Road rage is real.

In The Ten Ring

New member
Don't have arguments on the road with people. Don't yell, honk, gesture, follow, high beam, may be tough but he may not have any restraint.

In this case though, the victim was followed....if someone was behind me acting aggressive, I'd call police and either lead them to an officer or wait for a unit to come up. I wouldn't drive home.
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Road rage is real.
On the way home from work Friday I had a guy buzz me. Not sure why. When we got to the next light, all I could think was, please don’t get out of your truck. I really really don’t want to have to shoot you.

As far as the honking.
In this day and age, everyone pulls out their phone as they are coming up to a light. If you aren’t willing to honk your horn, you could sit there all day. If the light turns green and you don’t go, I’m hitting the wake-up button. If it ticks you off, sorry.
Don't know about road rage, but if you think anyone will ever let you in, in Florida, think again. All you need to do, is indicate a lane change? And they will hit the go pedal, to keep you out.
Strangely enough, they let you in, mostly, in Sacramento, CA.

Honk at me, just one time. :p LOL. I sometimes space out at red lights. A gentle honk gets me back into the game too. :) I do think you're wrong though, no one pulls out their phone as they are coming up to a light.....that phone is out the entire time and their face is looking down at it as much as possible! :EEK:

What I meant in my "advice post" is "don't honk as a matter of showing one's own anger or dislike of behavior, especially if the guy has already tried to provoke a reaction."

*Glad that road rager didn't try to accost you. That would be terrible, to be forced to shoot a road rager....lots of people are on drugs now....something we all have to consider.

"Don't know about road rage, but if you think anyone will ever let you in, in Florida, think again. All you need to do, is indicate a lane change? And they will hit the go pedal, to keep you out."

I saw that in Charlotte, NC back in 2003 to 2005 when I lived there. It's the northern city folk transplants. They had enough of the high taxation their liberal voting habits got them so they moved south to greener pastures but kept their liberal ("me only") mindsets and unfortunately, voting habits.

I always let people out into traffic and I stop traffic to allow people to cross the road and thus, free up the other lane. In return, Lord Jesus lets me out into traffic. I noticed in Charlotte though, people were so distrustful of other drivers, when I'd stop traffic to let them out of a parking lot and even gestured for them to "come on" they'd sit and stare at me. I assume they thought I just wanted to lure them into an accident. I will never again live in a large city. The fear people have for each other is disgusting. And don't get me started about traffic in Atlanta! I will never again drive into that city unless I can keep to side streets and at 3 AM!
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I noticed in Charlotte though, people were so distrustful of other drivers, when I'd stop traffic to let them out of a parking lot and even gestured for them to "come on" they'd sit and stare at me.
Or maybe they've seen a wreck caused when one driver waves a car out into traffic without other drivers realizing what is going on.

Someone was killed out in front of the plant where I work in just such an incident. A well-meaning person stopped and waved a car out from a side street. Another driver on the main street, not realizing the situation, legally passed the stopped driver the left and T-Boned the car that came from the side street while going about 50mph.

The driver who tried to act as a traffic light, but without being able to actually notify other drivers to stop, drove away unscathed after (admittedly unintentionally) setting up a fatal accident.

Unless you can stop all the traffic on the road in both directions, you're better off not waving someone out from a position of safety onto a road that is full of other drivers who may not realize what is going on until it's too late.

Right-of-way rules are there so that everyone on the road understands what the situation is. That maximizes the chances that everyone is on the same page. When one driver decides to try to rewrite the right-of-way rules in a particular situation (whatever the reason) it creates the potential for misunderstandings that can have severe consequences.

Although the driver in the case I mentioned was not held responsible, it can result in significant liability for the signaling driver.

When somebody undertakes the serious and grave responsibility of “directing traffic,” that person assumes the liability that goes along with that responsibility, just as a police officer directing traffic at the scene would.

Here's an incident where a driver signaled to another driver to turn, resulting in that driver hitting a bicyclist and nearly killing her.

