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I count the number of doors to emergency exits in Hotels. I test firedoors to insure that they open. I am allways aware of my surroundings. I look for unattended briefcases. backpacks. I chose locations with multiple evac routes. I prefer seats shielded by heavy load bearing walls.

It is a dangerous world and but by the grace of god, some outstanding police work and pure dumb luck we could be facing the same problems as Israel, Kabul, and bagdad.

EOD retired
We discussed this in "Concealed Carry Etiquette"...

...on the General Handguns forum a while back.

I'll plead guilty to taking precautions (like my back to a wall, and facing the door) that others might deem paranoic (the correct term), but to me it's just "streetsmarts".

True clinical paranoia is out-of-touch with reality; I don't think the kind of awareness and precautions we're talking about are out-of-touch with reality at all; I think they indicate a firmer grasp on reality than being in Condition White all the time and thinking that bad stuff is never gonna go down around you.

But I have to mention that bumperstickers and signs that advertise your interest in guns or your armed status are not very wise; they undermine your tactical advantage of surprise, and may even make you or your car a target.

And it's fine to visualize how you would handle certain situations, but planning to use, in a potentially lethal confrontation, too-clever-by-half dialogue that sounds like it's from an action movie strikes me as totally out-of-touch with reality. Like many wiser men have said, "When it's time to shoot, don't talk, shoot!"
Do some people think you are paranoid because you sit facing the door at restaurants, scan the area in parking lots, check where the exits are in every where you go...etc?

If done right, no one will notice.

Let me give an example. Men like to look at girls, it human nature, so look at girls, Eye ball the cute waitress, follow her around the restaurant with your eyes, no one would notice, no one would think your paranoid.

That's just one example, Another, you mentioned parking lots. Look for your car, every one misplaces their car at malls 'n such. Look around, people are looking for where they parked all the time,

That's just two examples, there are millions more tricks used in surveillance that people never noticed. You just have to fit in.

I laugh when I see tacticool people walking around, trying not to be noticed while wearing black swat type pants with cargo pocketss, heavy laced up boots, camouflage, You know what I mean. Tell me they don't stand out.

Now how many of you pay attention to some middle age dude, Bermuda plaid shorts, stripped pull over shirt, mid calf socks with sandals?

Tacticool is fine for mall ninja types, but if you want to blend in, then blend in.

I really get a kick out of some of this stuff. How many times have you heard people on gun forums talking about gillie suits for LE Urban Counter Snipers.

Nothing says "blend in" like some one dressed as the swamp thing leaning over a patrol car with a rifle.

Sorry to get carried away, but I study people, now out of humor instead of having to.
That I would be paranoid?


What have u heard?

Just because you're paranoid doesnt mean they're not out to get ya!!
some people are just like that - example: they don't like people sitting behind them at meetings, movies, and so-on.

It doesn't necessarily have anything to do with firearms' tactics.
As an Expat working for many years in security and anti-terrorism in countries known for their spontaneous combustion I maintain what most Americans would consider "extreme security consciousness".

Facing doors is far down on my list, but an absolute necessity. I am very careful to position myself and my dining associates in a manner that provides not only an panoramic view of the door, but also the outside activities and in a manner that provides a minimum of one additional exit, also within view.

My restaurant list is limited by section of town, approach and departure, parking, walk distance and area covered to the restaurant door, background of employees and ownership and I don't dine at restaurants whose floor-plan and table layouts that I have not already surveyed for security situations, and my table is already reserved, under a false name. I avoid "tourist" restaurants like the plague and never dine outdoors.

Oh, and as kraigwy said, be so boring as to become invisible.

Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean that they're not out to get you.
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bumper stickers

Regarding some of what was mentioned above, bumper stickers are a big no no with me. They're either free advertising for some company, an attraction for the car behind you to tailgate while he tries to read it, an alert for people who wish to do you harm, an invitation for some "brave" so-and-so to damage your helpless car to show you that he disagrees violently with your opinion while you're absent, or an invitation for people to lie in wait to make sure that you're disarmed before they rob you.

Freedom of expression via bumpersticker is a right, but be aware of the consequences. Besides, these cars with all the bumper stuff stuck all over them will lose trade-in value when the paint and chrome show uneven fading from being masked in the sunlight.
1. Watch the language. This is a family site. Had to delete posts.

2. It's not paranoid to have that concern. I've pointed out the family that we are not going to the ice cream store just at closing at night as that's a prime time for a robbery.

3. However, it gets a touch extreme, if for example you go to an affair or restaurant and if you can't get a tactical table placement, you have a commando conniption fit and refuse to stay. Esp. if you have folks with you.

You just have to risk that one, Rambo.

I know an instructor who insists that he will never sit without the tac position, but it was pointing out to him that when we all went out for BBQ, he had a disadvantageous seat. He was cool enough to say - Oh, well but you guys had it covered. It was a heavily armed table. :D
I admit, I AM paranoid. It's an anxiety problem, but has little to do with situational awareness. I don't see everyone as a threat, but I don't trust a single person in existence.

I don't however, consider this subject to mean one is paranoid. The tacticool guys are looking for a threat. The rest of us are avoiding one. Honestly, I've seen some tacticool guys that looked more like a threat than the hoodlums.
Paranoid NO.CAREFUL & aware of my surrounding YES. Its easy to be a sheep. But its more fun to be a under cover Wolf;);:D.
The only people who think I'm paranoid are the sheep who believe they are safe.

My wife and I are both aware at all times so if I can't sit in position, she does.

I feel sorry for the bad guy who goes to our cigar church to try to rob the place.


Do some people think you are paranoid because you sit facing the door at restaurants, scan the area in parking lots, check where the exits are in every where you go...etc

Didnt I read this in a book, a dime novel? :) no I dont do these things. I am the one momma dont want you to play with........

In my small town we all know each other and we all have these little permit thingys :)
The only people who think I'm paranoid are the sheep who believe they are safe

There are tons of behaviors I see posted on this Board that I feel are paranoid...

So if I feel that some folks behavior is paranoid, does that mean I am a sheep?

WildwellthenbaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAlaska ™©2002-2011

Maybe it's just that i have become more aware of my surroundings as i've gotten older. Maybe it's that the world seems to be a more dangerous place these days. Seems that people are not aware that someone may be out to hurt them. Like the guy following the elderly couple while wearing a hoodie in 80 degree heat as they argue about how much money to take out of the atm. The drunk stranger that approaches someone at a gas station in the middle of the night. I was in Salt Lake City early last week. Saw a young woman walking alone in a rough neighborhood at 10pm by herself.

Sure, the guy in the hoodie may get cold easy and it was their son. That may be the girls neighborhood. Or we could be reading about them in the paper the next day as the police are puling their corpse out of a ditch.

Some people won't understand why we carry concealed or in our cars when we travel. I don't think that makes us crazy just aware.
It's like that joke about drivers,,,

Anyone who displays more tactical awareness than I do,,,
Is a paranoid nutcase.

Anyone who displays less tactical awareness than I do,,,
Is a frigging idiot.

I have range/shooting acquaintances who are so tactically aware,,,
That I can't stand to be around them in a social setting,,,
Going to dinner is akin to planning a tactical foray.

I'm not saying they are wrong,,,
After all, this is the good old U. S. of A.
They can live their lives in whatever manner they see fit.

I just don't socialize with them except at the range.

One nice thing about hanging out with my friends, is that I trust them enough to be aware if I can't. We tease the one guy who doesn't carry about being a weak link. He says "I'll just use your BUG." :rolleyes:

Sad thing is, he really is a decent shot with very little training. A natural both eyes open shooter.
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