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Just a simple question.

Do some people think you are paranoid because you sit facing the door at restaurants, scan the area in parking lots, check where the exits are in every where you go...etc?
I think I am like that. I do not like to sit with my back to a window and like to face the door.

There may be a day when a little "Paranoid" may be a good thing.
Nope. But it's because I've been trained that way and I can't help it. Otherwise it might sound a bit weird to some, perhaps, but it wouldn't be my perception of "paranoid ".
I have OCD with that and am always facing the door somewhat. I have asked people to move before and they look at me like :confused:. I dont care I like being able to see the door. I dont think you paranoid just practical.
yep. Guilty of that here. I do more that I won't mention. I don't think of it as paranoid at all. I think of it as realistic and practical adjustments of my behavor to fit my surroundings

Remember - just becuase you are paranoid doesn't mean someone is not out to get you.
Perfect paranoia is perfect awareness.....

The trick, I suppose, is to not appear paranoid- or maybe if you seem paranoid, no one will bother you?
i think folks should have an awareness of their surroundings. i was stopping one night to pick up a gal. of milk at a local convenience store. as i was walking towards the store--several "kids" were running out. one had a handgun and had just robbed the place. this occurred several weeks after 6 people were murdered in a bakery--which was robbed by 2 criminals. one of the victims recognized his uncle-of one of the robbers. another victim was a young guy who had stopped to ask for directions to pick up a girl for their first date.

i don't walk into any store or any building without checking it out--is there anyone inside? are they in the back? i always always stay close to the door and shout out to verify before i proceed any further.:eek:
[Do some people think you are paranoid because you sit facing the door at restaurants,]

Getting close at least.
My ol lady tells me all the time to "quit checkin ppl out they ernt goin to hurt us" when we go in public places. I am very aware of my surroundings and kinda picky about where I sit in resturants also so, no I wouldnt say its weird
Just wondering. I see a lot of people walking around unaware that they are putting themselves at risk. I don't want to be one of them.
Never been called paranoid...Not to my face, anyway.

I have detected a bit of jealousy and even reverence, because it is second nature to be aware, regardless of the situation or sense of security...:D
I think its a good thing we are aware of what is happening. You guys obviously check the exits and structure of the building as well too right?
You guys obviously check the exits and structure of the building as well too right?


And, I use my X-ray glasses to check for BG's and alternative exits behind walls and closed doors...:D

Seriously, I pride myself in seeing a "situation" before it envelops me or my group. Usually, they fizzle out before they get out of hand, but they still have my undivided attention. Except when I'm scanning for new problems, that is...
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Paranoid - Exhibiting or characterized by extreme and irrational fear or distrust of others.

I wouldn't consider your actions as being extreme and irrational, but only you know for sure whether your actions and mental state would qualify. Few people would consider washing your hands before eating as being a paranoid fear of germs. However, I have seen a few individuals who had an "extreme fear and distrust" of germs.
A person should always be aware of their surroundings. If you get suprised chances are you lose and it over before you realized it.
I tend to sit facing the door most of the time but I prefer being on the outside of the booth with my right side on the inside and left side pointing out. This is because my gun is away from the isle and I feel more secure. I also feel I have stealthy access. :) If I ever need to rush out the booth there are no people to jump over. If this position allows me to see the door then its a bonus. I've been in a situation where my back was to the door and my lady friend tipped me off to the crowd of thugs walking in. Typical young guys that just left the club drunk and loud. Ihop at 230am gets a bit rowdy. I was on my A Game that night. They sat 2 booths away and I prayed they would mind their own business. They did for the most part. I learned a valuable lesson. Breakfast at 230am can be a bit exciting. Next time it will be Waffle House. :D
Bullethole. That's what I consider a close call. I personally think you did the right thing armed or unarmed. I bet it was hard in the heat of the moment. My pride would have gotten the better of me. Your a bigger wiser man than I but then again I'm still young and dumb. What would you have done if you were armed? You got to think some of those guys were armed too. Possibly illegally with illegal guns. I would hope I used my head instead of my heart. Good post man. Something to think about definitely. I hope is never happens again to any of us.
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