Pennsylvania gathering Saturday June 11th

Indeed, just walk up and say "Hi am blah blah blah"... I did that during one of the first meets, I think there was a total of 3 people there including myself on that nice rainy day.

"Hello... I am Dead....Who here is with The Firing Line?" :D
Less than a week to go! :) I wish I had more ammo for the bolt and lever guns. Guess I`ll have to bring the AR and some other stuff too. I should have some ammo for the Auto Mag though. :D Marcus
Here I am...

I have been at so many weddings so far this year about one overy other weekend and guess what? I have one the day of your shoot!
I have to stop being such a popular guy and for anyone who wants to invite me to a wedding, I am booked for the summer.


Have a great shoot guys!!!
Me too ray! I've been to two and have 2 more this summer! Talk about costing $$ to! Wifey gets a new outfit every wedding and the $200 gift! lol
I should have some ammo for the Auto Mag though.

Hey Marcus, it just happens that I have LOTS of ammo for two different caliber Auto Mag's. I don't recall off the top of my head which calibers. I can bring a couple boxes for you, if I have the right ammo. What caliber is yours?
Jay Kubik will be filling in for Ray Reno as RO at the rifle range. You know him as CT_AR. George Tomko (the daddy) will be RO at the pistol range since P95Carry won't be able to make it.

I hear ya, Ray.

When's the next NJ shoot?
Jamie Young,
You had asked about NRA Certified Instructors. I teach as an NRA Instructor in all fields and an NRA Training Counselor in all NRA fields but Shotgun which lets me make NRA Instructors. I also teach high-power shooting, and classes on the history of the M1 Garand to college students at my home. I also teach police sniper and counter-sniper work. Add to that the FBI speed course and doing the research, it gets a little crazy around here. We are looking over the club to join for the FBI Speed Course and the long range rifle for sniper work.The group of us going down to the shoot are all rated NRA Instructors. My wife is also rated NRA and she might be of help with classes for women. We also are NRA Life Endowment Members.
Thanks again, Sir,
ps if you have time checkout one of my sites on the M1
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hearing protection provided?

Do we have to bring hearing protection? Know any places that sell good cheap earplugs that do the trick?
The group of us going down to the shoot are all rated NRA Instructors.

There are a few police departments that train their snipers at W&W. The range is available on weekdays for such a thing. I look forward to meeting you. I'll give you the inside scoop on the place if you come down.

Mark54g- they have shooting glasses and ear plugs inside the main building. Look for me when you get there and then I'll take you to Mr. Tomko for your induction.

It would be nice if the newbies could be there between 12-2pm. I'll want some trigger time in the morning. Group picture around 2pm would be nice.

If you plan on being at the pistol range for most of the day, I strongly suggest bring sun screen.

Thanks for the note you sent me a while back. I have been under the weather for several weeks, so I waited till the last minute to see if I would be fairly healthy. Are last minute walk in's OK? Is there anything you want me to bring?


SGHOTH aka Myself


Does that mean we should show up at 12 and not around 9-10AM?

Btw, the wife doesn't want to come, so I hope it will be ok if I bring a friend instead. He's an eaglescout.

I'll get some sunscreen and bring a hat
Mike, I might have guessed you`d have a stockpile of ammo for Auto Mags! :D Mine`s a .44AMP. I`d love to talk about different loads for it and buy what you don`t want. This thing`s become an expensive mistress already. ;) Marcus

Can't really help you on loads. Niether I nor any of my family actually have an Auto Mag yet. My father has a friend that has a fairly large collection of them however. He was having some problems with getting his MA license renewed on time and temporarily was going to transfer the guns to an FFL friend or our family down here so as not to get in trouble with MA laws. Anyways long story short, his license did get renewed on time at the last minute, for some reason I forget all his ammo ended up at my fathers house. I'm positive he won't mind if some get's shot up, my father has had it for over a year now. I'll see if he has any in .44AMP and if so I can probably bring you a couple boxes - no charge. I'll let you know.

As for the shoot, I'll definitely be there, but may have to beg out early around 1 or so to go do some rock climbing out near Reading.
Timing of Relatives is...

... just so wonderful at times.

It was dropped on me last weekend that the BiL's kids(both girls, full grown adults) are due in late Friday/early Saturday of this weekend. I was informed by SWMBO(more like directly ordered :rolleyes: ) that WE(as in the spouse AND me) were expected to be at the pool party scheduled for this Saturday. They'll be here for the week, but it has to be THIS Saturday!!! :mad:

I've been trying to figure it out for a number of years now, but can anyone shed any light on how you can have something scheduled for months(or multiple preceding weeks), yet some can just "drop-in" on the latest notice and all previous plans are then thrown to he*l?

I'm still trying to make the meeting, but it ain't looking too good as of now.