It is actually fairly common for this kind of behavior to result in accidents.

Some areas actually warn against the practice.
Or maybe they've seen a wreck caused when one driver waves a car out into traffic without other drivers realizing what is going on.

Very important to keep in mind as I've seen more than one, fortunately none with fatalities.
It sure messed up my older sister's wedding day when my Father who was to perform her wedding was waved out into traffic in such a way.
Both of my parents, one grandmother, two siblings and myself all packed into the car, talk about lucky.
As far as the honking.
In this day and age, everyone pulls out their phone as they are coming up to a light. If you aren’t willing to honk your horn, you could sit there all day. If the light turns green and you don’t go, I’m hitting the wake-up button. If it ticks you off, sorry.

It's also necessary in Florida because sometimes you have to wake up the 95 year old driver in front of you... :D

As for flashing headlights, if you're not moving out of the left passing lane on a multi-lane highway, I will flash the lights politely
Or maybe they've seen a wreck caused when one driver waves a car out into traffic without other drivers realizing what is going on.

Someone was killed out in front of the plant where I work in just such an incident. A well-meaning person stopped and waved a car out from a side street. Another driver on the main street, not realizing the situation, legally passed the stopped driver the left and T-Boned the car that came from the side street while going about 50mph.

50 mph on main street? Very fast-paced city you have there. Passing a stopped vehicle and not seeing what's made them stop seems pretty stupid to me.

No good deed goes unpunished.

I don't let people out on more than a 2 lane road and I don't stop in the road unless I'm visible way far back.

If I have to turn left in heavy traffic and there isn't a light, I turn right, go with traffic, turn left and cross the road, pull over, turn around, and then join the flow of traffic in the direction I wanted to go in the first place. I do this all the time leaving my parents' house. I'm fine with it though.
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50 mph on main street? Very fast-paced city you have there.
It's not unusual for speed limits on main streets in this area to be 45-50mph. The limit on this particular street is 50mph. I'm assuming that the person was going the speed limit but I suppose it's possible they were going a little faster or slower.
Passing a stopped vehicle and not seeing what's made them stop seems pretty stupid to me.
As far as I'm aware, it is legal anywhere to pass a stopped vehicle on the left if there is no oncoming traffic, no sign prohibiting it, or a double-yellow line. One could argue that waving a car out onto a street without being absolutely sure that it was safe for the driver to come out was what was really stupid in that particular incident.
No good deed goes unpunished.
Did you look through the links I provided? Creating a dangerous situation, even unintentionally, probably doesn't really qualify as a good deed.
I don't let people out on more than a 2 lane road...
There's still the possibility of oncoming traffic or someone approaching from the rear who doesn't know what's going on even on a 2 lane road. In fact, the incident I described happened on a 2 lane road.
If I have to turn left in heavy traffic and there isn't a light, I turn right, go with traffic, turn left and cross the road, pull over, turn around, and then join the flow of traffic in the direction I wanted to go in the first place.
Avoiding unprotected left turns whenever it's practical to do so is a very good idea.
Road rage is real.

...and it's not just when on the road. I see the same quick tempered threats and intimidation used in the aisles of Wal-mart, walking down the street, having a drink with friends in a bar, watching a youth ball game or sitting in a school board meeting. Seems to be the norm in our society. Heck, was even a tactic in the last Presidential election. "Get in my face and I'll beat yours in". Gone are the days of folks being considerate and letting someone else pass them or get in the check-out line ahead of them. Everyone's in a hurry and everyone feels they are entitled to be first or have it their way and their way only. No need for intelligent discussion and compromise as long as there is violence and threats.
...and it's not just when on the road. I see the same quick tempered threats and intimidation used in the aisles of Wal-mart, walking down the street, having a drink with friends in a bar, watching a youth ball game or sitting in a school board meeting. Seems to be the norm in our society.

