Pentagon: Saddam Hussein's Iraq had no links to Al Qaeda

You drive it up by disrupting the flow and then you can raise prices and make more money for less work. If you get free flowing cheap materials you have to lower prices and work more to produce more goods.

But we have more oil coming in and more gasoline being produced than ever before. Demand is actually decreasing. Yet the price goes up.

Guess Bush screwed that up too.
But we have more oil coming in and more gasoline being produced than ever before. Demand is actually decreasing. Yet the price goes up.

Guess Bush even screwed that up.
you don't actually have to do it, you just have to create the perception and then use it as an excuse while the puppet govt looks the other way.
I wish I could find a conspiracy in any of this. It would be better than my conclusion which is that George Bush is simply as dumb as a stick of wood.
..or just gullible and easily led by oil companies, private contact companies, and other suppliers of war time needs who are making a fortune in cost plus percentage and no bid contracts.
The report does not state there was no AlQ in Iraq, it states there was not 'operational' link to AlQ. The semantics game again. And it not only doesn't state that Saddam's Iraq wasn't involved in terrorism, it states the OPPOSITE.

The article in the OP from CNN admits:
The documents cited in the report do reveal that Hussein supported a number of terrorists and terrorist activities inside and outside Iraq.

Although the double mindedness of many here won't be admitted, it has become shamelessly obvious in this, and 'the other' thread. Semantics games are rebuked there but reveled in here. The details and exact text are parsed there, and ignored here, the validity of 'the mass media' is denounced there and swallowed up here. The credibility of government reports is not only denounced there but if someone were to reference a government report they were mocked as silly for considering anything the government told you as truthful. Which is it? Or is it that repeated line of 'only believing what you WANT to believe'. Surly you don't just accept CNN's reports as accrurate. Or do you only check the accuracy of the 'mass media' when it conflicts with what you THINK or FEEL the truth is?

Let's look at what ELSE the report says without relying on just CNN.

The report, titled "Saddam and Terrorism: Emerging Insights from Captured Iraqi Documents," finds that:

• In the same year, Saddam ordered his intelligence service to "form a group to start hunting Americans present on Arab soil; especially Somalia." At the time, Al Qaeda was working with warlords against American forces there.

• Saddam's intelligence services maintained extensive support networks for a wide range of Palestinian Arab terrorist organizations, including but not limited to Hamas. Among the other Palestinian groups Saddam supported at the time was Force 17, the private army loyal to Yasser Arafat.

• Beginning in 1999, Iraq's intelligence service began providing "financial and moral support" for a small radical Islamist Kurdish sect the report does not name. A Kurdish Islamist group called Ansar al Islam in 2002 would try to assassinate the regional prime minister in the eastern Kurdish region, Barham Salih.

• In 2001, Saddam's intelligence service drafted a manual titled "Lessons in Secret Organization and Jihad Work—How to Organize and Overthrow the Saudi Royal Family." In the same year, his intelligence service submitted names of 10 volunteer "martyrs" for operations inside the Kingdom.

• In 2000, Iraq sent a suicide bomber through Northern Iraq who intended to travel to London to assassinate Ahmad Chalabi, at the time an Iraqi opposition leader who would later go on to be an Iraqi deputy prime minister. The mission was aborted after the bomber could not obtain a visa to enter the United Kingdom.

• The Iraqi Intelligence Service in a 1993 memo to Saddam agreed on a plan to train commandos from Egyptian Islamic Jihad, the group that assassinated Anwar Sadat and was founded by Al Qaeda's second-in-command, Ayman al-Zawahiri.

The Pentagon study finds, "Recognizing Iraq as a second, or parallel, 'terror cartel' that was simultaneously threatened by and somewhat aligned with its rival helps to explain the evidence emerging from the detritus of Saddam's regime."

If you would like to obtain a copy you can request one at the URL below...

Request your copy in the feedback field. I got a pretty quick response saying that if I provide my mailing address a CD of the report would be mailed. I guess it is a very large file. Odds are it will surface on the net soon anyway.

The report's findings again are NOT that Saddam's Iraq wasn't entangled in terrorism. Our assertion before Operation Iraqi Freedom was that they were, and that seems to be confirmed, and that their efforts were a threat to the US, also seems to be confirmed. Those that were 'testifying' (admittedly inappropriate term but was applied in another thread by another poster) about WMDs and th threat of Iraq (People 'brainwashed' by Bush I suppose):

This looks like a thread that is going to reveal alot about some posters. Will the claim of wanting to know vs. wanting what you think/feel affirmed stand or will the blindness of disdain and double mindedness shown be confirmed as now the reports are being spun left.

18 pages in 3 days?
The usual way to uncover the "conspiracy" is just to follow the money. Who's making out will let you know what's going on.

That article names exxon but they're all making record profits in a time when there's supply problems yadda yadda yadda. Just google "oil company profits 2007".

Anybody know somebody who's heavily involved in the oil industry?

Not to mention the weapons manufacturers who are finding a very good home for your tax dollars and the money you are borrowing to fund your empire.{9A92A3D0-1EC6-469D-8C7B-94D7AB30B340}

This only mentions Lockheed Martin but, yet again, it's a bumper time for a lot of people.

The right people will always have a good war. Everybody else is screwed.

Oh, and of course, your foreign policy is being run to suit Israel.
With whats been happening in the last few years in both worldwide and local politics and finances, i've got only one thing to say...

