Poll, Sen. Obama Your Choice for President?

Is Sen. Obama your choice for President?

  • Yes

    Votes: 22 10.8%
  • No

    Votes: 181 89.2%

  • Total voters
IMO-- Democrats are usually "yes man" people who think the Gov will protect them and provide for them. Usually city folks and followers. Usually they want to remove guns from people like you and me.
Republicans - just want to be left alone, country folks who like shooting stuff. And dont like being told what to do
That's the beauty of it; the parasites need us, but we don't need them.
So that is your rationale for voting for him? Yes, he meets the Constitutional requirements to be elected President, but surely you look more into a persons background when voting than just their age and nationality.

Not at all. Just saying that "unqualified" is an inadequate adjective. Maybe if you wanted to try and define "unqualified" we could come to some agreement, but throwing it out there in some assumed way is a worthless argument.

I won't vote for John Sidney McCain III because his words and his actions are not in line. Torture being the issue de jour in which he spoke out against it in the primary debates but then didn't take the stand to vote against it as policy. He obviously understands the effect torture has (attempted suicide, still harbors ill will towards asians) yet doesn't seem to grasp the logical step that it's not in the U.S.'s best interests to have torture as policy. At best, torture is black ops, with official denials and firm public policy against it (draw your own Jack Bauer conclusion). Is he more qualified to be President? How many years do you have to be a senator to be "qualified" ? Maybe you just think that people that have different opinions than you are unqualified?
All of this is scary to think about if Obama is the president of a free America. But, what scares me as well, is his muslim background. Think about it.
IMO-- Democrats are usually "yes man" people who think the Gov will protect them and provide for them. Usually city folks and followers. Usually they want to remove guns from people like you and me.
Republicans - just want to be left alone, country folks who like shooting stuff. And dont like being told what to do

Interesting comment re: city / country folk.

If you think about it (within the context of your statement), who are the dems trying to get guns out of the hand of? City folk. When a democrat thinks of gun problems, they aren't thinking about rural areas. They are thinking about inner cities, they are thinking about gangs, they are thinking about criminals with violent records that should have a background check before walking out of a pawn shop with an object that enables them to cause more harm to more people at a greater distance than they would otherwise be able to. They are thinking of guns offensively rather than as defensive weapons. But then, there is also a lot more personal firearm interaction in rural areas than in cities where there is a much more limited chance to shoot at ranges and whatnot. This lopsided mentality obviously creates problems with the bills that are put forth.

The rest of your comment is less interesting. The problem with dems is that they are NOT followers, so can never get a voting block large enough (even when they control congress) whereas repubs nearly always vote as a block. If doing exactly what the party leadership tells you to do isn't following, I don't know what is.
13.33% yes
86.67% no

It's interesting to see the responses so far. I would have never guessed the number that have responded in the positive for Obama. But, that's their right.

I still do not trust Obama on 2a rights. I think when he says he understand the RKBA, he is talking about allowing hunting with a .410 shotgun that has been registered after exhaustive background checks. Probably limited to #6 shot. Well he still cannot make domestic law on his own, he will need Democrats controlling the Senate & House of Representatives.
Obama's "muslim background" doesn't scare me the least of which is I am not afraid of religions. What does scare me is he used to teach constitutional law yet seems to have little understanding of the bill of rights.
All of this is scary to think about if Obama is the president of a free America. But, what scares me as well, is his muslim background. Think about it.

Think about what? That Obama isn't muslim? That our current Christian President doesn't even attend church?

Oh wait, you're trolling and won't come out and say it because it isn't true, just fear mongering.
Naive rube response

I suggest that if not McCane gun owners will have significant difficulty maintaining their 2nd rights.

One may vote as one wishes (ain't America grand) but when one gets what one voted for one can not complain about it.

And torture or black ops are not part of my 2nd rights.

I must be naive.
I sense Republicans getting what we (most unfortunately) deserve; divided.
If Obama wins the nomination, I'll probably hold my nose and vote for McCain. If Clinton wins the nomination, I'll probably write in Ron Paul.

