Pa TFL'ers

Silly me, I brought mostly shotgun shells, so I ran through nearly all of the pistol ammo (and maybe 10 shells). I haven't done anything about the rib yet, but I did replace the barrel with my social shotgun barrel, which I also foolishly forgot to take to W&W. Oh well. :rolleyes:

I'll see if I can herd some local cats together for a meet.
Are we ever going to do this? I'm ready !!!!:D Let's do this soon. It looks like a lot of the TFL guys can't make another Rifle/Pistol shoot because of all the hunting trips they've planned.

How about a shotgun shoot on the 10th? I'm going to wait until January for another Rifle/Pistol shoot.
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OK, Geoff, if you insist, I guess I will borrow your K80.


I'm going to gun shows the next two weekends, so I may be able to pick up a shotgun, or at least a barrel. Stay tuned.
Sigh, the 9th is the date of the Sciota defensive 3 gun/low light shoot. :( Hope to catch you at yet the next one.

The last one held in May of 2002 could be the last one for a while. I apologize for being intentionally cryptic.

Cryptic, shmiptic...

Justin, don't worry about it.

Perhaps another time another place. BTW, I don't know if the neighbors at Daniel Boone R&G have recovered from the shoot that you were at down there.

Shoot safe, shoot well!