Poll, Sen. Obama Your Choice for President?

Is Sen. Obama your choice for President?

  • Yes

    Votes: 22 10.8%
  • No

    Votes: 181 89.2%

  • Total voters
My personal bias towards what? The President who is elected to run this country? Sure, if you want to call it bias, thats fine, I would prefer to call it an informed voter.
Towards his policies and positions.

Ever think that reason there wasn't much response to your request was that there aren't many of his supporters here? Perhaps if you want a real answer instead of just making up your mind about his supporters you should go ask some.

That being said many people do believe he has good ideas in regards to health care, energy policies, government transparency and accountability, network neutrality, lobbying, Iraq, abortion, stem cell research, capital punishment and immigration.

But none of those mean that people have to be on welfare or have a dislike of Bush or be "suckers" to agree with him.
Enlighted us poor benighted fools that can't see the brilliance of your Messiah.
:rolleyes: When did I say he was brilliant or that I even agreed with a good number of his policies?

And I don't have a messiah of any kind.
That call for reasons to support him was aimed at the 20 people who voted in this poll. I suspect, like many other things that happen online, saying and doing are completely different things. Many would just hit the support vote just to skew the results. Otherwise, I think they would be here adamently backing him through reasoned support.

I have talked with supporters, rather intelligently debated them on a variety of issues ranging from Iraq, foreign policy, experience, socialized healthcare, immigration, etc. A dear friend of mine is supporting him and I am just trying to find out why she is, she has reasons, but only because she is in the political scene. My fear is that the people who support him, do so blindly based on his speeches, his behaviour, his airy rhetoric that lacks substance. That is the reason I ask for reasons he is being supported, not because I am trying to diminish the man, but because I think the majority do not have the reasons to back up their support of him.

Do you support him? Not necessarily in all of his views, but enough to consider voting for him this year?
So...you're insane?
spectacular rebuttal! I bow to your rhetorical superiority

Do you support him? Not necessarily in all of his views, but enough to consider voting for him this year?
If I wasn't able to write in a candidate and had to choose between him, hillary or mccain I might. Depending on who the Libertarian Party puts up

I'd rather see him in office than McCain primarily for his ideas on government transparency. I also happen to mostly agree with him on a number of social issues including abortion and gay marriage plus issues like the environment and immigration.

But since I'm able to write in a candidate I don't think I'll be voting for him.

Now I'm sorry if I misunderstood your initial comment but even just referring to the 20 people in this thread I still don't think you can say that all 20 are people who are anti-gun, hate bush, hate republicans, are suckers or want to see how bad the country can get. I certainly don't believe that he is liable to make things worse than they already are.
Oh and as for his experience, we've seen quite well how experienced people like cheney, rumsfeld and their ilk have wonderfully managed foreign policy. I'm more apt to believe that someone with a fresh look on the issue will do a hell of a lot better job. I'd much rather put a person with foreign policy ideas that don't involve sticking one's fingers in one's ears and shouting "NAH NAH NAH CANT HEAR YOU" and pretend that recognizing motives for terrorism is akin to "blame america first".
I sent a nasty gram to the Obama sight. posted here for all of you to read, forward, enjoy, or ponder over.

My main concern with Obama, is his anti gun Stance. He has repeatly threatened to "ban Assault weapons" and He supports the DC handgun ban. Great ,, now only the criminals have these weapons. Genious plan. I did dig in his web site and found he "supports guns for the purposes of hunting and target shooting" ...But not self defense. Which, is what the second amendment was all about. I doubt our forefathers where too worried about us having fun at the target range or bagging a deer. The main concern regarding the 2nd is self defense and protection against our own government ,,, if need be. I wonder what change Obama has in store for us if he intends to Ban our weapons, take them away and prevent us from being able to defend ourselves against, criminals, invaders, aliens, zombies, and perhaps even our own government???( STARTING WITH the District of COLUMBIA) I have and will post this on every blog, website and forum i can thing of, find , join or hack my way into. I am intent on this man NOT being my president. If elected, he will still not be "my" president
I'd rather see him in office than McCain primarily for his ideas on government transparency. I also happen to mostly agree with him on a number of social issues including abortion and gay marriage plus issues like the environment and immigration.
I'm more apt to believe that someone with a fresh look on the issue will do a hell of a lot better job.

Just a little background regarding your views to try and understand why you would agree with him on some of these issues...

What are your views on abortion? I know from prior discussions with you it is pro-choice, but what part does the government play in it? How would you change the current laws, add more, veto some, etc?
Same thing regarding gay marriage. Do you think the government should be hands off with this, state issue, or neither?
On CNN, it states that Obama supports a national ban on concealed carry except for retired police and military personnel, although I have not heard that from him, yet. However, his website states that he sports the Second Amendment for use for hunting and target shooting. :rolleyes:
yeah, for target shooting, and hunting, which is not the intended use of the 2nd. It is self defense, I wish we could get this through the Dems skulls
What are your views on abortion? I know from prior discussions with you it is pro-choice, but what part does the government play in it? How would you change the current laws, add more, veto some, etc?
Same thing regarding gay marriage. Do you think the government should be hands off with this, state issue, or neither?

So, he supports Obama on 2 issues on which a 12 year Republican hold on Congress, 6 of those with a Republican President, barely touched while he's willing to allow him to run roughshod over gun rights which have been curtailed and are actually in jeopardy. Yes, it's insane.
Just a little background regarding your views to try and understand why you would agree with him on some of these issues...