Wow you nailed it good, spot on ! I see it everywhere myself as well and coming from all ages. And if you carry you have to be a cool operator, if you are a hot head to begin with you should not be carrying.

I got stories to tell, because I'm a walker because of health issues. Thankfully I faced it before I started to carry so I knew what can happen out there.
I have had then throw stuff at me when they drive by, yell out obscenities and even get right in my face and yell in my ear.

People who don't spend a good deal of time around the 'general public' have no idea the animals and the low-lives out here. That's all before we get to the criminals and the druggies and drunks even.

I walk right through them like they don't even exist and that piss's some off, but don't ever even stop to answer for the the time of day, once you do you are vulnerable, keep on trucking as they say and ignore even a question for directions, play dumb or whatever, but do not ever make small conversation even.

And if you draw make sure all the T's are crossed and the box's checked because in today's world you are guilty until proven innocent.
These idiots in their vehicle flashing their guns are pointing their finger like a gun are just setting themselves up to be killed or thrown into prison.

Be honest with yourself, a gun may not be in your best interest, perhaps pepper spray or a ball-bat, something other. If I could still run I would not be carrying myself and not because I will 'over react' to a situation but because society has turned the average thug into the innocent who had a bad life.
Thank you JohnKSa

I am a road warrior. My trusty Prius is @ 312 K miles, I drive about 55K per year.
It's by far the most dangerous part of my job.

As you said so well, we have traffic and right of way LAWS for a reason. Rewriting those LAWS while behind the wheel in the pursuit of being nice can get someone killed.

Some days I am convinced that a lot of folks just do not understand the right of way laws, and thus will "wave you on" simply because of that fact.

Traffic flow would be better if everyone followed the rules. That's true of lots of things.
Yep. Mostly because anybody can have a DL. Up here, there is no requirement to be able to read or speak The Queen's English to get a DL either.
If they'd just outlaw automatic transmissions a lot of the really incompetents will be off my roads.
"...everyone pulls out their phone..." Stopped at a light does not mean you're no longer driving. Illegal, here, to use a phone or other such device while driving. Fine is $490.
The normal way of driving now is aggressively. driving is exactly like the internet, when a person is closed into a car, they are isolated and uncaring. The others are nothing more important than litter. "Get out of my way, i'm driving here" is the mantra. if you cross someone, you will piss them off.

I know a guy on an unrelated bulletin board who is pretty much one of the most obnoxious and abrasive people who I have ever known. He was ripping me because I had said something that he disagreed with, and I replied

"I would bet that you drive like a real prick"

He got even madder and mouthier, and some of the people who know him popped in and replied that he did, in fact, drive like an absolute prick. His driving was exactly like his online behavior.

I guess that the point is that at no time are you safe from aggressive and careless driving, every day a person risks being injured by a stupid or aggressive driver. It's a lot less common, but lord, there are also so many people out there that would destroy you over their anger. It may take nothing at all but a lane change, if it escalates.

something I have learned. I got a car with bluetooth, and felt that my problems were over.

It's amazing how difficult it is to take or make a call even with your phone on the dash and using the bluetooth vocal function. It may not distract your hands, but it does distract your thinking.
Don't know about road rage, but if you think anyone will ever let you in, in Florida, think again. All you need to do, is indicate a lane change? And they will hit the go pedal, to keep you out.
Strangely enough, they let you in, mostly, in Sacramento, CA.

If your IN Florida, BE Florida. Otherwise the state becomes the state you left, in order to get away from folks who act like that. Don't bring your crappy rush-hour driving habits south with you.
If they'd just outlaw automatic transmissions a lot of the really incompetents will be off my roads.

That made me laugh out loud and it is so true....:D. Rowing their own gears in traffic would help out greatly.
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If your IN Florida, BE Florida. Otherwise the state becomes the state you left, in order to get away from folks who act like that. Don't bring your crappy rush-hour driving habits south with you.

ESPECIALLY on the Interstate. The left lane is for passing, not sitting there doing 65 mph backing up traffic for a mile behind you............