Placement of defensive weapons in your home

When I was younger, I watched a movie called "the watcher". This movie explained in great detail about how the killer would hide in a house all night because people are alert at night... but during the morning, they felt safe wandering around their house with their guard down. I guess this movie scarred me for life. I am now prepared for pretty much anything.

Reality imitates art again:D

I didn't interpret those posts as meaning keeping a gun on your hip or a long arm by your bed was excessive, but rather keeping a sidearm on your hip and three hi cap back up magazines,(are people really going to coninue attacking you when their buddies are hitting the ground?) and at home having a shotgun with a five shot extension (I've got a 2 shot extension), and a five shot sidesaddle as being excessive. I think they're just trying to say that there's a line between being prepared and perhaps going overboard. You can't prepare for everything unfortunately.

If I wanted to be truly prepared when I went swimming in the ocean I would carry a spear gun, and a full body mesh swimsuit, but I don't. I know when and where to swim, and what not to do. Now granted ocean swimming isn't the street, but I think you get my point. Some people take things to what many consider an extreme. It's all in the mindset.

With that, I'm actually looking at getting a CCW here in NC, mostly for car use. I know this argument is flawed, but it's the best I can do on Monday at 1130pm!
Some people take things to what many consider an extreme. It's all in the mindset.
Actually, I think it's all in the location. There are places I'd feel safe with no gun at all (not many of those :( ), and there are places one j-frame in the house would suffice. Then again, there are places I wouldn't feel safe with a tripod mounted, .50 cal BMG, Claymores, and Concertina wire :D . You just can't compare the circumstances of a guy living at Jacob's Lake, AZ with someone living in the worst part of Prince George County, MD.
Cpt Charlie..

Obviously some areas are going to be more high threat than others. Many people snicker at preparedness, or discount taking precautions by saying..

-It won't happen here.


-If your that worried, you should move.
(I was actually shocked to hear people on a gun board say this last one. The only time I'd heard that said before was by anti-gunners.)


I'm sure the kids in Columbine had every confidence thier school was not going to become a shooting gallery.

I'm sure the people enjoying a liesurely lunch at Luby's in Killeen, TX weren't
expecting a nut to drive his truck through the wall and, start calmly gunning people down.

The examples go on and on.

"I never thought it could happen here!" is a sentance that makes my stomach turn and, chills run up my back.

My wife has had to use her shotgun to warn off the drunk and abuseive husband of a woman that lives about a mile away from us that had come to our house for refuge one night when I was out of town.

We've had zero crime problems out here in 7 years until that time.

My blood just goes cold when I think it could've been me on the news, talking about my dead or injured wife and, the other dead or injured woman saying...

"I just never thought it could happen here."

Yes, I carry in the house. and, when I go out.
Yes, I carry two reloads. (admittedly, not all the time in the house, but, 90% of wakeing hours I've got my pistol.
Yes, I keep a loaded and hot AR Carbine or Mossber 500 at my bedisde at night.

I guess some people here would laugh at that, or call me "crazy"....That's fine.

I refuse to be a victim.
I'm sure the kids in Columbine had every confidence thier school was not going to become a shooting gallery.

I'm sure the people enjoying a liesurely lunch at Luby's in Killeen, TX weren't
expecting a nut to drive his truck through the wall and, start calmly gunning people down.

Statistically insignificant

My wife has had to use her shotgun to warn off the drunk and abuseive husband of a woman that lives about a mile away from us that had come to our house for refuge one night when I was out of town.

Was he armed?

I refuse to be a victim.

I assume you haveairbags and wear a seatbelt then


It's fine you can dismiss tragic events as "insignifigant".

I won't.

Yes, I do have a seatbelt and airbags in my vehicle.

I used to be an EMT and saw the results of not having them.

No, the husband wasn't armed.

He didn't need to be. He had just knocked around his wife and, was rageing and drunk and, beating on the door to my house, on my property, and, had he breached the door, my wife would've been within her rights to shoot him.

Look, we already know we don't agree on this issue, so why push it by responding to my posts?
The thing about statistics... when something bad happens, the statistical insignificance of the event is no comfort to the victim.

