Pentagon: Saddam Hussein's Iraq had no links to Al Qaeda

rich boy with daddy's money

does not make you smart or a leader; it just proves having money can buy whatever it is you want. Dubya without his family's money would not have been in business or politics as he just does not have it when it comes to leadership.
I get it, another Bush bash thread started with misinformation with the value of feeding the blindness of disdain.

Will be 'enlightened' and 'progressive' I'm sure as those are the selling points. Keep representing.............
eh, I think he's a very smart man contrary to the jokes about his grade point average

Most of the smart people I know can speak their own language without stammering and stuttering to the point I can't listen to them.

I suspect Bin Laden must be satisfied. He got a handful of religious nuts to fly in to the world trade center. In response to that the US is spending in the long term by some estimates 3 trillion dollars on the war itself. Then you have the associated devaluation of the dollar because it is all financed by borrowed money. This devaluation, not the evil oil companies, is responsible for a lot of the increase in the price of oil. We continue to dump dollars in to the economy to try to keep it solvent and postpone the housing bubble explosion. All this drives fear of inflation up which is killing the stock market.

Yep. Bush is a genius all right. Bin Laden has certainly one this battle.
Look it is actually very simple not a grandiose conspicracy theory,the pro-Israel hawks Rumsfeld,Perle, Wofowitz, et al wanted to invade Iraq long before 9/11.

9/11 gave them the excuse they needed.

I personally believe the primary reason was the protection of Israel, this is based on the staements of Bush administation people, as well as ex-CIA agents, U.S. Generals, and others.

Here is an example:Iraq War Launched to Protect Israel - Bush Adviser

You will notice at the end of the article that Nathan Brown professor of political science, while downplaying the securing of Israel as a motivating factor says ”In terms of securing Israel, it doesn't make sense to me because the Israelis are probably more concerned about Iran than they were about Iraq in terms of the long-term strategic threat,”

Funny Iraq is right on the border of Iran and I'm constantly hearing in the main stream media how Iran's nuclear program must be stopped at all costs.

We are right in position to go to bat for Israel once again and wage war with Iran. I'm expecting an 'incident' to occur anytime to make said war a 'necessity' to national security, much like the invasion of Iraq was sold.
Most of the smart people I know can speak their own language without stammering and stuttering to the point I can't listen to them.
Yeah I don't know what that's about. He used to be much better during the 2000 campaign and damn near eloquent during his gubernatorial debates. I watch videos of the old Bush vs the one we have no and wonder what the frak happened.

The only possibilities I can think of are that he's putting on an act (doubt it) or he needs to see a neurologist and get himself a prescription for Namenda.

Maybe it's a sign we really need to start electing younger folk to this office. :p I mean the age limit is only 35, I'm sure we can find someone before they hit the Corvette-buying time of their life.
I suspect Bin Laden must be satisfied. He got a handful of religious nuts to fly in to the world trade center. In response to that the US is spending in the long term by some estimates 3 trillion dollars on the war itself. Then you have the associated devaluation of the dollar because it is all financed by borrowed money. This devaluation, not the evil oil companies, is responsible for a lot of the increase in the price of oil. We continue to dump dollars in to the economy to try to keep it solvent and postpone the housing bubble explosion. All this drives fear of inflation up which is killing the stock market.

Yep. Bush is a genius all right. Bin Laden has certainly one this battle.
Well yeah, I do look at Iraq as bin Laden's reward. It was a big juicy "thank you" for 9/11. Maybe the reason there have been no attacks is simply because he hasn't bothered to put any effort into organizing new ones, knowing full well that we're capable of destroying ourself a hell of a lot faster than he can.

But again, I don't think Bush is necessarily stupid. I just think he's incompetent, a terrible leader that barely understands the meaning of the word and someone who surrounds himself with awful people.
that leaves us with... wait why are we there again?

To fight a proxy war on Israel's behalf of which they've neither paid treasure or shed any of their own blood. Hell we can even use ammo they've manufactured for us under contract over there.:mad::barf:

........the pro-Israel hawks Rumsfeld,Perle, Wofowitz, et al wanted to invade Iraq long before 9/11.

It was based on a plan called "Operation Clean Break".

I can't speak of Rumsfeld, but Perle, Feith, and Wolfowitz are the bureaucrats who arranged the media blitz campaign to turn public opinion against Iraq to justify an unjustifiable invasion.

