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Even a paranoid person could have people after him.....:D

Being Sicilian...I never sit with my back to the door and I always test the weight of the table in case i have to turn it over as a shield.....nothing paranoid there....just normal behavior in my "family" :eek:
Being a sheepdog will eventually get you and/or someone else hurt. Its starting to become an epidemic. Its what these folks think about constantly and they look for the situation to arise. This will lead to someone jumping the gun to be a hero with a brief lapse in thinking causing injury to others. Mark my words. Just my opinion. I'm entitled to it

Just looking at my own community, I read about many incidents involving violent criminals and the people they kill or injure.

Don't recall any sheepdog dogooders jumping the gun and causing injury to others.

I'm not a sheep dog just waiting to jump in there, myself, but I think there's a big difference in the sheepdog mentality that examines different tactical situations and the sheepdog mentality you've created in your head that I've observed very little of.:cool:
Your point of view is different than mine. Ill protect my family, friends and I but will not put another's life at danger catching a stray bullet unless its to protect something as valuable as my family. To help someone is to help them. Use my first aid kit, fix a flat tire, give spare change but I don't see firing a bullet in a heated situation when I have plenty of chance to call 911. If my life or my families life isn't in danger then that's the best possible scenario to seek shelter/cover and call 911. If the problem comes my way then I will handle it to my best abilities. Jumping to help a stranger can get you in trouble if things go wrong not to mention get you killed or someone else. Is it worth it unless its family? Think about it.
Note that a few posts that were, uh... less than family friendly, have been deleted. Implied or otherwise, let's keep it clean folks.
Wild, .40 cal, talk to me after you put right at 1,000 folks into the Federal criminal Justice system, as I have. Not one of them wanted to go, and some would like to get even for the 5 to 10 years of their life they spent as guests of the Government.

Some of the folks I arrested were mobbed up, some worked for unfriendly intelligence services. I'm not paranoid, just aware that the threat (for me and mine) is real !

And what the heck is a nutnfancy video?
The sheep believe they are safe wherever they go. They do nothing to preserve their well-being. They judge people as paranoid when they are merely aware of their surroundings.

Further, many sheep seem to believe that you aren't supposed to take care of your own safety requirements but leave it to the authorities. If the authorities can't take care of you, you're supposed to just lie down for those who wish to stomp you into the ground.

If you fit this definition, you're a sheep! :D

Some of the folks I arrested were mobbed up, some worked for unfriendly intelligence services. I'm not paranoid, just aware that the threat (for me and mine) is real !

You know, when I was doing criminal defense nothing pee'd me off more that listing to the Government whine about what "threats" the defendants were:rolleyes:

Especially mobbed up guys....the last mobster that even thought about hitting a non crook minion of the government was the Dutchman

WildandyouknowwhathappenedtohimAlaska ™©2002-2011
Well, I guess your all encompassing knowledge of the criminal mind surpasses the intelligence reports I still get.

And I guess the cartels are also just misunderstood.
If you fit this definition, you're a sheep!

I think we should petition the mods to ban all this sheepdog crap:barf:

It gives gun owners a bad name.

Well, I guess your all encompassing knowledge of the criminal mind surpasses the intelligence reports I still get.

Thank you. Glad you recognize it.

As one of the biggest boosters of LE here, I have more right than anyone to point out their failings.

Threat=dollars and power. Take it with a grain of salt, elst we will have street searches of adult diapers.

WilditsthehumanconditionAlaska ™©2002-2011
The sheep believe they are safe wherever they go. They do nothing to preserve their well-being. They judge people as paranoid when they are merely aware of their surroundings.

Further, many sheep seem to believe that you aren't supposed to take care of your own safety requirements but leave it to the authorities. If the authorities can't take care of you, you're supposed to just lie down for those who wish to stomp you into the ground.

If you fit this definition, you're a sheep! :D


Good thing I'm not a sheep. Its my obligation to protect my family and I. If I leave it to the authorities I may not make it. Like I said before, I pretty sure I wont take a chance hurting someone if my family or I aren't in direct danger. If the situation ever arises then I would have to make the decision. If I'm alone and some old lady is getting mugged then I may stop to help and call 911. If there is gun fire then I'm protecting me and mine first. Its just the smart decision on all fronts. I'm finding a way out of danger then reevaluate the situation. That's just me. You guys do what you want. Its you who either becomes the hero or the prisoner. My opinion.
When you are a sheepdog,

You get placed in my kennel wit hthe other dogs haha that is sooo funny. I gotta tell my cousins and a friend is a US Marshall :) cousins are cops and one has put more men behind bars, some look him up and say thanks you saved my life but it isnt so glamorous as mobsters being after you :) like every Italian I met is connected lol

I carry for the safety of my family, period. It is to protect me and mine and that may not include "sheep" lol

Men used to go around and smile say top o the morning, now Isee everyone looking all askance wondering if that guy is gonna get after me. lol fighting for the seat against the wall like wild bill altho the one time he didnt....

