Riot defense senario

Okay, Glenn...

are we going west on I10? That seems like the best direction, less population heading toward El Paso so less likelyhood that any disturbance will follow. From my vantage point, I think you're exactly right. If there is a moderately safe way out of the area, take it. If my family and I are alive we can rebuild.
Anywhere on the big roads out of San Antonio will get you into country that has a low probability of urban violence. I would go to Kerrville or Bandera and have some BBQ.

I would watch on the TV, video of the mob chasing Doug38PR around his house. :D

Sorry about that! Live on the outskirts of your town if you fear violence. We do and can be serious country in a minute or two.
...the cut and run types are forgetting that once confined in a car...someone can ambush you and riddle your car(and occupants with bullets)...or shoot you through the windshield at a distance... to stay behind a strong defense...

...I want to shoot someone?...sure do, as soon as they come to attack me...

...this isn't the first time I have thought this scenario possible, things being what they are today...thats why I live by the Scout motto...

..things can be replaced?...those things were bought by my mortal life's finite time..that time cannot be replaced...yield to evil only when you cannot stand against it...

Rapier can watch Aspen piling up the dead bodies when things have ended...
Why do we always have to defend against riots?

Too much Hollywood, not enough tactics. If you are in the heart of a riot or a mob is coming to get you...well, say your prayers and be as tacti-cool as you want.
New Orleans sfter the hurricane tells us two things

1) The police may take no action against rioters and looters. You cannot count on them. They may try to confiscate your guns. Do not be a "good citizen and give them up.

2) Rioters and looters fear people with guns. A determined man with a good semiautomatic rifle and lots of spare magazines can usually demoralize them and drive them off.
true..true..+ rioteers will probably fear you more than the cops since you don't have a police ethical code to worry about..whats Miranda????:confused:
If you look at when riots that break out in the worlds third world countries what's one of the first things you see. The abandonment of the embassies. Those are fortified postions and yet they get out while the gettings good.They know they can't last a long term seige.And in a riot you don't know how long it will last. Its not worth the cost to stay. Sure they can kill quite a few of the rioters. I will retreat til i have no choice but to fight.Staying in my stick framed house and taking cover behind my refrigerator is not my idea of having a tactical advantage.But thats just my opinion. Sorry don't mean to P.O. anyone.
when in a foreign country surrounded by foreign uptight people..getting out IS a good idea...your own country is different..sticks? of the three little pigs????
Rioters are usually poorly armed. If I'm in fear of my life, I don't know what would happen until it happened. But, I would stand my ground-live or die.

Against an organized force (army), I would flee as quickly as possible.

That was great, my sides are killing me now but it was worth it.

Commando boy and the neighborhood ninjas to the rescue, don't worry mister, I got my ak 47 here and I've been killing people (on paper targets) for years there's nothing to it. I can see it now
Withdraw or Fight?

Well, it's after 6pm which means it's gonna be dark soon and I only have twenty minutes to get prepared. If I leave it will take me all of 20 minutes just to load my weapons and ammo into my truck not counting my family and the dog. Then I have to consider how large is the riot or is it a civil war? I live in a suburban neighborhood and if I start shooting I might be shooting into my neighbors house so I would have to pick my shots very carefully and it's gonna be dark soon. Do I really want to try to get out and away to my land in the boonies where no one will bother me? It's after 6pm and it will be dark soon! My son and I could cover almost the entire neighborhood from the roof (he was with the 82nd airborne) and our families could hide in the basement but it's gonna be dark soon. Do you get my drift? It's gonna be dark soon and that changes everything! If it was daylight I could sit up on the roof and have a turkey shoot all day long but in darkness it's an entirely different ballgame. In darkness someone could toss a Molotov cocktail on your house and you would never know where it came from and now you're really in trouble.
To be honest I don't know what I would do until that time actually came. I would have to weigh my options and decide what was in the best interest for me and my family at that particular time. But don't think that I haven't thought about it, that's why I have thousands of rounds of ammo for my many rifles and handguns. The only thing I don't have is body armor but that's a different thread. :D
For those of you strongly opinionated one way or the other. Get over it. It's not always feasible to stay nor is it always feasible to go and I know this from personal experience. :mad: Be prepared and do the best you can with the means you have.
If you look at when riots that break out in the worlds third world countries what's one of the first things you see. The abandonment of the embassies. Those are fortified postions and yet they get out while the gettings good.

Yeah, but they have marines covering their butts while evacuating, they have blackhawks and apaches for air cover, and they are usually evacuating to a known-safe location on an aircraft carrier about 10 miles out to sea.

If I leave in my Dodge pickup, I've got 50,000 other yahoos who chose to leave at the same time, clogging up the highway so no one can move and any given car is easy pickings for rioters or opportunists.

My house is a better site. Board up the doors, secure the windows, make sure you have 2-3 fire escape routes and get a good vantage point from the second floor with as many rounds in as many guns as you can get.
Hmmm, I simply stated what I would do, without personal attacks on anyone else. I you think its best to evac, then do so. If you think its best to stay and fight then do that. I live in LA and I still remember the 92' riots. I am not going to get caught on the street behind some other cars, get dragged out and beaten to death. In fact the whole point is probably moot since there will certainly be a tac alert and I wont be home to protect my house anyways. Bottom line is standing my ground and protecting my home does not make me or anyone else a "Commando boy and the neighborhood ninjas". In fact there is quite a tradition of doing just that in this country. Stop the name calling and grow up.
The key issue is your goal state. Mine is to survive along with my family.

The initial poster had saving material positions as a close to equally important priority.

The initial poster also decided to start the thread with Something doesn't go the way of the "poor" and "oppressed." .

I regard that as irrelevant baiting. One might has easily have said that you are a minority and a racist mob is coming to your house. This has in fact happened. African-american men defended their homes and let their families escape.

Thus, one has to discuss mind set and motive. This is a common discussion in most tactical classes. Even the initial poster had posited in most civilian training classes that he would not take an opportunity to flee because:

Your life is more than just the beating of your heart. They say a man's home is his castle, I say stay and fight for it. .

It would not be judged as a judicious act and probably as posturing.

The only sensible solution to such a situation is:

1. Your priority is you and your family's physical safety.
2. Chose the option that optimizes it.
3. If your action saves your stuff, that is nice but epiphenomenological.

One trains to have the ability to use lethal force - as a tool for saving your butt first.
Well, when the mob is over running my location; I bet the reloaders won't be far behind. They're gonna want that huge pile of brass that will be next to my body.

I won't hand myself over to the control of an out of control mob.
Lots of variables

For me, I have to know whether its winter or summer. My house is waterfront, I get my wife, dog, guns, bankbooks etc and get on my boat and I'm gone man. Not worried about traffic on the water, and no one is sneaking up on me once I'm just a few yards offshore. I'll head across the bay and be in another state in 20 minutes. let 'em burn my house. Steal what? my Pier-One furniture? My cheapest one they had at Best Buy DVD? If you saw my house and stuff you'd think only an idiot would defend it. I'm not saying that I'd do the same thing if my house and stuff were really nice. Gun wise i only own one 870, one J frame 340PD, Glock 26, and AR-15. I recently sold off everything else. What would I do if it was winter and the boat's out of the water. Well now I'm a little screwed, but I'd high-tail it if possible. My neigbors are not going to be much help. But they make easy targets, and I don't by comparison, so that might help:p