Placement of defensive weapons in your home

Me? I keep my CCW pistol on my person when I'm awake. At bedtime, it goes in a case under the bed as a backup, for sleep-time primary I've got a revolver in the bedside table -- less to fumble with when groggy, just grab and shoot. Yes, a long gun is better, but since I don't have one (yet), I've got to make due with what I have.
gun near the bed is very dangerous

you should never keep a loaded gun near your bed. Good rule of thumb is place the gun far enough away that you will be awake when you get to it. My firearms instructor tried to beat that into my head. I thought he was just some crazy old man that had flashbacks from his war days. Until one night I and my partner investigated a accidental shooting in my area. A man, asleep, picked up his .44 ruger, that was in a holster and on his head board, and shot his thumb and two fingers off. This poor soul stated that all he remembers is that he heard a big bang and woke up to see half his hand splattered across his bedroom. I went directly home and unloaded two and moved two of my firearms that are with in arms reach of my bed.

Dont get me wrong, an unloaded firearm is a stick or a paper weight. and if thier in a safe, do you think that you wil be able to open it up and get a gun at three in the morning after you have just woke up. I hope you can.

This is what I do. I have a two year old daughter, who just happens to have the same curiosity about guns as her old man. So I have to keep them locked up. But that brings you back to the safe, i don't think that i would be able to defend my family if i had to open a safe. I have several pisture frames that are high enough on the wall that only I can reach them. The frames swing open to reveal a hand gun. These frames are tacticly placed through out my home. I place off brand guns that i know will shoot but are not a great loss if some one should break in and steal them.

something to think about. good luck and be safe.

I find that attitude shocking.

To each thier own, but, I just don't understand the mentality of people who could carry, but don't.

Another shocking attitude expressed here by people regarding keeping a weapon hot.

If your weapon isn't hot, it's a club.

NDs don't just magically occur. A properly maintained weapon just isn't going to fire miraculously.

Learn to respect and maintain you weapon, snd you, nor your neighbors have anything to fear. from a round in the chamber.

I gotta disagree with you on the "no loaded guns at the bedside." opinion.

You just need to put it in a place where you can reach it,and, practice doing it. Faceing the grip to you, rather than the barrel is a good idea though.

Personally, I keep my AR-15 Carbine at my bedside, loaded and hot, safety on.

My opinion is that a pistol should only be used to fight your way to your rifle, that you should've never put down in the first place, anyways:D
To each thier own, but, I just don't understand the mentality of people who could carry, but don't.

Well when ya hit my age, seen what ive seen, live where I live and attain my level of philosophical sophsitication:D , you'll understand..

To each his won, my new years resolution is just to giggle at folks who carry three guns and 4 reloads and wear body armor...:)

I dont even carry half the time when I am out, why do it at home.

Here here. I'm all for having things accessible at home, but I would think that feeling the need to carry at home is more of an indication that one should move to a different area.
People that dont carry are targets simple as that. I keep six loaded guns in my car. Some people think that is a little overboard. But when everyone else is out of ammo. They know that all they have to do is get into my trunk or open my door. A friend of mine cars no less than 2000 rounds for his M4. Of course were cops but we have a mind set that if s--t hits the fan were going to be ready. Every one needs that mind set. They dont have to take it to extremes like we do, but will to fight is a will to live. That is something that i live by.
if someone was to break into your home you would have time to get out of bed and get a gun. you have to get out of bed anyway. Let's say that you wake up and find someone standing over you. You think that your going to have time to grab your gun. NO.. the burgler already has you covered. I hope that never happens to you or any one else. But the sad part is that it will happen to someone, it is happeneing right now some where.

I can garuntee you one thing..

I'll never live to an age where I feel complacent enough to be negligent
in defending myself and my family by not carrying when I have the option of doing so.

I live in a nice, quiet area, in the country, where, if somthing bad happened, our badly overstretched Sherrif's Dept would take quite a while to respond.

You can choose to laugh at me, and, that's fine. I carry my pistol, and, two reloads when I CCW, as well as my AR-15 in the trunk with 4 mags.

Bad things can happen, believe it or not.

Your point is taken.

However, this is why proper peremeter security is just a no brainer, rather than a reason not to have a weapon at hand.

Security is within an arm's reach to get my carbine, and, I don't have to dig for a light, either, as I have an M3 on the handgaurds.

I run a stray dog rescue of sorts, and, one thing that AIN'T gonna happen to me is somone getting in my house without being "greeted".:)

At LEAST have a dog in your residence.

Hell, a small, yappy dog would do.
Your right a good dog will no doubt help. The only dog that i have is a english walker who is so lazy that he has to be literally dragged out of the house by his front legs while he is on his back.

Also I am not trying to tell you how to protect your own home, I just want people to realize that accidents will happen. This man that had shot himself was very profficent with a gun. Have know his family for quite a while. I believed that he was dreaming of shooting ata range or someone was breaking into his home. Whatever the case may be he did in fact shoot himself. My point is this- becareful where you keep your weapons.
The Saturday referenced in the article was the same day that pickpocket posted. It isn't a question of your lifestyle, it's a function of what's going on in the world.
You don't get to make an appointment for your emergency, so you had better plan in advance. Everybody is planning; those that seem to be failing to plan are just planning to fail.

