Poll, Sen. Obama Your Choice for President?

Is Sen. Obama your choice for President?

  • Yes

    Votes: 22 10.8%
  • No

    Votes: 181 89.2%

  • Total voters
I am in agreement with WESHOOT. I vote guns. yeah , i worry about the starvin pigmies in africa too and the people tha have been living in government trailers for three damn years, but, I vote guns. If i dont like Mcain, i will still vote for him, anything is bettern the "alternatives"


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Obama is adamantly anti-gun. His social program includes another "New Deal" $218,000,000,000 in money for jobs. How are we, in a time of recession, going to pay for that? New taxes. That, with the healthcare policy he proposes will certainly bog down the economy. Also gave money to the racist Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam, who, in 1996, called the United States the "Great Satan". Farrakhan is anti-white and almost rabidly anti-Semetic. I think this reveals something about Obama that I find deeply disturbing. If elected, this natiion is in deep trouble. Those of you who support him better look a little deeper and get behind the media hype. And by the way, I don't think we'd even get a chance to fight for our gun rights, because we would probably be totally ignored.
Of the three candidates that appear to be the chosen ones, Obama is the least offensive all things considered.

Of course, I won't vote for any of the three.
$218,000,000,000 in money for jobs.

an exactly where did the number come from ronl. I'd like to know the source of your information. So tell we where I can see the proposal by Obama for this amount for jobs.
I wonder how many people in Gun manufacturing would lose their jobs as a result of a Ban. How many people does Armalite, Colt, Olympic, and the dozens of other companies employ? I know Colt would still live due to the Military contracts, but you know that a bunch of people would be laid off due to the loss of the Civilian market there too. Armalite would all but dry up, they still have bolt actions and 50s, but anyways...
What about ammo manufacturing, it would take a hit as well, so would the guys who make all the super whamo dyne lights and lazers and stuff you hang off you neat little black rifle.
I got to thinkin, maybe I should use a large shunk of my return for a giant box of spare parts for my AR, like a spare AR, a few spare barrels, bolts , pins , may be an extra upper,.. you know the parts would be banned as well. If I see Hillary or Obama winning in Nov, Ill want to have the parts on hand to keep my guns alive for the next 50 years or so.
Have you noticed that things have been quiet about HR 1022? I called Senator Mcarthys office (202) 225-5516 and they would not send me any paperwork on it because of my southern address. Actually they where rather rude after they found out where I lived. But i suspect they are waiting for the tide to Change after the election. I called all sorts of congressman and spent a good chunk on postage writing them, You should do the same. I like to stir up crap though. its what I do.
I'm going to weigh in on the experience factor. If you were having a house built, would you want it built by a carpenter's helper, or one who has been around long enough to know how it all goes together? The same principle applies here. You make the call.
Choice for President

I am saddened by the choices offered. I cannot vote for Hillary or Obama as I live the nightmare of residing in the liberal Democratic state of Massachusetts where we endure a continued fight for our gun rights. What looks to be the Republican nomination is not my choice, but in my mind the lesser of the evils in regards to our gun rights. I am far too poor to be a Republican, but cherish my 2nd Amendment rights too much to vote for a Democrat.
I am saddened by the choices offered.

Yes, I agree, welcome to the club. I was hoping to have a choice rather than just vote for the least lousy option, but it looks like that's the reality. I am still put off by McCain because he did not listen (was even insulting) to conservatives in the past, now he wants their support.

But, at least the Democratic convention will be entertaining. Get some popcorn. If it gets down to super delegates making the call, then there will be a lot of fireworks.:D

I am college student and I know it doesn’t take much to get young people to fall for you or your cause if you sound smart. (I think it is due to lack of knowledge about history.) One thing I think young people like about him is he for big government solving all your problems as a adult now that mom and dad can’t help as much. Also for years the media and professors have told them socialist Europe should be our model and that is what he will bring.

