Pentagon: Saddam Hussein's Iraq had no links to Al Qaeda

The 'fighting then there' statement was made about the WOT not specifically on OIF. Seems it worked out that they came to us there. Nice of them to concentrate where our military was already deployed. Nobody said they were bright. I think they believed the Democrats would succeed in getting us to withdraw when their efforts to instigate a civil war looked like they were bearing fruit and that they would be able to claim they defeated America. Bin L chastised them after the first Congressional session for failing to do just that.

Since then Petraeus has succeeded in getting the Iraqis to join in chasing them out of Iraq and is currently on track with turning security over to Iraqis.
Provincial elections will be held in October I believe and that should make Iraq's central government more reflect what the people of Iraq want it to be. The local to central progress has that as a next step.

Iraq won't be Al Q's while Bush is in office. I hypothesize that AlQ is bidding their time right now waiting to see who our next President will be before proceeding. Pure speculation but that would be the smart thing with candidates promising to deliver them an unopposed re-entry into Iraq.

EDIT: View the speach in the link again, Bush did comment on facing the threat THERE with our Army, Air Force, Navy, and Marines rather than here with our firefighters, paramedics and first responders. Not exact quote like in the other post but you'll hear it.
Israel's presence isn't going to affect Mohammedan strife.

This is really these people's own leaders oppressing them and deflecting the inevitable rage by pointing to others on the outside and fueling it by perverting their various religions as justification for evil.

I don't see Israel working to deny Palestinians anything. They have border privileges, hold seats in the government, and recently have had the land Israel took from Jordan given to them. If those in leadership of the Palestinians would cease their determination to kill Israelis the access to areas would be as open as the US/Canadian border. The Palastinian's leaders seems to be the oppressors of the Palestinian people.

To say it can't be solved so why fight it is nonsensicle to me. We're ALL going to die so why work so hard? Let's just commit suicide since death is inevitable right.

I prefer the axiom that evil can only succeed when good men do nothing.

Now PLEASE, can we stop the veer Nate?????? (At least we're past magic underware and whistles logic...)
I was Navy, not Army. Fought, won, was told it was futile then too, and by the same people as now coincidentally. Can you find the USSR on a map? (not anymore right)
At least we're past magic underware and whistles logic.

The logic was yours, the example of cause and effect were ours. Just because A happens and B doesn't happen does not mean that A caused B.

That is weak, lazy thinking. If you couldn't understand the examples given you should have just said and we would have explained them to you better.

Sorry about that. I'll try to keep the example easier in the future.

Anyway, I can see this thread dragging on forever and eventually getting closed when the Mods are bored wading through all this crap so I'm outta here. So good luck Brux, I'll send you my brochure anyway, free of charge.

Oh, and happy St. Patrick's Day from Dublin everybody. I'm off into town to watch the parade and get very drunk, a right more sacred to us than your 2A is to you.

Lá Féile Pádraig!
I sense a little sarcasm.:p

The logic works well if you believe we were attacked by white elephants, tigers, or some other IMAGINARY thing. Magic underwear and whistles don't work on Islamic fascists however. A real and determined enemy that HAS attacked multiple times and, as stated, NOT done so since we stopped the policy of appeasement. You recall WTC attack #1 and the USS Cole, the embassies, et al? Wasn't white elephants or tigers and magic underwear isn't deterring them.

Enjoy St. Paddy's. Wash the magic undies and the whistle regularly. The goblins are attracted to funky drawers don't ya know.
There is a cure for it its called Christianity, but neither side is receptive to it as both are deceived into believing they are right and on Gods side.
Aw jeez. Yeah, that's what the middle east needs to ensure peace, yet another group arguing that their imaginary friend is better than someone else's.
I was Navy, not Army. Fought, won, was told it was futile then too, and by the same people as now coincidentally. Can you find the USSR on a map? (not anymore right)

That's amazing - you fought and beat the USSR?

Not to contribute too much to your thread veer but I was Navy as well, under Reagan. The Soviet Union collapsed more from the inside than any external forces. So if you were to hit an old guy as he's falling down having a heart attack, would you brag about the fight? How much combat you see there, rambo?... not one second, right?.

And who told you "that it was futile"?... just curious...
The Soviet Union collapsed more from the inside than any external forces.
The middle east actually deserves more credit for destabilizing the USSR than America does...but let's not forget, the USSR may be changed but not dead and may pose a greater threat in the near future than ever before.
Aw jeez. Yeah, that's what the middle east needs to ensure peace, yet another group arguing that their imaginary friend is better than someone else's.

We could have a contest of religions and the ones with the most bizarre and preposterous win.

Hi, I said I was out but now I'm back. I have been in the pub so you can count this as the drunken ramblings of an incompetent analyst.


Was the defeat and collape of the USSR a good thing. At least when the old guard were in charge they kept a lid on Islamic fundamentalism in their own back yard. The victory of the mujahideen while seen as a good thing at the time surely must now be seen as a disaster for the western world.