Eh, I think you missed my point. Like my tongue-in-cheek post about the various secret compartments that are strategically placed, I only mean that if you feel compelled to plan for the day that someone kicks in your door with a gun drawn and at the ready....then maybe you have bigger issues :)
Now, I'm not saying don't be have a weapon close at hand at all times. I'm just saying there's prepared, and then there's creepy wackjob paranoid....that is, unless your lifestyle requires you to be paranoid.

I would venture to say that in almost every case where a family was found bound and killed in their own home, a home alarm and a handgun either on your person or in the nightstand would have ensured that the entire situation developed a bit differently.

As for not keeping a handgun close at hand when you sleep, I'll say it now and I'll say it in the's all about training, training, training. I slept with a condition 1 handgun in hand and an M-16 less than 6 inches away for a year straight. People need to understand THEIR limits more than they need to understand their weapon's limits. That's what causes ND's ladies and gentlemen.

This is something I know: You can only be so prepared...past a certain point it's all chaos. The trick to staying alive is developing fundamental skills and knowing (read: practicing) how to apply those skills ad hoc...not stashing a hundred weapons throughout the house.

Just my opinion.
I have a Pit-bull-German Shepherd mix and she's a good watch dog. Just got a new male pit-bull puppy he won't be roaming the house for a year or so.

My USP.40 is on the nightstand and Mossberg 500 Cruiser with 7 rounds within reach at night. Then there is a Rock River Standard A2 under my bed with 3 additional mags near it. My longuns go into a safe when I'm not home.
I would rate being creepy wackjob paranoid if my placement of weapons was for zombies, dinosaurs and vampires rather than some crack addict wanting to break into my home. ;)
I like this quote:

Everyone needs down time. But if you are authorized to carry a weapon, and you walk outside without it, just take a deep breath, and say this to yourself...


I keep one with me all the time. Home and away. Just last week there was a couple in their 50s almost killed by two guys with a baseball bat. They came home and the guys were already in their house. This was one street over from me beside a Country Club. My gun is on me or beside me all the time.
True :rolleyes:

But isn't there a point where it just becomes so "Mr. and Mrs. Smith" to stash weapons all over the place?

I suppose my point is that it's one thing to plan for 80% of the things that can happen to you, and IMO just a bit extravagant to go that far over the edge trying to prepare for that 10% when good training and sensibilities will accomplish the same thing.

Realistically, can anyone give me a situation where 10 weapons caches in your house will actually do something that just having your carry weapon on you or near you at all times won't accomplish?

All things in moderation, right?
I could legally carry in NC but don't. Irresponsible? Negligent to my family? I don't think so. The carry laws in NC are so strict that frankly, it would do me little good. Let's see, I can't carry in:

Schools, public or private,
all levels including universities. §14-269.2

Assemblies and establishments where
admission was charged. §14-269.3

Assemblies and establishments where
alcohol is both sold and consumed. §14-269.3

State Buildings: State
Capitol Building, the Executive Mansion, the Western
Residence of the Governor, or on the grounds of any of
these buildings, and any building housing any court of the
General Court of Justice. §14-269.4

State office buildings or any portion of a
building in which there are State offices. §14-415.11(c)

Law Enforcement or Correctional Facilities.

Financial Institutions.

Events Occurring in Public:
It shall be unlawful for any person participating in,
affiliated with, or present as a spectator at any
parade, funeral procession, picket line, or
demonstration upon any private health care
facility or upon any public place owned or under the control
of the State or any of its political subdivisions to
willfully or intentionally possess or have immediate access
to any dangerous weapon. §14-277.2

Areas of emergencies or
riots. §14-288.7

Where notice of carrying a
concealed handgun is prohibited by the
posting of a conspicuous notice or statement.

Now I know many of these, are nationwide carry laws, but some are not, namely the alcohol restriction. So if I want to go downtown for some dinner and a baseball game, I have to leave my gun in the car while downtown (not many restaurants w/o alcohol). Now, was I able to carry in more areas, I would, but it's frankly not feasible for me. In the meantime, to have something with me, I carry an ASP, a pair of pocket knives, exercise like there's no tomorrow and walk with a purpose. Better than nothing I suppose. Stay safe...
Calm down Parrothead..

Cool your jets.

I don't suggest that you carry in places you aren't legally able to do so.

That's illegal, and, somtimes you have no choice.

I have had to alter my lefestyle somewhat to carry most places I and my family go, and, that's my choice.

If you are going to a place where you can legally carry, and, don't?

Well, I'll stick by my words then.

If you have the ability to carry and, don't, you are being negligent in the defense of yourself and, those with you, IMO.

In TX, it's the 51% rule as far as booze in resturants go and, they have big 51% signs posted.

At schools, the parking lot is ok, but, not the building or events.

Sorry if I hurt your feelings or whatever, but, it's how I feel about the issue.