Primary Home Defense Weapon System

After that there's a demon chiuaua(sp?), and after that he gets a dose of 12 gauge.

Look, I hate a yappy little dog as much as the next guy, but isn't shooting him with a 12 guage a bit much? :confused:

Go with something compact

There is lots of good information here, but one thing that often gets overlooked is you may not always have the luxury of hunkering down.

Obviously if given the choice it is the best, but if you still have folks out there what are you going to do? Your choices are many but the likely ones would be to wait and hope they leave or move to your family to wait and hope they leave. Since that is more of a likely scenario for young couples you need to be thinking about something more compact and manueverable. You may be carrying family members or you may be grappling with intruders, the list goes on and hopefully the point is clear.

There is no easy answer here, but one thing is for certain. You have to determine what you are going to do first and then the weapon system will become obvious.

Hmmm. Plan first, buy later?

Weird idea! :D

And remember that changing houses means re-evaluating your defense plan. I've lived in a one story rambler, a split level, and now a 3 story townhome. Very different scenarios for cat burglar, home invasion, or fire. Each house needs it's own plan. A single's plan will be different from a married couple and a family with young children will be different from a family with teenagers.

Particularly if the teenagers are capable shooters! :eek:
something different...

I like a Winchester trapper 94 (16" barrel) in .44 special/.44mag for HD. It's easy to handle and reliable. I like using .44 specials (240gr semi wadcutters) in this gun because they offer decent performance for a handgun round, but are not too loud out of a 16" barrel (although I think all centerfire guns are pretty loud). The gun also has good capacity (I think you can load ten .44 special cartridges in the tube or nine .44 mag cartridges), and I'm comfortable operating it.

Plus the lever action is fairly politically correct looking, which has its advantages. One drawback, however, would be if I were required to handle the carbine and a flashllight at the same time. It's a little less awkward holding the light and foreend in the same hand but it can be done.
Andy, glad you find it worth reading. For those of us who haven't been there, done that, it's a wealth of info from folks who have.

BTW, your definition of liberals and conservatives had me laughing out loud! Great stuff.
Was just thinking - Home defense might be a good excuse to buy a double-stack, 6", Para or similar 1911, in .38 super, with 20 rounders! :) That just may be a purt near perfect home defense handgun.
Quartus... and (most) everyone else... VERY good info.

A reading of John Farnum's Quips (site) at provides a plethora of info re firearms & blade experiences; notes; useless & useful hardware, ammo, techniques; and other useful (maybe need-to-know... or to remember) info.

These are short, informative items - quick reads. There are several years worth, but if you are there for the first time I suggest you start in Jan '04 for most current info and at the bottom (oldest) and work to the top (latest) since some later items refer to earlier ones.

Quartus, thanks - I finally got through all the '04's.

Again the URL is

My 41 inch Forged steel katana and my Kimber 1911, the katana for closed quarters where a boom would really damage ear drums and it's funner, no recoil, easier to handle and never runs out of bullets, the 1911 incase the BG, gets away into the yard or he's in a room with one entrance and it'd not dark.
This katana you speak of - you have some links? I never thought of a sword as a serious home defense weapon, but maybe I should. I always thought, I never want to get that close - I'll either shoot from a distance or retreat if loved ones are not in danger. But you might be in that close by accident - surprised around a corner or whatnot. Sword might not be a good choice as I grow older and lose strength and agility, but for now, while I'm fairly young, I may want to have one on hand for good measure. What's a good value (low priced) one? Or, if that question is off topic, post in the gear and accessories and/or PM me.
This is hard for me to answer. My first choice would be my 870 or Mossberg Preacher gun. But since over penetration is an issue, my first shell would be birdshot followed by buckshot, probably 00. This might be lowered. Next consideration is accessibilty, for me this would be younguns getting their paws on it when I'm not there. I could put a life jacket on the shotgun and put it under the bed. Then I'd have to fumble with keys. So handgun rules under these circumstances. I have one of those door ejecting type of safes where you just push buttons, no key needed.

Now the problem becomes which handgun. I have two semi autos, an H&K .45 USP Compact and a Beretta 9 mm 92FS. I'm ruling these out because they can possibly jam. Whereas that ain't gonna happen with the revolver. Not my first choice but it's what I own, a 45 LC Peacemaker. Need to get something more 20th Century but that might now happen soon. (Promised myself that my next purchase is a Wilson Combat .45, so I'm in a saving mode.) Over-penetration is an issue, but I'm using this as a cover weapon to retrieve one of my shotguns that are nearby.

I'm ruling out the AR15 because, first you better be on target, and 2nd over-penetration. At 25 yards, I can put a smiley face on you with the Peacemaker. I'm just as good with the other two but I was made aware of a couple of drawbacks with semi-autos. The clips can retain a memory if you leave them loaded for an extended period of time. This can cause jamming. Next was a story about a guy being robbed by two guys with semi-autos. Both of their guns jammed in the attempt and he used his revolver and killed them both.

I've reinforced the walls in the kids room with bookshelves (loaded with books) to reduce the overpenetration issue. I also plan on shooting high (head shot) to take away additional danger. My worse case scenario includes moving to the stairwell to cover anyone coming up the stairs and then having the kids retreat to one bedroom along with my spouse. My dog and I will battle it out with the oncoming foe.
In "my" gun shop the other day I saw 12g mini-shotshells - about two inches long. I'm told they come in birdshot, buck of some size, and slug. Theoretically a fix for overpenetration. They are for single and double shotties... won't work in pumps/autos. Makes a case for a short double, huh?


[giggling on]
Rereading before Submit for errors, "pumps/auto" read "pimps/auto". Couldn't stifle the giggle. Actually, I think it WOULD work in pimps. (Har Har)[/giggling off]
<looking at Ironbarr's hysterics with concern>

Captain? Captain, he's breaking up! I canna hold him together much longer! :eek:

So, up past your bedtime again, Andy? My daddy always made us go to be when we got silly.

Beretta 9000S in .40 by my bed. 18" bbl 870 loaded with 00 buck in the closet. My Dad and his Taurus .357 upstairs. A carbine, possibly the new Beretta Storm in .40 is up next on the list, when I get the cash.
Well my home defense system starts with a 2.5 meter concrete wall topped by another meter of 12,500 volt wire. Then there are two dobermans on the inside, one weighs in at 100 lbs and the other puppy is only 40 lbs. I've got a security system with two perimeters of infrared beams then motion detectors closer to and inside the home. All hooked up to an 8 day battery if need be. The electric fence is also hooked into the alarm system so that any overt pressure or cutting will set it off.

After that I've got a Mossberg 12ga and a Glock .40, both loaded but no rounds chambered. If all else fails I do have a machete close by. :D

Overpenetration is not a problem because my entire house is concrete. The walls go anywhere from 8" to 14" and I don't think the 12ga or the .40 will go through that. I know that the machete won't.
Depends on where I am in the house

as I'm never more than 20 ft. away from a gun...Choices include Hi-Point 9mm carbine(Loaded w/ +P+ Black Talons), Mossberg Special Purpose w/ pistol grip, and 2 SKSs...Early warning system consists of 5 German Shepherds...So, If I have time, I'd probably try to get to the shotgun..1st 3 rounds are #4 birdshot, followed by 4 rounds of 3" magnum 15 pellet 00 buck...If I need more than that, I "fall back" to the SKS-M (30 and 40 round magazines loaded and available)....But by the time I get THAT deep in the s*it, my son will also be armed and firing...Overpenetration not serious problem, luckily, live in semi-rural area...I also hold the "high ground" in all directions.