Those lowlife bastards are responsible for thedeaths of over 3900 American soldiers not to mention the thousands that have been wounded and maimed. They should get the same treatment Saddam got and then impaled on the iron fence around the White House to feed the vermin. :mad::mad:
Al-Qaeda who weren't there.

WMD's that weren't there.

What was the good reason Brux? You've still yet to supply one.
We ARE fighting them there instead of here. A stated intention if I recall.

That's an absurd "feel good" statement that has no bearing on reality. I guarantee you that we wouldn't be fighting them here, if we'd kept the hell out of Iraq. The only kind of "fighting" we'd be doing here is the same kind that we're doing, post-9/11, anyhow, at the airports, etc. Anybody really think we'd be fighting Iraqis or anybody else in our streets, like we are in Iraq? Anybody really believe that the deaths of 4000 young Americans in Iraq has made us any safer, here in the U.S.??? I don't, anymore than I think pissing away 58,000+ American lives in Vietnam made us any safer. We're doing business with Vietnam now, for crap's sake, and they're great people with whom to do business.!
But, Saddam did sponsor terrorism and he did harbor terrorists as well as running a terrorist training camp at Salam Pac. Three strikes and all it would take is one strike in this war. It is the Global War on Terrorism, not just AQ.
bogus statement

Bruxley "We have not had any other terrorist attacks in the US."

Well Bruxley we have not had a nuclear power plant melt down in many years is that to the credit of the enviro nuts who get the proposed new plants closed down? Should there be another attack would it then be the fault of someone in America or just simply the actions of the fanatics who hate us?
But, Saddam did sponsor terrorism and he did harbor terrorists as well as running a terrorist training camp at Salam Pac. Three strikes and all it would take is one strike in this war. It is the Global War on Terrorism, not just AQ.

A crap load of countries sponsor and support terrorism. That does not answer the question "Why Iraq?"
A crap load of countries sponsor and support terrorism. That does not answer the question "Why Iraq?"

They were seen as the biggest threat outside the Taliban. I would argue that Iran or Syria may have been a bigger threat. The question should be "Why not the rest of the terrorist sponsoring countries?" They keep supporting terrorism because none of the countries that could do anything about it actually bother to lift a finger to stop them.
Bruxley "We have not had any other terrorist attacks in the US."

I have a special whistle I blow everywhere I go to keep away white elephants away. It must be working because I have not seen a white elephant for years.:D
They were seen as the biggest threat outside the Taliban

Saddam was effectively locked up inside Iraq. Iran, Syria, Sudan etc etc etc were up to their oxsters in it.

There simply is no rational explanation.
A crap load of countries sponsor and support terrorism. That does not answer the question "Why Iraq?"

Not to mention again....Osama Bin Laden was Saudi. The 9/11 terrorist were Saudi. Every indication is the major funding for the terrorist came from Saudi Arabia.....NOT IRAQ!
I have a special whistle I blow everywhere I go to keep away white elephants away. It must be working because I have not seen a white elephant for years.

And my anti-tiger underpants are 100% effective. Just send $50 for my brochure.

if those are anti-tiger as in Tiger Woods I'll get a pair for my brother-n-law. Maybe he can beat Tiger on just one hole.
That's an unfortunate choice of words.
Those are always my favorite :D

I haven't seen anyone rebut the statement of fact in the headline. I think most people know that by now. That doesn't mean that they feel Saddam wasn't worth killin' though.

I personally find the whole operation a self-defeating misallocation of resources.
Saddam provided rewards to families of Palistinean suicide bombers who killed many including US Citizens. Saddam offered a reward for terrists in the Phillipines if they killed US Citizens. An Abu Sayef bomb killed three US soldiers. The Iraqi ambassador to the Phillipines was expelled after intelligence intercepted a cell phone call from the terrorists to the ambassador making arrangements to collect the reward. Malaysian intelligence has a high ranking Iraqi government official meeting the 9-11 hijackers at the airport in Maylasia in what is now thought to be a coordination meeting.

I am reminded that many on the left in the US thought we should side with Hitler in WWII including Ted Kennedy's father. They maintained the same fondness for the USSR during the cold war. People who defend Saddam fall into the same category in my personal opinion.