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I think the "sheepdog" thinking is like a "knight in shining armor" mentality.

I cannot but wonder how people think that even concentrate on such things and think about what they are or what everyone else is.
Just do what is necessary, and if you prepare, things will take care of themselves without attempting to categorize everyone.

I know plenty of people who do not carry including retired combat military, and LEOs. Whatever they are they could not be classed as sheep. They just don't see the need for a gun to be the center of their thinking or requirement for safety. They don't worry about where they sit in a restaurant unless the sun from outside is getting in their eyes.

I don't try to think about myself as a sheepdog or anything but a guy who attempts to do what is required. It has worked for me for a long time. I have not found it necessary or even desirable to build my life around my personal safety or my guns.


Just a simple question.

Do some people think you are paranoid because you sit facing the door at restaurants, scan the area in parking lots, check where the exits are in every where you go...etc?

Someone who is paranoid is suffering from paranoia which can be defined as; baseless or excessive suspicion of the motives of others.

I can't imagine that anyone could rationally argue that the actions described above could come close to behavior which could be described as baseless or excessive.

It is merely prudent behavior. It is taking reasonable actions to preserve the one and only life you have (or the lives of someone you have a duty to protect).
I don't label people as sheep, dog, or much else. I see people and a few low lifes. Most people I have no idea what they are really like. I have been needlessly suspiscious of some people and recognize that as my occasional failure

Having said that I must say that I am usually aware of my surroundings, and I guess that comes from flying combat missions in fighters where the prime advantage was to see the other guys first. I usually carry, sometimes I don't. I haven't had a confrontation (that's from temperment and how and where one conducts himself, I think). So I will just label myself as mostly self sufficient. :)
[I can't imagine that anyone could rationally argue that the actions described above could come close to behavior which could be described as baseless or excessive.]

Like a lot of other things those actions could be taken to an extreme that I would consider excessive. I guess it depends upon how we think about such things, and what we believe are the risks. Where one lives, works, and operates influences such things.
I would consider that if one would not eat at a particular restaurant on a particular night because he could not sit with his back against the wall and be able to watch most or all doors, then that would be excessive. To me that would indicate a fear that would be unhealthy or paranoid. I understand that others will not agree with me.

But the sheepdog's creed encompasses the willingness to put one's own life and limb at risk in defense of strangers. To disparage that creed is to disparage cops, firefighters, Marines etc.; anyone who is willing to run toward danger and prepared to intervene even if it doesn't threaten him or his family directly.

Post hoc ergo propter hoc. :rolleyes:

To equate TRAINED folks whose JOB is to protect others with delusionofgrandeurtoomanychainemail mall ninjas diminishes the TRAINED folks at the expense of the wannabes. (I am particularly incensed at wannabes today, reason to follow in a separate thread)

So if you me putting the boots to some 17 year old black kid, please don't bark and run in with your Tacticool 1911, I am merely defending myself from robbery...wait thats a bad example, lets try..

So if you see the black man putting the boots to some white kid.......

I'm more like a basset hound, I'm fine until you disturb my nap, then I get grumpy.

I bet a nice 1903a1 would make ya nap again:)

WildbowwowAlaska ™©2002-2011
But the sheepdog's creed encompasses the willingness to put one's own life and limb at risk in defense of strangers. To disparage that creed is to disparage cops, firefighters, Marines etc.; anyone who is willing to run toward danger and prepared to intervene even if it doesn't threaten him or his family directly. End Quote

You are surely jesting to compare someone with a CHL who has never been in combat or in grave danger with cops, firefighters, Marines etc. who have experienced mortal danger.

Ah, yes. The noble sheepdog, ever vigilante.

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