Placement of defensive weapons in your home

Yeah, we all understand "why carry"....but the main point of the thread was about the placement of defensive weapons in your home, though...not whether or not people should carry on the street.

Nobody is saying people who carry are over-doing it.... it's the fact that some people feel the need to go all 007 in their homes just in case that has us going back and forth :)
Pick Pocket

I remember a SGt I knew. I went to his house to take a car to him and drop it off for the next day so he would have it. My Partner and I went our merry way.
He was in a tee shirt and trousers, on his hip was his service revolver. I was surprised. He explained he never was without it, in his home, car, at work etc.
I believe it had to be the area he lived in at the time. Lake View Terrace.
Rodney King area of confrontation (much later).
But it started me asking others. Do you guys carry at home in the house in the garage, Yep, lots of them were infatic about it 'Yes' was the answer most of the time.

I became much more in tuned to it and have been aware and had them around but not on me at every turn. Still that way.

I am talking about active police officers and retired. Not joe citizen.
(I know all of us are citizens)...

When I moved to the Sacramento area I moved into an area and across the street fom me was a CHP. He carried all the time, you saw it when he was mowing his lawn.
I talked to him about it, he was in a shooting right where we were talking, a couple of years prior when a couple of Gangsta's tried to come into his open garage about 11 in the eve.
He was walking his dog and when he got home they were in his garage, they saw him jumped into their car and tried to run over him, he shot both of them.
They fled and were arrested later at the hospital.
They were out of their area and passing thru and thought it was an easy mark. Wrong.

Right on! No, I think you're missing my point as well, though. If you're going to carry, then carry. Your CCW should be like your wallet or your shoes, always on or within reach.

There's a fine line between prepared and paranoid, though. If you carry when you're at home, good. If you carry while mowing your yard, good. If you place 10 different weapons caches around your house awaiting the day that Rainbow Six comes storming through your door, then maybe you have issues :p
I have my .357 revolver, 2 speed-loaders, and a flashlight in my bedroom dresser drawer. My 90 pound Labrador will notify me of any unwanted guests. That's enough for me. I don't need to hide a gun in every room of my house. I think anyone who does is paranoid, has something to hide, or lives in a much rougher nieghborhood than mine. To each their own I guess.
pickpocket said:
Your CCW should be like your wallet or your shoes, always on or within reach.
If I have my wallet and shoes on, I probably do have my CCW with me in the house. However, I don't always have my wallet & shoes on or within reach. In a multi-level house, I'd want at least 1 ready safe and 2 ready guns on each level. In an apartment, a bedstand ready safe may be sufficient.