Poll, Sen. Obama Your Choice for President?

Is Sen. Obama your choice for President?

  • Yes

    Votes: 22 10.8%
  • No

    Votes: 181 89.2%

  • Total voters
I think that at some point it has to be a compromise of a variety of issues

We've been there done that for years and you can see the results. Certainly
McCain will not receive my vote that I am sure of but who will at this point
I am not sure. We do not need to continue with our present policies another
8 years unless you wish to pay 7 dollars for a loaf of bread.
If anyone has friends or family outside of the country (as in not blinded by this absurd 'change change change' chant that the american people ignorantly eat up) ask them what they think about Obama. I'll bet you'll be suprised what you find out.

Further more, even if I have him pegged all wrong, I still don't believe that he has the experience, know how or self preservation to 'save' our country.
We've been there done that for years and you can see the results

So you are going to say that you agree with Obama or Hillary on 100% of their issues? My statement was that there are things you have to compromise on when voting for a candidate because noone will think exactly as you do.

unless you wish to pay 7 dollars for a loaf of bread

Well if we are going to start throwing out stuff like that to back up who we are voting for and why then...

unless you wish to pay more tax dollars for a healthcare system you wont get the benefit of

Again, you rationalization for not voting for McCain because we had Bush for the past 8 years is very tiresome and frankly not conducive to a good debate. If you strongly believe that because of Bush you do not want a Republican in office the next term then you are not going to be rationalized with.

One last thing though, we both agree that the choices suck this year, but given the choices, burying your head in the sand to the only obvious PRO 2a candidate will not help the cause.
not blinded by this absurd 'change change change' chant that the american people ignorantly eat up

Hey dwatts,

Why do you think they blindly eat it up? Its very obvious they do, his support is constantly growing, does he not have some intelligent voters than can tell its all smoke and mirrors?
Why do you think they blindly eat it up? Its very obvious they do, his support is constantly growing, does he not have some intelligent voters than can tell its all smoke and mirrors?

I would say that many people that are considered intelligent probably voted for him, thinking simply that different is good.

It has always baffled me that people run so quickly to support someone or something that they don't remotely understand.
"IF" (only....sigh....)

IF Obama or Hillbillie truly were the candidate of my 2nd "rights" (some might not understand what our FF's meant; look it up) they would get my vote.

I am an informed-yet-still-single-issue voter.

"Take all my money, leave the guns-n-ammo thank you".
Let's look at Obama's record:
Provide some common-sense enforcement on gun licensing. (Jan 2008)
2000: cosponsored bill to limit purchases to 1 gun per month. (Oct 2007)
Stop unscrupulous gun dealers dumping guns in cities. (Jul 2007)
Keep guns out of inner cities--but also problem of morality. (Oct 2006)
Ban semi-automatics, and more possession restrictions. (Jul 1998)
Voted NO on prohibiting lawsuits against gun manufacturers. (Jul 2005)

He has also supported the idea of a national ban on CCW, except for LEOs and Military.
Obama Video

Obama was video taped stating that nobody should own a gun more than single shot, including shotguns or rifles. Read the attached bill submitted by Comrade Obama recently for approval
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I took this quote off his website
Respect the Second Amendment: Millions of hunters own and use guns each year. Millions more participate
in a variety of shooting sports such as sporting clays, skeet, target and trap shooting that may not necessarily
involve hunting. As a former constitutional law professor, Barack Obama understands and believes in the
constitutional right of Americans to bear arms. He will protect the rights of hunters and other law-abiding
Americans to purchase, own, transport, and use guns for the purposes of hunting and target shooting."

It did not say a damn thing on his website about Semi automatic firarms, or even the dumbas assault weapons term. He is so full of it. Im keepin my firearms handy when the oceans of Obama Zombies parade over the earth in search of firearms to Confiscate. (Kinda like i the movie Resident Evil, but they where lookin for food)

I did notice in there he said "and use guns for the purposes of hunting and target shooting" nowhere did it say self defense. I find that odd. He also supports the DC handgun ban. This guy had the GALL to come to my frigging state TEXAS.. , ( Although he was in AUSTIN, which is full of nutcases) that tard will Never be my president. ......ever. He is a waste of oxygen, a pure oxygen thief.
Obama Tape

Saw it on local TV 6 months ago. Never thought Obama would make it this far or people would be so guilable.
If Obama wins the nomination he has my vote. But he's about fifth choice of the possible candidates from this time last year.

The bar for the presidency has been set very low over the last eight years.
The only reason I can see for voting for Obama is if you're insane or on welfare.

Don't forget if you are anti-gun, a Bush-hater, a Republican hater, a sucker, or just want the country to get a taste of what bad really is.

That is the only type of supporters I have seen so far!!!
I won't be voting for Obama in November, 2008.

That said, there is at least two candidates from the two major parties that are worse than Obama.

John McCain.

Hillary Clinton.
Don't forget if you are anti-gun, a Bush-hater, a Republican hater, a sucker, or just want the country to get a taste of what bad really is.

That is the only type of supporters I have seen so far!!!
That says more about your personal bias than Obama's supporters.

Many people support him for various reasons having nothing at all to do with anything you listed.
well its obvious from the tone of my post that it was said tongue and cheek, but please go back and look at my post on 2.18 where I asked for reasons why people would vote for him...not surprising the response is silent.

Do people have real reasons for voting for him, I would be ignorant not to think so, but I have yet to hear any of them, whether or not I agree with them.

That says more about your personal bias than Obama's supporters.

My personal bias towards what? The President who is elected to run this country? Sure, if you want to call it bias, thats fine, I would prefer to call it an informed voter.
That says more about your personal bias than Obama's supporters.

Many people support him for various reasons having nothing at all to do with anything you listed.

Enlighted us poor benighted fools that can't see the brilliance of your Messiah.