Riot defense senario

I would 'go silent' and make my house look like it was empty, but defend the stronghold upstairs. If the rioters do make entry to loot, etc; I would give them the ground floor as a 'freebie' (insurance can replace anything).

The stairs would be the choke point and that's where I would defend. Many stairs have a 90 degree turn in them, so you would be able to be in cover until they are part way up and then challenge and engage immediately.

Even with a pistol I think you would be in a strong position to stop a charge of several rioters; yet once they see the first few people go down I'm sure that their zeal would erode and they would want to bail out. If not, keep on shooting them.

As several posts indicated, you are defending not only yourself but your home and family; no jury would send you down for defending yourself, let alone your family.

I wouldn't even imagine that one would need a large volume of ammunition, as long as you are cool and calm and make each double tap count.

I'm somewhat relieved that it shouldn't happen to any of us too often, if ever; but a good mental exercise in defending one's 'castle'. Unfortunately here in England my response to an intruder into my home would be courtesy of a 4-cell maglite and a lot of aggression behind it!
Anyone see the movie Gangs of New York? Not something I highly recommend, but remember the scene when the riots were breaking out. Had a Yankee businessman sitting down with his family and the mob broke into the front door. He grabbed two pistols and barely got off around three or four rounds as they were rushing in the door before they overwhelmed him. Granted it's a movie, but it is an illustration of why lone defense in a house is not the best tactic.
That's my opinion though....on the other hand, I imagine those who advocate this position won't be sitting down for supper when the mob breaks in, you will have your rifles and scatterguns aimed out the windows before they get to you house.
On the other hand, if you fortify yourself and your family in a single house alone, they are more exposed to bullets flying. In my view, it would be better to set up defenses down the street with the strength of neighbors behind you and additional guns keeping familys away from the confrontation.
Doug, I would prefer to remain mobile. Fixed positions offer the safety of superior cover however the lack of mobility and visuals make you a sitting duck once the badguys know your position. You are correct, it would be better to have the neighbors help.
Just thought of something. If the roit is comming towards you house, just get some fake blood and pour it around your door (and some drag marks), that ought to scare a few people away, o yea and shoot your door a couple of times.
Another thought occured to me the other day: I emphasized keeping in contact with the police dispatcher on a regular basis throughout your setup checking in making sure they know you are fortified and where you are. Well it might not be a bad idea also to dress a certain way to make you and your neighbors identifiable to police and their helicopters patroling the area. Something like wearing Orange hunting jackets or something that makes you look distinct from rioters.
You Know...You are exactly right, definately would not want anyone to confuse your armed "citizens" with the rabble. FUBU T-shirts would definately be a NO-NO.

Since you are organizing a militia, why not get some uniforms that look like the LEOs or Military?

Be sure to pin your CCW Badge on as well :D
Interesting thread. I like the run silent run deep suggestion. Nobody home.

30 minutes you say? Got any idea how many loopholes can be cut with a cordless sawzall in 30 minutes? ;>)

If you don't already know your neighbors...go say hey. Even a passing relationship before shtf is good. You can't wait until a mob is 4 blocks away to go knock on their door (unless they KNOW YOU).
We have a potential riot brewing here in Florida again. Seems that some white juvenile boot camp employees ruffed up a black inmate and unfortunately he died. Originally his death was ruled a result of sickle cell disease. Now after a second autopsy, sickle cell was ruled out as the cause of death. The NAACP,Rainbow Push, and other groups are demanding that the officers be put up on murder charges. Problem is the exact cause of death isn't known and the da has said that manslaughter is the best that they could go after IF they decide to charge anyone. The blacks have vowed to protest if they aren't charged with the boys murder. From past expierience there will be rioting if the guys aren't charge and convicted.

My job borders potential riot zones so I have desided that from now until things are back to normal, to take one of my AR-15's to work with me along with several mags. Plus I might be on call at work if a riot does break out because we are licensed FFL dealers and carry hundreds of guns that get targeted by rioters. My boss will hire an off duty LEO if availible and myself and the other guys will keep them company.
You Might consider sending some PM's to certain folks on this thread, they seem very willing to organize a good ole' shoot-em-up posse to protect your "property"
Lock em up & throw away the key!

Seems that some white juvenile boot camp employees ruffed up a black inmate and unfortunately he died.
It's a little off topic but I saw that on the news and from what I saw those thugs, err, I mean camp employees should go to jail! That kid was like only 12 years old or something like that and it took all those big huge guards to subdue him. Yep, those guards are real bad as*es when it comes to kids aren't they? Send them to prison and we'll see how tough they really are.