Poll, Sen. Obama Your Choice for President?

Is Sen. Obama your choice for President?

  • Yes

    Votes: 22 10.8%
  • No

    Votes: 181 89.2%

  • Total voters


New member
I want to keep this as straight forward as possible. So, I am asking if Senator Obama is your first choice for President. I am curious how this vote will come out on a gun board.

My answer is no. In a nutshell, way too liberal for me. Not to mention gun control issues. In fact, he seems vague on most issues except gun control and leaving Iraq.
McCain not an alternative

McCain has left me with no other choice. McCain will keep the war in Iraq going till victory is achieved and the troops can return home with honor. No one can explain what that means other than stay the course for 50 more years. Sorry John you plan sucks, cost mega billions, and has not a single item suggested for how it will get paid for.

I'd rather fight here for gun right than over there for their rights.
To be sure, the very candidacy of obama demonstrates how great the USA is. But he still remains an unqualified, far too liberal machine politician to get my vote except in the most extreme circumstances.

WildhaveyouhuggedyourWinchester54todayAlaska TM
I seem to recall hearing Obama making a statement after the Illinois campus shooting today that wasn't exactly anti-2A. I wasn't paying close attention but I think he said that gun ownership was OK but that background checks are appropriate. I may be wrong, I wasn't paying close attention. I think toybox made some very important points in his post.
WA said:

Heck, these days I'd rather have someone inexperienced and unqualified, as opposed to the same old business as usual.

I'd choose Obama over Hillary or McCain, but I still may write in Ron Paul.

Not that I really like any of these choices...
M3 pilot. Yes he has no ploblems with guns! That is as long as they are not in our hands!!
Ps. I didnt vote! It's a dumb question even though they say an unasked question is the only dumb !
If Obama gets the nomination, I would pay particular attention to who his VICE president is. I'm just sayin'.......

single-issue voter responds

I vote based on my understanding of candidate's stance on the concept of free Americans having the unabridgeable right to wear a gun.

If one does not vote for this right it will be lost, no matter how much one dislikes alternative candidates who support this right.

So if not voting for McCain, then I suggest that is voting against my right to wear my guns.

No argument can be made otherwise.

Let's all find out how smart we are if the Democrats win.
YUP, if a Donkey gets elected, hang on to your guns and start stockpiling parts, ammo and guns. Hillbama wants them, all of them. They wont admit it, but they want another England. Friggin tards
anticipation; anti-ostrich comments

(Them, gleefully rubbing their gun-grabbing hands together).

I anticpate significant if not catastrophic loss of individual gun rights if Democrats win this one; they are well-positioned to do so at every national (and international) level, and with all Houses acting in concert I suggest even a coherent Supreme Court ruling won't get our rights right.
It doesn't matter who is in office

Get ready for a battle with either dems or rep.

Bush was no friend, yes he let the ban expire, but did not help guarentee rights for the future.
As a long time Conservative difficult election for me as I simply will not vote for McCain and continue with the insane foreign policies of the past 7 years of nation building and trade agreements killing the American worker, so overall it's a third party or a vote for Obama.

While I could protest against this statement based on the explicit qualifications needed to be president and how he satisfies them, I prefer to merely indicate that he is as qualified as any other president we've elected so far.
some care more about other issues

At some point each needs to decide what really matters.

I decided long ago that my issue matters most.

Reread #10.

Then think about Maryland and DC and California and New Jersey and, oh, Illinois.
And their "gun laws".
And what a Democratic Federal government will mean for this time in history, with a ready-to international community and their give-it-to-them cohorts just waiting to reduce American freedoms.

I attempt to view this election cycle realistically.
I decry war, and I do not hold our government responsible for the loss of jobs (suggest union scrutiny instead).
But I most certainly know who wants MY guns.

Responsiblity for one's voting actions....

I think Mr. Obama is a man of honesty and integrity, but I disagree with much of his politics.

Once lost our gun rights are hard to bring back.
I have a very good friend who is insistent on voting for Obama and I have been discussing it with him for some time about what he stands for, his experience (or lack thereof) and everything in between.

It just amazes me that some of these people think this man is the next best thing since sliced bread. They are wooed by his speeches, his calls for change (still have not heard him list what he would like to change, its just this horse pukey ideology of change), and the idea that he could be the first black President of the United States.

I think he is a very intelligent, self-centered man who has had his eye on this prize for a while and much like Hillary entered the NY political scene to piggyback that into a Presidential run, Obama did that same thing when he entered the Illinois circus.

This candidate would be the worst thing for our 2A rights, not like Hillary would, but pretty darn close, IMHO. Also, he has the steam to carry this momentum right through to the general election and will most likely win over McCain.

I wanted to address a few of the comments written so far that AMAZE me...

McCain has left me with no other choice.

So you are willing to compromise the rights and morals of our society here rather than one disagreement over a war in Iraq...I hope you are in the parade that celebrates socialized healthcare, more government social security, amnesty for illegals, and of course, more gun control...enjoy the show.

Heck, these days I'd rather have someone inexperienced and unqualified, as opposed to the same old business as usual.

That is one of the saddest statements I have ever read. You would rather let an inexperienced smooth talking politician in office than someone with some type of experience and leadership ability. I agree that the slimmings are few this election and I do not like the candidates, but experience and qualified are still something I would not just forget about when deciding on a Presidential candidate. Oh and btw...you should join his campaign, your words echo his speeches.

I prefer to merely indicate that he is as qualified as any other president we've elected so far.

So that is your rationale for voting for him? Yes, he meets the Constitutional requirements to be elected President, but surely you look more into a persons background when voting than just their age and nationality.

One last thing...another poster in another thread said something to the effect of he could always hide his guns if new laws were enacted...hmmm...ok go ahead and hide them, then try to use them when needed or even for just sport. If we are not willing to fight for this right then we will surely lose it, and by allowing some smooth talking politician who does not give a straight answer to anything he is asked will not help us keep that right.

I will be casting a vote for McCain in the general, assuming he gets the nod, and will not be doing so because I agree with him on all issues, but out of the given choices he agrees most with my ideas. Sure there are things we disagree on, but he is better than the alternates...

This thread being posted on a gun forum with someone actually saying yes, just shocks me.
If you dont for a Republican, even though it is Mcain, You will allow the Evil ones to get the "Wedge of gun control " started in a crack. All they have to do is get it started, once its started, it wont take much to "split the log" and before you know it, We are another England. Ill die in a really big pile of spent hot brass before I let that happen.
IMO-- Democrats are usually "yes man" people who think the Gov will protect them and provide for them. Usually city folks and followers. Usually they want to remove guns from people like you and me.
Republicans - just want to be left alone, country folks who like shooting stuff. And dont like being told what to do