that is especially dangerous. critics...
If you want, you can pretend this is all about you. But I can tell you that from my perspective it is not. It is about the person who died out in front of my workplace and about the people who have been injured, and who have had their property damaged as a result of this kind of situation. And most of all, about trying to keep that kind of thing from happening to others.
Not about me? Is it about you?

I mean, it clearly does mean a lot to you, enough that this thread has become less about road rage and more about the "dangers and illegality of letting vehicles cross the road and letting others out into traffic" complete with quotes, links, and now an emotional appeal.
Is it about you?
No. "It is about the person who died out in front of my workplace and about the people who have been injured, and who have had their property damaged as a result of this kind of situation. And most of all, about trying to keep that kind of thing from happening to others." clearly does mean a lot to you...
Well, I certainly am opposed to people getting killed, injured and even just getting their cars wrecked. So in that sense, it does.
...this thread has become less about road rage...
You're certainly welcome to go back to discussing road rage any time. ;)
At 4 am, when you fell asleep at 9-30 pm, I think it was at that time!

Random thoughts cross your mind, for instance... The average pedestrian crossing, has white lines, painted on the road? Kind of hard to see.

Canada (I think) and England, had Beacons, mounted on a 4" back and white striped pole, about 8' tall. The beacon is about 2 feet around, yellow in colure, and blinks constantly. It is totally visible for 100s of yards.

It means people cross here! Would this system not work in our City's here in the US of A? A random thought, I get them all the time!
Brit said:
Canada (I think) and England, had Beacons, mounted on a 4" back and white striped pole, about 8' tall. The beacon is about 2 feet around, yellow in colure, and blinks constantly. It is totally visible for 100s of yards.

Would it be easier to teach people not to step out in front of moving cars, trucks and buses? We have small poles (three or four feet high) wrapped in reflective tape set in the middle of the street at some crosswalks.

In The Ten Ring said:
Not about me? Is it about you?

I mean, it clearly does mean a lot to you, enough that this thread has become less about road rage and more about the "dangers and illegality of letting vehicles cross the road and letting others out into traffic" complete with quotes, links, and now an emotional appeal.

As one critic of the idea you've set forth, I make two responsive observations. First, I recognise that your motive is courtesy, a thing good in itself, and surely better than the selfish impatience that can mark other forms of problematic driving. Second, it does mean something to me. I drive a couple of hours a day on average. Inattention, failure to yield while driving in the overtake lane, cellular phone use, road block behaviors, poor lane discipline have all made my commute longer than it needs to be, and can cause road rage in others. I see the value of orderly traffic daily, as well as the cost of its absence.

Your idea of courtesy seems mostly benign and charitable. Can you acknowledge that departing from commonly accepted rules for traffic can cause problems, and isn't appropriate in all environments?
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Your idea of courtesy seems mostly benign and charitable. Can you acknowledge that departing from commonly accepted rules for traffic can cause problems, and isn't appropriate in all environments?

Thank you...although I might argue I am "totally" benign... :p LOL I seriously do wish to help others because I feel really good for doing so and I've been burned doing it, still, I keep doing it, so I guess I just don't learn very easily.

I don't see the comparison with cell phone and otherwise distracted driving. Those are things I would never advocate.

Say you, in a hurry as it seems to suggest you often are, are on a two lane road, and a guy in front of you stops, waiting for an opening to turn into a lot on the left side of the road. There is no traffic signal there. Traffic must back up, making everyone wait. Driving off the road to go around the stopped vehicle is illegal although we've all done it. Say for this instance there isn't room to go around. Speed in this area of road and at this time is about 10 mph. You mean to tell me you are fine with waiting minutes, even hours, for that break to appear so the stopped vehicle may turn and traffic flow resume? I doubt it. I think your stress level will go up and up, along with every else's.

No one has advocated stopping in a lane, blocking traffic, when traffic flow speed is brisk. That is rather suicidal, although, the following vehicle has a legal duty to keep enough distance to allow a stop for whatever reason. There is no legal reason to rear-end the guy in front.

