Paul finally gave up his principles

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Hey Pat...

I have to call you out on this as well as the other RP supporters...

In another thread you said...
Taking the personal contribution from this Mr. Black, $500.00 out of nearly $19 million donated this quarter alone, is of no relevance to Ron Paul's morals and ethics.

Attempting to smear the candidate with demonstrably the highest moral and ethical standards in the campaign with this only shows the decrepit morals and ethics of those attempting the smear.

Ergo, the Smearbund at work.
extent of support/contract/donation

if I receive help or offer help or engage in a commercial contract with a racist/etc., it doesn't mean I support everything that the racist or other party stands for.

The other day I helped a homeless person who most probably had psychological problem and possibly some addiction. It doesn't mean I support/agree with everything that person did, believed, or stood for.

Just in case, this is confusing. Even sworn enemies engaged in trade and/or contract with each other. It doesn't mean sworn enemies are no longer enemies and they changed their position.

Hope that makes it clear.
Given the inefficiencies of what D.C. laughingly calls the "criminal justice system," I think we can safely assume that 95% of the black males in that city are semi-criminal or entirely criminal.

If similar in-depth studies were conducted in other major cities, who doubts that similar results would be produced? We are constantly told that it is evil to be afraid of black men, but it is hardly irrational. Black men commit murders, rapes, robberies, muggings, and burglaries all out of proportion to their numbers.

Taken from the Ron Paul Political Report, 1120 NASA Blvd., Suite 104,Houston, TX 77058 for $50 per year. Call 1-800-766-7285.

Prior to this Thread, I did not know about this, specifically Ron Paul's opinion regarding Black people. Simply put, Ron Paul is a racist. :mad:

Ron Paul's racism is unacceptable. Ron Paul should be kicked out of the Republican Party. Ron Paul lacks the necessary morality (and intelligence) to be the president of the United States. Not only was he stupid enough to actually possess racist opinions, he was also stupid enough to espouse them in writing.

Oh, lordy. You don't want a candidate with principles. You want the slick, unassailable professional used car salesman who determines his opinion by polls. Moreover, you deserve him.

No, we'd prefer a president who doesn't consider 95% of all black people to be criminals, thank you. We deserve a president who is not a racist. We want a candidate who isn't a bigoted idiot.
The premise is incorrect. Donations to a campaign have exactly zero influence on how that money is spent when it is unsolicited.

What a silly thread. MK had the right reply the first time he chimed in, maybe it should be reread.
Prior to this Thread, I did not know about this,

I know you want to believe this smear, but look at the source, and look into the matter yourself. I'd suggest a google search for these words: ron paul racist ghostwriter. You might also include the words Barbara Jordan and linguistics. You'll find that the intention in the Paul camp was to write something slamming affirmative action, and a staffer ghostwrote the article and was fired over the issue. Now, it's true that Paul shouldn't have idiot racist staffers ghostwriting his column, but to me it's a minor issue. He's been in Congress 20 years and introduced thousands of bills and made thousands of speeches, written books and articles.

Let's collect all the examples of Ron Paul's supposed racism, and not just rely on one 20 year old ghostwritten article. There must be more, right? Laws sponsored or co-sponsored? Speeches? Articles? There's Ron Paul material all over the internet, so where are the other examples of his racism?
I want a candidate with some conviction.

Conviction is not measured by how devoted a candidate is to dancing to the PC tune of the media and leftists.
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My goodness, I haven't been paying attention. Is it already "Ron Paul is a racist" time of the month again? I should probably mark it on the calender so I don't miss it next month.
I liked it better when we were splitting hairs about what the Constitution means.

To quote Richard Nixon (to David Frost) "Normal people don't want to be president".

Nobody's perfect, but he's not running this year; so we all have to choose from the candidates that are. Fight nice.
Stage 2
You spend 5 minutes over at stormfront with some of Black's buddies and tell me how benign he is.
I haven't spent any time there, so you will have to tell me what goes on over there.
Well, I've the good fortune to have found what the Smearbund has been seeking. No longer will they be confined to just a few lies that have to be repackaged and told over and over again as if they were just discovered.

Now there's the The Official Media Guide to Attacking Ron Paul

With this handy dandy guide, these attacks will seem endless, and new nearly everyday. We'll show the "Doctor" that we're not people to be trifled with, when we say you're a third tier candidate, then that's what you are.

So, say it. Say it, dammit. Say you love Jesus. No wait, that one was for Romney. Never mind.
Straight from Ron Paul's mouth on why he's keeping the money:

I went to StormFront for the one and only time back in October when this story actually broke. I was curious why all these people who will not tolerate racism were hanging out on a white supremacist site. There was some interesting stuff over there. In a Ron Paul thread on their forum I learned that just about 9 out of 10 neo-nazis feel that Ron Paul is not tough enough on the jews, and until he will advocate their total extinction he is merely a "lesser of two evils" candidate.

This story broke in October, the campaign addressed it in a press conference in November, we're discussing it again in December - like I said earlier, mark it on your calender for next month. It's becoming a monthly tradition.
if hes not a felon then it doesnt matter, as i believe felons may not donate. facts are your friend. if he's a felon, it shouldn't be too hard to find out.

Well, he served 3 year in club fed. Are you still ok with his donation?