I'm planning to vote for a senator that I dislike very much just to help the Republicans hang onto 2/5 of The Senate. That's our only real hope for the next 4 years. A majority or a strong minority in the Senate can block *anything* the President or the rest of Congress tries to do.

There's a Democrat running for reelection to the U.S. House and I'm planning to vote for him because he's more RKBA-friendly than the Republican challenger. We need more good Democrats to rise up in seniority to one day replace the extremists currently running that party.

All of this is scary to think about if Obama is the president of a free America. But, what scares me as well, is his muslim background. Think about it.
:rolleyes: This kind of attitude is the greatest threat to gun owners, not the anti-gun activists themselves.
One may vote as one wishes (ain't America grand) but when one gets what one voted for one can not complain about it.

Or, in the case of Pelosi et al in Nov 2006 (re: bush impeachment) you don't get what you thought you voted for.

Can I complain then? :D
I prefer to merely indicate that he is as qualified as any other president we've elected so far.


I could name a dozen far more qualified in terms of experience.

WildhaveyouhuggedyourBrownBesstodayAlaska TM
I could name a dozen far more qualified in terms of experience.

I suppose you COULD define it that way, but then you'd get stuck in the trap that Hillary, by being by the side of her husband for 8 years and being privy to his thoughts, has experience. She clearly doesn't.

What exactly gives one experience for the role of president, a position that as far as I can tell has no equal?

I don't buy into the theory that you have to be a governer or a general to be experienced enough to be president.

*also, no idea what I was thinking when I originally wrote that, I meant candidates, not elected presidents... I was thinking about lincoln or reagan as gov of CA, so I suppose that was my thinking.
Some good points putout here. I am sorry if Offended any Democrats with my stereo type, Well, let me refraise that, I find it unfortunate that you find it offensive. Im just going by what I see here and applying it to Dems everywhere. I know...bad me. But most of the Dems here are pretty stupid. A group a while back was protesting deer season in front of Academy and some other hunting store. I guess they dont realize how important economicaly and socially hunting is here. This is Texas. Friggin DUH people. We hunt we shoot.

About laws trying to be passed, or passed.. You cannot pass a law for the lawless people to follow. The people breaking the laws dont care about the laws, and will do it anyhow. You outlaw "assault weapons," Pistols, shotguns or sharp pokey sicks, the only ones that will have them will be the criminals, or the people who refuse to give them up.
Some good points putout here. I am sorry if Offended any Democrats with my stereo type, Well, let me refraise that, I find it unfortunate that you find it offensive. Im just going by what I see here and applying it to Dems everywhere. I know...bad me. But most of the Dems here are pretty stupid. A group a while back was protesting deer season in front of Academy and some other hunting store. I guess they dont realize how important economicaly and socially hunting is here. This is Texas. Friggin DUH people. We hunt we shoot.

Looks like you gots you some hippies out there. Not all dems are hippies. Just ban tie-dye and they move along.

About laws trying to be passed, or passed.. You cannot pass a law for the lawless people to follow. The people breaking the laws dont care about the laws, and will do it anyhow. You outlaw "assault weapons," Pistols, shotguns or sharp pokey sicks, the only ones that will have them will be the criminals, or the people who refuse to give them up.

Exactly. But there is the intractable effort to not allow guns to the lawless. It's futile, as was prohibition, the war on drugs, etc etc etc.

It's a fundamental error the dems are sucked into. Trying to solve an unsolvable problem.
No, I would prefer Hillary over Obama simply because I believe Obama to be a far left wing liberal in the same vein as Ted Kennedy or Chuck Schumer than as the purveyor of change and compromise that he claims to be. I think that Obama can be counted on to support the far left agenda of the Democratic Party. Of course, that is only my opinion but he hasn't done anything so far that would convince me otherwise.
to be President

History has shown us that some men rise to the office.

I used to vote for Pat Paulsen, but then one time I got the HillBillies.
So now I vote single issue: my guns.

I suggest that as first black President Mr. Obama might rise to the office, yet I will still vote this time for my guns.

I am no fool.
Single vote, but no fool.