“Change…change…Unite…Believe…” Repeat as necessary to form cult like following of sheepeople .
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Why would any gun owner who wants to keep his 2A rights, vote for the most liberal Senator in the US?:barf:
What we learn from history is that we learn nothing from history.In the 1970's many people voted for Jimmy Carter because they were pissed off at Richard Nixon.If you vote for Obama because you are pissed off at George W. you will send us back to the future.Remember double digit inflation interest rates over 20%,gas lines,stagflation,hotages in Iran?
From: The Volokh Conspiracy blog

[Eugene Volokh, February 15, 2008 at 6:00pm] Trackbacks
University of Chicago Constitutional Law Professor Endorses Individual Rights View of Second Amendment:

"[Barack Obama] said some scholars argue the Second Amendment to the Constitution guarantees gun ownerships only to militias, but he believes it grants individual gun rights." "'I think there is an individual right to bear arms, but it's subject to commonsense regulation' like background checks, he said during a news conference."

On the other hand,

Although Obama supports gun control, while campaigning in gun-friendly Idaho earlier this month, he said he does not intend to take away people's guns.

At his news conference, [Prof. Obama] voiced support for the District of Columbia's ban on handguns, which is scheduled to be heard by the Supreme Court next month.

Sounds like it's a pretty thin form of "individual rights" he supports — and he doesn't intend to take away people's guns, except if they're the very sort of gun that people are most likely to want to keep for self-defense purposes. (Though, to be fair, the Bush Administration's Justice Department seems to have taken a view that may amount to the same thing.) Or maybe he as President wouldn't campaign to take away people's guns, but thinks it's OK if "local jurisdictions," including federal ones, ban people from owning handguns. Hard to tell for sure.

Hat tip: How Appealing.
Ok, let me phrase this question to you purported Obama supporters...

Do you have any valid reasons for wanting to vote for him other than these mentioned below...

  1. He is not George W Bush
  2. He is "better" than the other alternatives (also, please tell me why he is better and actual issues would be helpful so we can discuss them)
  3. He is the "change" candidate

I cannot seem to grasp any of his ideas that would make anyone who says they agree with the Constitution, the 2a, or even big vs little government consider voting for him.

Please use actual reasons...these are some of the ones that do not hold any water...

McCain has left me with no other choice
Heck, these days I'd rather have someone inexperienced and unqualified, as opposed to the same old business as usual.
I will probably vote for Obama. The Republicans have done far too much damage this time around.
Obama is the least offensive all things considered.
stay the course

that's the McCain alternative that I refuse to accept for the next 50 years.

RKBA is important to me. But it will mean nothing if I continue to get further and further behind financially along with the rest of the country. And we will get futher and further behind as the reality of the cost of war keeps taking more and more of our national wealth. NO MORE TAXES is a great cry from a guy who wants to continue a war with no plan on how it is to get paid for. Maybe John believes he can turn the alll volunteer military into an all volunteer suppliers from private contractors. The true American conservatives should talk with their contributions to the war they support.
The true American conservatives should talk with their contributions to the war they support.

You have a right to your choice, but I disagree that this war is due to conservative support. In fact, I don't consider being Conservative means you are necessarily for any war. Let's not forget that Vietnam was under the Dem's. Anyway, I never thought that Bush fit the conservative mold. I do agree that Bush has made a mess out of the war and the economy.

As I said before, as it stands now I will vote for McCain....not a happy vote...but a vote.

Added: I am assuming McCain is smarter than George Bush. I don't think that's too much to expect.:cool:
Ok then here is the followup

And we will get futher and further behind as the reality of the cost of war keeps taking more and more of our national wealth.

What if it becomes this...

And we will get futher and further behind as the reality of the cost national healthcare, or higher taxes, or anything else that increases government spending keeps taking more and more of our national wealth.

On a completely moral issue, then I agree, if you do not want to support the war, fine, do not vote for McCain, however, as an informed voter, I think that at some point it has to be a compromise of a variety of issues, not just a war, or not just guns in general.
What we learn from history is that we learn nothing from history.In the 1970's many people voted for Jimmy Carter because they were pissed off at Richard Nixon.If you vote for Obama because you are pissed off at George W. you will send us back to the future.Remember double digit inflation interest rates over 20%,gas lines,stagflation,hotages in Iran?

I think that's exactly what some people want because along came Reagan after the Carter years. I think many hope that the Dems will do such a lousy job, that a decent conservative will have a great chance in 2012. Hey, we survived 8 years of Slick Willy, surely we can survive 4 of Hilbama. As much as I despise McLame, I may end up voting for him. I just don't know right now.