I'm not sure of my opinion on this as it's still going around in my head. Feel free to discuss. Way off topic on Iraq though. Or is it........?
There is no proof that Saddam gassed the Kurds. The UN reported that no evidence could be found to place the blame on Iraq. How so? Both Iraq and Iran were shelling the are and the Kurds were caught in the middle. I have an associate from Mosul and he'd readily admit that elements of the Kurds sided with Iran while others wanted "independence" and the majority wish to remain in Iraq. So a lot of internecine conflict was in the area thus the shelling by both Iran and Iraq. BTW, the shells came from the US...
Well, the Russian Bear has been fully revived under Vladimir Putin. I wish we could have traded leaders. Maybe WE'D have the booming economy! :mad: Kinda kidding. Kinda not.

Russia has played oppossum before. Even though it "failed" it still continued to manufacture modern weapons such as subs. A truly bankrupt nation cannot do this. There is no doubt there was unrest and suffering by the people not to mention corruption. But let there be no mistaking that she's a nuclear superpower. "Always" has been and always will be. Poke the bear at your own risk. There is a nice article to be found at concerning the strength of the Russian economy.
You REALLY got the impression I defeated the Soviets alone? Nah, you just took the free shot right.

Nice HJB. You were in the Navy, how much combat you see, none right. Just floated around. That was everyones experience.:rolleyes: Get wet? Get anyone else wet?

Cute that mocking service is still the tact. Glad to see that attacking your own is a more enthusiastic endeavor then attacking the enemy. Hell, your own will suffer it without killing your neighbors.

Hey, where are the weekend's protests at funerals or VA hospitals. I'm sure todays vets want to hear your mocking as much as I do.

From what the enlightened and progressive here are saying, America has really not done anything. Hell, looks like all us vets wasted our time.

Attack me all you like. Better me then these kids today. I have to ask though, and give a sincere answer if you can, what honestly motivates you to be comfortable publicly spitting on those that did the work? I honestly don't understand it and it happens ALOT. Sincere answers please.
The points about Russia just being a resurection of the Soviet Union aren't too off base. Putin is looking alot like Stalin. He's doing an outstanding job of aquiring and keeping influence and Russia's growing relationship with China makes for a tough team. KGB right? I'm sure he has no hard feelings. Those folks in the middle east that actually brought down the USSR are probably Putin and China's ambition.
Bruxley, I was hoping you'd tell who declared your valiant efforts "futile"...

I don't and never have mocked combat vets... only those veterans who have never seen a second of combat, yet are gung-ho war, and parade their castrated service as some sort of qualification for lecturing everyone...

Argue the merits of the Iraq war without resorting to false heroics and maybe you won't be called on your lack of experience in "harm's way"....
Aw jeez. Yeah, that's what the middle east needs to ensure peace, yet another group arguing that their imaginary friend is better than someone else's.

That was sort of my point Redworm and why I wrote of the feud between the sons of Ishmael and the sons of Isaac over which one is the true seed of Abraham and rightly entitled to the Land of Israel.

It dosen't matter what your beliefs regarding religion are, it dosen't matter what mine are. It dosen't even matter if the bible story of Abraham is true or not.

What matters is Ahmadinejad, bin Laden and tens of millions of Muslims believe it is true. Tens of millions of Christains and Jews believe its true.

So whether it is a 'true' phrophecy or a self-fufilling one, the end result is still the same. Armageddon the final battle between the descendants of Ishmael and those of Isaac.

Everyone should head to the mid-east, every 'true' believer from both sides, every 'stuff it in a backpack and take it all to hell' jihadist, every pro Zionist.

Don't just talk about it or send surrogates. Pick your favorite side and get it on and spill your own blood not someone elses. I've heard the term 'courage of your convictions' bandied about alot on this site, now is the time to put it all on the line for Israel or Islam.

p.s. Use your own money as well and call when its over and let us know how it turned out.
I don't and never have mocked combat vets... only those veterans who have never seen a second of combat, yet are gung-ho war, and parade their castrated service as some sort of qualification for lecturing everyone...
I have seen combat twice, in two different arenas. It only served to make me more anti-war than ever before. It did not make me think war is never the answer but it made me want to explore every other option first.
Nobody 'paraded' out their military records to justify lecturing everyone (except PBP in the torture thread) pal. You simply dislike the points I made in the thread, you saw a free shot, and you took it enthusiastically. Read the thread. 'Castrated' may have been your Navy tour but NOT MINE. I got wet.

While PBP has touted his CIA, MI, and now combat experience, I have yet to see HIM delivering to this thread an on topic post.

Ever since THEN I have accepted that I wasn't going to be able to be open. FINE. And after re-re-re-exercising the demons that tell me I deserve this treatment I can again say FIRE away. More won't be any worse then was has been already.

There are parents that to this day believe their sons died benign deaths and will probably die not knowing what those men, heroes in my opinion, did.

NOW.........can we get back on topic or is there more spit for those who's political posts irritate you.