I understand a lot of people live in and around cities, where following distances are not kept at a safe interval, where cutting off and cutting into traffic is the norm, and because of the likelihood of being cut off, people follow too closely. Such behavior cannot help but lead to very high stress, fear of, and hate for other drivers. I don't live in such a place, I used to (Charlotte) and I am very glad I left.
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I understand a lot of people live in and around cities, where following distances are not kept at a safe interval, where cutting off and cutting into traffic is the norm, and because of the likelihood of being cut off, people follow too closely. Such behavior cannot help but lead to very high stress, fear of, and hate for other drivers. I don't live in such a place, I used to (Charlotte) and I am very glad I left.

Right there you have nailed the reason that I don't leave town. I'd rather shove a pineapple sideways than drive to saint louis again. I have anger problems, have had since I was a kid, and if a person has any brains or decency that person works on those problems. One of the options for leveling mood out is to avoid things that cause problems, for example, DRIVING.

In general, people in america revel in their defectiveness. "stupid and proud of it."

One of the things that I heard repeatedly when I was working in the mental health field was "i don't want to take my meds because they make me feel like"

A zombie.
a Different person.


The fact is, many of these people like who they are, how they feel, what their habits and so forth are, and surrendering the problems that they have, such as anger or drug problems upsets them. They don't know how to deal with change.

A great way to explain this is that I supposed that almost all road rage incidents are over trivial things that one person with anger problems started in response to something that upset him. Then, every one of those events, unless I'm mistaken, could still have been de-escalated and shut off. being angry and insisting that something be done in response to that anger is what causes them, and having a stubborn pushing match.
Right there you have nailed the reason that I don't leave town.

Even a blind hog finds an acorn every so often. :p Thanks man.

I've heard some bad things about St. Louis....but that's any large city.

When I'd drive down to Charlotte, I'd do my usual 55 mph in the slow lane but as I neared the metropolis, I'd "get my NASCAR on" and start driving like the rest of the morons. "When in Rome...."

It takes a big man to admit he has any sort of problem although I'm not sure I'd admit it online.

You hate driving? See, I love it. It relaxes me. Sometimes I'll drive around for hours, late at night, on rural roads and sometimes I'll get the urge to "explore" and see where X road goes.

Very interesting about the "not taking meds" angle.....surely true for too many.

Most things that get our dander up are very small issues. Two rational people, both that care about others, will always work things out easily. It takes two however....

I think I ran into (or more correctly) "he almost ran into me" with his car.....a guy was coming into a gas station parking lot way too fast and I had to jump out of the way. He yelled obscenities my way. I stayed quiet, went back to my car, and stood ready for action.

About 2005 I was driving home from work and saw a sports car pulled over, top down. I was about to pull over to check on him when I saw a large male (very buff) standing in front of it POUNDING ON THE HOOD WITH HIS FISTS. I didn't see anyone else. That one I didn't stop for but I called it in, making sure the operator knew what the guy was doing!
Traffic often gets really congested these days. Like,sitting through the same light three times congested.
If I'm in that mess and someone is trapped in a grocery store parking lot trying to get on the road,I'll give him space.
I was in Denver on I-25 today,interstate hiway about 25 mph.It gets bumper to bumper.I noticed the18 wheeler next to me had his blinker on.He needed to change lanes.I slowed and gave him room he did not have.
Awareness and co-operation is one thing.
But good gravy,know what you are supposed to do and do it.
I don't want to play the "After you..." game. Its not a courtesy if you are wasting someone elses time. Its incompetence.
Or some weird ego and control trip.. True,I don't appreciate those who consider a turn signal an invitation to cut me off,but please do not do something odd that requires me to figure out what you are doing,read your mind,then trust you. I can manage. Don't slow,don't stop,don't hold up traffic for me. Just GO. Really. I'll make it.