One death is a tragedy; a million is a statistic. - Joseph Stalin
Look, we already know we don't agree on this issue, so why push it by responding to my posts?
We push it because we learn from debates. We glean good things from both sides of an argument that often result in sound and solid defense techniques ;) .
It's fine you can dismiss tragic events as "insignifigant".

It's not so much 'dismissing'....personally I think it's more like trying to prepare yourself for getting hit in the head with a meteor. How prepared can you really be for some situations, or how far are you willing to go to be prepared for something that honestly has a less-than-nominal probability of happening?

On that note...I think that if someone is going to such lengths to prepare themselves for a statistically improbable event -- I would hope that the rest of their fundamental skills are...shall we say....bulletproof?
It's fine you can dismiss tragic events as "insignifigant".

I didnt dismiss them as insiginificant. Read it again.

Yes, I do have a seatbelt and airbags in my vehicle.

Do you wear your seatbelt every time you drive your car?

Look, we already know we don't agree on this issue, so why push it by responding to my posts?

So that lurkers and non particpants in the discussion can learn that there are views in the "gun club" associated with reasonableness :)

Do you wear your seatbelt every time you drive your car?

I know I do... as does everyone who rides with me. I have actually made someone walk home (20 miles) because they refused to wear a seatbelt while riding with me one day. Car accidents are incredibly common... and the percentage of fatalities is pretty high. Seat belts are common sense. Just my opinion.

Perhaps in some parts of the country, CCW is just as important, as muggings and murder are equally as common as car accidents? I know they arent where I live. I dont CCW, and probably never will. There is no need. It sounds like you live in the same type of area. People who live in cities and see violence all the time are sure to have a drastically different opinion than us... but they are just as right as we are. Its all about the area you live in.
It sounds like you live in the same type of area.

No actually I live in a gnarly area and I do cary a lot of the time (I forgot today)...

But I dont carry in my home. Nor do I tape loaded guns under the cofee table, have one in the bathroom, etc.

I wonder how many folks here actually know someone who has been the victim of a random home invasion

My aunt and uncle had their home broken into one night. They were out in NY for the weekend, and my cousin was staying at my house. We had taken a trip down to his house which was only 2 miles away from mine. As we pulled into the driveway, I spotted an upstairs light on. I didnt think anything of it... " you left the light on." He responded "no, I didnt." No sooner had he gotten the words out of his mouth when the light went out. I quickly killed my headlights and backed out of the driveway. I parked acrossed the main road, which was about 40 feet away. One kid exited the front door, and stood on the porch looking around for about 30 seconds. Then a second kid exited, and they ran out back and down the snowmobile trail. To the best of our knowledge, nothing had been stolen. The police arrived on the scene about 1 hour later. (we live in the middle of nowhere).

in that same month, there was one break-in attempt on my house in the middle of the night, which was thwarted off by my hanging a 20 guage out my window and touching off a round at the ground. 10 seconds later, I heard a truck start and tear off down the road. within the 2 weeks following, my car had been broken into twice.

I moved to Maine about 2 1/2 years ago. in my first 3 months in this state my car had been broken into 5 times. They got 2 of my 300cd cases, my car stereo, subs, amps, and speakers. My neighbor had his snowboard stolen out of his car. This was in an area we were told had a 0 crime rate. Noone knew who did it... noone saw anything, and nothing has happened there since.

What happens if someone gets brave one night and breaks into my house while I am there and asleep, and they are armed? Do I want to be prepared for anything, and willing to defend myself... or do I want to be the one whos last words were " I never saw it comming." ? I refuse to be the latter.
or do I want to be the one whos last words were " I never saw it comming." ? I refuse to be the latter.

Considering the tone of the rest of your post, you have already forfieted the opportunity to say "I never saw it coming" :rolleyes:
By this time you've had PLENTY of warning that the universe has been lining you up in its crosshairs...:D
ahh how right you are. But thats just it... everyone knows this crap happens in the world, so in fact, those who choose to not be ready for it can never say they didnt see it comming, can they?
haha...yeah but there's a difference. Its the difference between knowing that there's traffic cops out there and still not slowing down...and SEEING 10 of them with cars pulled over on your way to work but still not slowing down.