Third world America, here we come!
Will the claim of wanting to know vs. wanting what you think/feel affirmed stand or will the blindness of disdain and double mindedness shown be confirmed as now the reports are being spun left.

Sometimes you just have to use common sense. There are all kinds of reports out there, but the fact is a lot of people have WMD's. A lot of countries want to do us harm. I am sure Hussein was one of them, but his top priority was his own survival, and making terrorist attacks on the US was simply not in his interest. BTW, I am not on the left, I am on the right, and I think the Iraq war was a diaster from the beginning.
Conspiracy theories aren't allowed in L&P and I believe the topic of the thread is the report titled "Saddam and Terrorism: Emerging Insights from Captured Iraqi Documents".

Iraq having WMDs was propogated by Saddam himself to his own peril. HE wanted it elieved wether it was true or not. His inability to do direct damage to the US with weapons of mass destruction is a reason for his alliences with terrorist groups that were able to hurt us and Isreal.
Thanks for that.

In case you hadn't noticed the conspiracy was in ironic inverted commas.

I think I was answering the question "why are we there?"

Iraq having WMDs was propogated by Saddam himself to his own peril. HE wanted it elieved wether it was true or not

Oh, and the Saddam himself made us invade Iraq surely is the worst arguement ever. Now that's a conspiracy theory.
Well it is a weak argument as war takes weapons, fuel, vehicles, and a whole plethora of logistical support. That companies are providing that is hardly a 'conspiracy'.
And 'why we are there' is also off topic.

(My instincts tell me Google is being hit hard by some folks right now :p)
Oh, and the Saddam himself made us invade Iraq surely is the worst arguement ever. Now that's a conspiracy theory.

The acts of a nation's leader bringing war to his country- unheard of cause for war- IT'S a CONSPIRACY!!! LOL....let's grow into a serious tone for a change okay......
A PDF of the report can be found at:
Nothing like the actual text to debunk spin.
Let the reading begin..............

If the "intel" we had before the invasion was flawed.... as it appears to have been, what makes you so sure of this intel?

The report is from 600,000 pages of Saddam Hussains documents. HIS documentation of HIS activities.
From the actual report:
The Iraqi Perspectives Project. In September 2003 the Commander,
United States Joint Forces Command (USJFCOM), asked the Joint Advanced
Warfighting Program (JAWP) at the Institute for Defense Analyses (IDA)
to help develop the operational and strategic lessons from OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM
(OIF) from the perspectives of former senior Iraqi decision-makers. By creating
a historical narrative of the events surrounding OIF, interviewing captured
prisoners, and reviewing translations of enemy documents and media archives,
IDA researchers were able to report on the inner workings-and sometimes delusional
behavior en masse-of the Saddam Hussein regime.
For this paper, the JAWP Iraqi Perspectives Project (IPP) research
team screened more than 600,000 original captured documents I and several thousand
hours of audio and video footage archived in a US Department of Defense
(DOD) database called Harmony. As of August 2006, only 15 percent of the captured
documents have English translations. evertheless, a user can search all of
the documents by their cataloging descriptions, i.e., by topic, key concepts, and
date, all of which are in English.
There are 100 Trillion pages of information on the JFK assassination. No smoking gun. Yet people still do not believe Oswald acted alone.

People believe what they want and you will never convince them otherwise.
Over $1 Trillion dollars and over 3000 American dead, no conspiracy theory there just the facts. Now tell me exactly what we have gotten for the lives and money that makes it worth it?
Well Nate, despite the obvious attempt at thread veer I'll answer, you may open another thread on THAT subject should you wish to pursuit the discussion past that.....

-We have not had any other terrorist attacks in the US. What value the lives of American civilians are worth you may theorize on in the new thread.

-We ARE fighting them there instead of here. A stated intention if I recall.

-They are currently running AWAY from us instead of TOWARD us. Pakistan looks like their current destination.

That said only to answer the question. Like I said, the topic can be pursued in a new thread should it really be something you wish to explore and not an obvious attempt at thread veer.
We ARE fighting them there instead of here. A stated intention if I recall

Good job Brux that put us right back on topic. By them I assume you me al Qaeda, no al Qaeda in Iraq no links to Saddam and al Qaeda. In fact if we really wanted to get right at the source of al Qaeda members and al Qaeda financing we should of invaded Saudi Arabia.
They are currently running AWAY from us instead of TOWARD us. Pakistan looks like their current destination.

So invading a country that al Qaeda was not in and had no connection to them got them on the run?
Saddam Hussein's Iraq had no links to Al Qaeda

In fact if we really wanted to get right at the source of al Qaeda members and al Qaeda financing we should of invaded Saudi Arabia.

Just another fact I never understood. Osama Bin Laden was Saudi. The 9/11 hijackers were Saudi. conclusion: lets invade Iraq. What? How did that happen? I have been asking that question for a long time, and so far all I get is someone changing the subject for an answer.

George read my lips: The 9/11 attack was by Saudi terrorist....not Iraqi terrorist....Saudi terrorist. That's as in Saudi Arabia.

Did you ever think that maybe when George was putting pins in the map to track the terrorist he just got off aim, and no one in his cabinet had the nerve to tell him. Except Colin Powell, and George told him to take a hike.
I wish I could find a conspiracy in any of this. It would be better than my conclusion which is that George Bush is simply as dumb as a stick of wood.
eh, I think he's a very smart man contrary to the jokes about his grade point average

I do think he's incompetent and surrounds himself with the wrong people but one can be very smart and still a terrible leader.