So what treats do we buy for you? Need a trim? I know a good dog person....
I don't know when I started facing the door in public places. Seems like I've always done it. Maybe being in a pickle few times (like 30-40 times) when I was young just made it a natural choice. Maybe it's just common sense....

Early on, my wife used to try to fight me for the seat facing the door. Long ago she learned there was a good reason for my insistence.

I don't go around feeling paranoid, but when I'm in a public place I just naturally keep my eyes moving and stay aware of my surroundings. I don't even do it consciously. Thinking about it, I drive the same way.

As far as "sheep" go, I think there are those who are naturally ready for trouble. It's second nature. There are others who don't make that a priority, or even take it into consideration. It doesn't make them defective somehow, it just means they are different.

There are many "sheep" who live long full lives without ever seeing a moment of trouble.

I don't consider myself to be a sheep. That said, I worked in a pretty rough neighborhood in Seattle for 23 years. I spent many evenings in bars and taverns after work. I was rarely armed with anything but my fists and a pocket knife. I found a dead guy in the flower bed in front of our office there (stabbed). I saw a man get shot in the leg and another getting stabbed with a butcher knife by his wife while he was sweeping a gas station parking lot. I saw an armored personnel carrier on the high school lawn at 2am because of a reported rocket launch from the high school roof (not a model rocket). I could go on.

I only ran into one scrape in all that time. It was settled without gunpowder.
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Wild, .40 cal, talk to me after you put right at 1,000 folks into the Federal criminal Justice system, as I have. Not one of them wanted to go, and some would like to get even for the 5 to 10 years of their life they spent as guests of the Government.

Some of the folks I arrested were mobbed up, some worked for unfriendly intelligence services. I'm not paranoid, just aware that the threat (for me and mine) is real !

And what the heck is a nutnfancy video?

Ok man. You put away some bad dudes. Mobbed up and mean. A thousand of them. But hear me out. I appreciate the work you have put in and the chances you took to make everyone's life safer. With that said. Don't get on a forum and brag about it like your a special super LEO or DA. Your not the only guy running around here putting there life on the line locking up bad guys. There are members of this forum that have spent years in law enforcement. Do you see them bragging? No because that's the life and career they chose. They swore an oath to put bad mobbed up guys away. It does not make you any bigger or better in my eyes. Maybe you do think you need to be more aware of your surroundings but so do we. That's fine. Be safe and protect yours. Don't for a second think your the only one that has enemies. Lots of LEO's and DA's have enemies. There's tens of thousands of them. I'm sure the 2 million people in our prisons hate their arresting officer and prosecutor.

Nutnfancy is a "sheepdog". Leader of all "sheepdogs". He is all over YouTube. Check him out.

*Or maybe your a judge. I don't know. I do know your not alone.

I'm not on this forum to argue and start thread wars. I simply state my opinion on most things I come across. This has gone a bit far for me so I apologize to anyone I offended.
I'm not paranoid at all,but I am a armed American that works alone at night in the inter city & have seen My share of crap.Being around that sort of thing tends to make you pay attention to your suroundings.I'm no sheepdog or law dog either, no disrespect.I feel I have the right to protect Me & mine if LE is there GREAT I have utmost respect for the Police. But if alone I'M not lying down for a CRACK SMOKIN FOOL to have his way.Sometimes 911 just can't get there in time Those guys plate is full this I know.
Of sheep and sheepdogs

I gotta tell ya, it's a bit disappointing to hear members of this particular community disparage the noble concept of being a sheepdog.

It is said that man first became civilized when he began to think about more than where his next meal was coming from. Civilization is further defined by man being concerned with the well-being of others, beyond his own family and tribe.

It's fine to recognize that discretion can be the better part of valor, and to have the luxury of picking one's battles and of deciding on which hill one is ready to die.

But the sheepdog's creed encompasses the willingness to put one's own life and limb at risk in defense of strangers. To disparage that creed is to disparage cops, firefighters, Marines etc.; anyone who is willing to run toward danger and prepared to intervene even if it doesn't threaten him or his family directly.

You might as well call them paranoics, do-gooders, glory-seekers and wannabe heroes.

When you disparage and ridicule sheepdogs, you don't diminish the sheepdogs; you diminish yourself.
Interesting thread...and I would like to agree that being aware is good and I don't hate on people that are paranoid..I try to keep a good watch out of bgs but don't do it always...I am however extremely paranoid when I go to the river as that is where most of my bad experiences came sure if I got robbed and almost beaten to death then I would probably treat a restaurant the same I don't pick on anyone that takes there safely seriously whenever they feel the need..and don't realy mind when people pick on me at the river..I know what's in there and know what can each there own..but someone in this thread said the best defense is to blend in...I am inclined to go with that..:)
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