Or...I know there's meteors out there and that they crash to earth occassionally...but how real is the threat of getting hit in the head. :)

Risk management, gentlemen. I believe there's significant difference between acknowledging possibilities and preparing for probabilities.
This post, says it all
pax said:
PythonGuy ~

Good post. Let me try to find some common ground.

I know what you mean about some posts being funny. You're amused by folks who carry everywhere. I'm bemused when I see threads with titles like, "Do you carry to a friend's house?" "Do you carry at home?" "Do you carry to work?" "Do you carry at church?" etc ad infinitum.

The reason those threads amuse me is because, well, I carry. And I go places and do things. I don't carry "to a friend's house," or "to church" or "at home" -- I simply carry, wherever I might be. My default setting is to carry and if I'm not carrying it is because I made a deliberate decision not to do so right then. The reason I carry is never because I think whatever I'm doing is particularly dangerous; if I think something is particularly dangerous, I simply don't do it (or at least I find a way to do it more safely -- such as during the day instead of at night, or with a friend instead of alone). So all the angst about whether carry is appropriate in a particular venue just leaves me bemused.

A lot of people do the exact opposite. They go places and do things, but their default setting is to leave the gun locked up at home. If they carry at all, it's because they made a conscious decision to carry that day -- generally because they thought they were doing something particularly dangerous. I don't do it that way simply because my crystal ball has never been very good and I've noticed that bad things generally happen to me when I'm not expecting it. If other folks have noticed that bad things happen to them only when they are expecting it and prepared for it, who am I to argue? It's their lives.

I just wish they could refrain from insulting me for my choices, in the same way I refrain from insulting them for their choices.


Like Pax, my default is armed. Random violence is just that---random.

My chances of randomly needing a firearm, while randomly carrying, while randomly becoming a victim of random violence are astronomically remote.

The reason I carry all the time is not because of the odds of a needed occurrance, but because of what's at stake---my life. Do you only use your seatbelt some of the time? Do you only ride in an airbag-equipped vehicle? Do you drive drunk and speed only on occassion? Do you only point a gun and pull the trigger if you "think" a firearm is unloaded?

Personal safety is an important issue for me. To lay bleeding and dying, knowing I could've changed/avoided it all if I had just followed my own safety rules would be a haunting last thought. I won't become a victim of my own negligence.

I'm not a paranoid fanatic, I live in a very "safe" area, but "on me, within arms reach" where legally available to me is my way of doing things. But, I am not restricted by these things, nor do I live looking over my shoulder. Being armed is no more of a lifestyle to me than being clothed, buckled up, money-clipped/ID'd, and keyed, etc. I've only needed my driver's license/CHP once during a road block check in over six years, but I carry them with me everytime--does that make me paranoid or prepared?
Why carry?

Well for one thing they had an article in the paper about a 15 year old being beat to death while waiting on a bus in a nice area. 10:30 am in the morn on a nice sunny day on a busy street and not one person helped this youngster.

3 gangsta's jumped out of a car and beat him to death. Mind you at least no less then 50 cars a minute go by this corner or more at this time of day.
No help Nothing except a 911 call by a passing Vehicle.:mad:

By the time the police got there he was dead. Some information on the car and it is a vehicle that was seen at a prior shooting a few nights before.

He was not supposed to be in a gang, but then who knows. Someone said it is initiation time and they are on the roam to prove they can kill innocents to get into the gang.:barf:

I understand the normal everyday citizen not wanting to get involved but most coppers and retired ones are not like that at all. When the shtf I hope I am ready. I try to be alert and packing.

I have to tell you if I saw that I would stop, I would have shot all three, you can take that to the bank.
I know all what if and what for and this and that.
But at the time it would all have been, I want to protect that youngster.

If you don't have that mind set don't carry. IMHO

Why carry? Because...

To stay on topic for those who seem obsessed against small deviations.
I will say I have several guns (loaded) well placed around the house and numerous batons and canes.
While I sleep I have a loaded 40 cal no more than 2' from me.