The original post is anti 1st amendment in spirit, and is a sickening attempt to elevate himself to thought czar.
The entire premise of the original post is despicable and nauseating.
Stage2, take your anti 1st amendment political correctness somewhere else. We believe in liberty here.

None of this implicates the first amendment. None of this has anything to do with liberty. Black is free to be a bigot and donate his money. Paul is free to deny it. Trying to rope "free speech" into this is completely misguided.

So if we don't follow your marching orders and "denounce" then we've not done the "right thing?"

It has nothing to do with my marching orders. Grown men shouldn't need me to tell them that nazi sympathizers are bad.

A few Edwards/Obama/Hillary supporters are bigots (racial and otherwise). Are you going to allow THEM freedom of conscience stage2? I'm curious.

I expect anyone running for the highest office in the country to distance themselves from people like this. Ironically even the dems have done this for people who are far less notorious than Don Black.

Taking the personal contribution from this Mr. Black, $500.00 out of nearly $19 million donated this quarter alone, is of no relevance to Ron Paul's morals and ethics.

I see. So something is right or wrong depending on how big a part it is of the whole. That explains alot.

if I receive help or offer help or engage in a commercial contract with a racist/etc., it doesn't mean I support everything that the racist or other party stands for.

Engaging in commerce and accepting a political donation are two wholly different things.

The premise is incorrect. Donations to a campaign have exactly zero influence on how that money is spent when it is unsolicited.

That was never the premise. As I said earlier, this isn't about whether Paul is influenced, its about someone who has had troubles in the past regarding racism in trouble yet again with the worst kind of racist.

It amazes me how many excuses I've seen here. Is it really that hard for a Paul supporter to say that what he did was wrong? I'm not even asking for anyone to change their minds about whether or not to vote for him. Just a "I'm still going to vote for him because of his political stances, but yeah taking money from a nazi is wrong".

I don't quite know whats worse. People who knowingly believe in something vile like Black, or people who are so unaware of their blind allegiance they can no longer tell the difference between right an wrong.
This story broke in October, the campaign addressed it in a press conference in November, we're discussing it again in December - like I said earlier, mark it on your calender for next month. It's becoming a monthly tradition.

Incorrect. The story broke in october. The Paul campaign "addressed" it in november by saying that they were going to consult with Paul on what to do with the money. It was only several days ago that the Paul camp finally gave their decision.
stage2 said:
Well, he served 3 year in club fed. Are you still ok with his donation?

wheres your documentation? you make an awful lot of accusations without any proof. im under the impression that felons cant legally donate. that leads me to the assumption that candidates cannot legally accept funds from felons. if im incorrect about this, then it doesnt matter a wit if he actually is a felon. i have the feeling, if it actually mattered, they would be pushing that part of it right along with the whole racist thing, or this don or dan black or w/e would be getting in legal trouble for his donation. so show me your proof, if you have it.
No, we'd prefer a president who doesn't consider 95% of all black people to be criminals, thank you. We deserve a president who is not a racist. We want a candidate who isn't a bigoted idiot.

+ eleventy billion

The mental contortions these Paul supporters are putting themselves through...just in order to convince themselves that anyone who dares criticize Paul for his manifest racism is a low, foul immoral person for doing so...just amazing really.
Money is money; as long as it is obtained legally, it's source is really irrelevant.

Whether a racist is contributing to a political candidate or strippers are donating to a children's hospital, the PC crowd periodically makes a stink about some out-of-favor group giving money to a cause. This is not about morality, but control - defining which groups are acceptable or unacceptable and dictating how people can interact with those groups.
I admire those of you who really believe in Ron Paul, but you have to accept the realities of modern politics. Most people don't even know who Ron Paul is, they don't know that he's running for office. But if this story picks up steam they will know that he's a racist.

I'm not saying that he is, but you've only got two choices in politics; manipulate the media or be manipulated by the media.

Bill Clinton may not of been a great President, by he was an incredible candidate. This donation is Ron Paul's potential Sista' Soldier moment, a chance to put a controversial moron in the spotlight and then just destroy them. It's a complete win win situation.

What is the downside to taking a stand against racism?
Incorrect. The story broke in october. The Paul campaign "addressed" it in november by saying that they were going to consult with Paul on what to do with the money. It was only several days ago that the Paul camp finally gave their decision.

So you are saying it took them a month to "officially" reach the exact same conclusion that they came to about the $500 in November. Ok, whatever.

By the way, if anyone is curious, I went back to Stormfront to see if their views of Ron Paul have changed at all in the past few months. It seems 9 out of 10 neo-nazis in any of the very few Ron Paul threads have compromised and support him now. I specifically looked for threads pertaining to the dreaded $500 and found one, complete with the youtube link showing Ron Paul denouncing their activities on Cavuto's show. They all commented positively, acknowledging that Ron Paul is NOT a white supremacist (or nationalist, or any other sort of IST except Constitutionalist) but that they could respect him because he does not pander and cannot be bought or influenced by anyone - including them.

Other big names that I saw mentioned were Tom Tancredo (they were very sorry to see him drop out), and Fred Thompson.
huchahuchax said:
Other big names that I saw mentioned were Tom Tancredo (they were very sorry to see him drop out), and Fred Thompson.

dude, they are both racists, didnt you know?

from what i can gather, it is actually not illegal for a felon to donate. so dont even bother with the evidence, ill accept that its true. cause it doesnt matter.
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