What are your views on abortion? I know from prior discussions with you it is pro-choice, but what part does the government play in it? How would you change the current laws, add more, veto some, etc?
Same thing regarding gay marriage. Do you think the government should be hands off with this, state issue, or neither?
I will PM you my reply because both issues are pretty taboo here and I don't want to be responsible for having this thread locked or for starting an argument that'll get me banned (again :p). The second issue in particular I've been warned about multiple times - and for good reason; Antipitas is a fair and just mod and I'd like to respect his authority on this piece of private property.

I toe the line sometimes but even I can see that my responses would lead to trouble. :o
Obama will never get my vote. No Matter what John Sydney McCain does, unless JSM Calls for outright ban of all private weapons. Obama wants a National Ban on CCW permits, with only exceptions for retired police.

Obama wants to create more victim disarmament zones and treat the whole of our nation to Illinois style spree murder/suicides. Obama will not tolerate incidents like Grundy Va, Pearl Mississippi, or Anniston Alabama where armed citizens stop gangsters or mass murderers.

Obama requires that his subjects will cower and die in an orderly fashion until the police arrive. Is that what all these Obama supporters endorse?

Obama would pull the troops out before the surge, which is working. Just like Cmdr McCain said it would. John McCain is a Naval Aviator. On that alone I would vote for him over a junior senator.

No JSM does not have a perfect record on guns, far from it. But he has not called for the radical measures BHO has.

Anyhow, all you Obama supporters need to take it on over the Brady Bunch forum. If you own a gun you need to sell it to a federally licensed dealer.

If you want Obama and your guns you need serious help. It means you think you are better than "those" people Obama wants to disarm. (He wants all the guns banned - email orielly@foxnews.com and identify yourself as a PINHEAD if you are a gun owner supporting Obama)

Obama may win, but only if enough people think that he is more of an agent of compromise than McCain. The whole reason that McCain is hated by some conservatives is because he does reach across the aisle on issues that upset people, not just the no-brainers like BHO does.

Obama is the most liberal member of the Senate and an avowed gun grabber. Don't see how that is going to make things better, but it is a change - you can believe in that.

Every troop I have talked to coming back from the sandbox who has actually been in a fight (including my son who does want to go back a third time) has indicated that these people we are engaging will fight us. Over there or over here. Your Choice. Obama chooses here.

If the Second Amendment and the rest of the Bill of Rights mean nothing to you (Nobody is stupid enough to think that the far left SP movement will stop at guns are they?) then pull that lever.

The alternative does not look great, but if you care about liberty the choice is pretty clear.

Sorry for the rant, people have a right to their opinions but Obama on a supposedly pro gun forum? Dude, that's like posting for more lenient sentences for rapists on a victim support site, poor form at best.

Edit P.S.
I figured out what movie Obama reminds me of...
...The Life of Brian
+1 gazillion to the tenth power. Great Post!
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So, he supports Obama on 2 issues on which a 12 year Republican hold on Congress, 6 of those with a Republican President, barely touched while he's willing to allow him to run roughshod over gun rights which have been curtailed and are actually in jeopardy. Yes, it's insane.
"Insane" is a legal classification, good sir, not a clinical one. :D

I have yet to be committed. :cool:
Barack Obama's Positions on Gun Control:

"...: Supports extending the assault weapons ban. Supports national law against carrying concealed weapons, with exceptions for retired police and military personnel. Supports limiting gun sales to one per month..."

Ban semi-automatics, and impose more restrictions on other types of firearms possession; Source: 1998 IL State Legislative National Political Awareness Test Jul 2, 1998

Ban the sale or transfer of all forms of semi-automatic weapons;

Increase state restrictions on the purchase and possession of firearms;

Require manufacturers to provide child-safety locks with firearms.

On the issue of prohibiting citizens from carrying concealed weapons, Obama said he believes national legislation should be passed to “prevent other states’ laws [allowing citizens to conceal their guns] from threatening the safety of Illinois residents.”

“I believe we need to renew – not roll back — this common sense gun law,” [The Clinton “Assault Weapons” Ban]

Proposes several gun-control laws, including restricting purchases of weapons and ammunition at gun shows, establishing a national database that would capture and record imprints left by bullets, and making gun locks mandatory.

Obama said concealed weapons should be allowed for retired police.

He has also proposed banning all civilian semi-automatic weapons.

At least with the Republicans, during these Bush years, we've been on the offensive reversing the AW Ban, frivolous Gun Industry Lawsuits, Gun confiscation during emergencies, UN Gun Control, reigning in the ATF abuses, and appointing 2 conservative/constitutionalist judges to the Supreme Court. Also, as a result, creating RKBA progress in states for more Shall Issue Licensing, Preemption Laws, Castle Doctrine and Emergency Powers Laws. For the most part, the Repubs initiate no negatives to gunowners, only benefits.

No wonder the Dems and the mainstream media don't want to discuss the issue. The Democrat leadership, including Sen. Hillary and Obama, are a definite threat to our RKBA and are already sponsoring new and improved gun control, especially a worse AWB and closing gun shows. If they get the white house and legislative majorities we'll be fighting, on the defense, a long expensive difficult battle.

SC Justices Stevens and Ginsberg will need to be replaced soon. What kind of judges do you think the Democrats will put in, given the chance?

Given the choices, our best hope for the RKBA is McCain