Our economy

That pendulum swings closer...

Do I detect dissent among people these days? To my surprise more and more people are becoming vocal about how much things are failing in this country. There's only one thing that will determine the ultimate fate of this country... time. It's not too late to live up to Constitutional standards, but every day that the people fail to take action is every day we are ever closer to losing sight of ourselves as a great nation.

The liberal media will talk up a recession to assist their darling Hillary.
Anytime someone uses the term "liberal media" I immediately am stuck by the willful ignorance of the statement.

The media is not liberal. It is owned by the most conservative companies in the country.

There are always ongoing cases of reporters having stories killed by parent companies even though they are factual because they are too left leaning...or worse, cases of employees being fired for refusing to lie on camera.
Any examples PBP?
Just google "Christine Amanpour" and "killed story", or "ABC/NBC/CBS news" and "killed story" or better yet "Fox news" and "fires reporters" or "Fox news" and "willfully lies"...you will be reading for days.

Or you could just do some research yourself and actually find out who owns the major networks for yourself and quit taking Rush and Bill's word for it.

Don't take the "I will stick my fingers in my ears and deny it is true until you beat me in the face with it" approach.
From the greatest industrial nation to an economy based on consumer buying mostly on credit. My advice learn Spanish or Chinese, both would be good.
Playboypenguin said:
....Anytime someone uses the term "liberal media" I immediately am stuck by the willful ignorance of the statement....The media is not liberal. It is owned by the most conservative companies in the country.

Ownership is different than content...it's well documented that the mainstream media is left leaning and supports a liberal agenda. Check out the non-profit organization Media Matters. They keep both sides honest.
Seems to me that MediaMatter actually states in the mission statement that they formed to "stematically monitor a cross section of print, broadcast, cable, radio, and Internet media outlets for conservative misinformation — news or commentary that is not accurate, reliable, or credible and that forwards the conservative agenda"

I do not see where they are declaring the media as liberally biased. Seems to me they are battle, and see the great potential, for the exact opposite.
history repeats itself. be nice of more people learned why.

from one of the worlds wealthiest to the worlds biggest debtor.

war that will cost trillions requiring barrowing from chinese and other nations.
the US biggest consumer of oil the US government.

right now this nations infrastructure is up for sale to highest bidder.
nearly a year ago there was a big deal about a ports deal and UAE
you dont hear much about followups its quite drive by and intentional it keeps people inundated,emotional and distracted.

liberty and economics

media is corporate owned they often mix it up with conservative and liberal news to keep people confused and suckered.
PBP, you're usually right on the money, but (from a journalism major here) journalists as a group are overwhelmingly liberal.

I'm talking spitting while talking, wide eyed, histrionic type liberal...
Playboypenguin said:
...I do not see where they are declaring the media as liberally biased.

By reading the instances they point out, it's clear to see they cover both sides....there are far more liberal media outlets that are exposed.

Other sources that have documented liberal bias can be found on News Busters and Accuracy in Media. Pew Research Center came to the same conclusion in one of their reports.
PBP, you're usually right on the money, but (from a journalism major here) journalists as a group are overwhelmingly liberal.
You are confusing personal stance with job performance. Even though the study that Fox news likes to point to which showed the majority of reporters considered themselves liberal (which they should be to do their job) it did not show any definable left leaning bias in their reporting.
Horse Pucky! It't the librail and dems that own the media!
I hope you forgot to put the emoticon that shows you were being tongue in cheek on that one or else you are just in blatant denial.

PBP, for a good report on liberal bias inside the media, read "Bias" by Bernard Goldberg, who worked for CBS for 27 years..
PBP, for a good report on liberal bias inside the media, read "Bias" by Bernard Goldberg, who worked for CBS for 27 years..
I did read it...or at least most of it on a plane.

I did not find it all that shocking nor all that substantiated. It appeared like a man presenting his opinion of things.
homefires said:
You think things are down now! Wait until the Chines start to really come on line and GM, Ford all become history!
Somehow I think this is less of an issue than expected. That's not a very high-power crash, I think about 35mph crash.

You hear about the $5000 Chinese cars and trucks, which sounds like they'd be really fantastically competitive, but you don't hear about the cheap metal or substandard welds they use. No matter how you slice it, good metal costs Money, and the price of that is more or less the same no matter where you build your factory.

Playboypenguin, are you thinking of Akre and Wilson? In some perverse kind of way, I have to admire Fox for the sheer ballsiness of that one.
I have to admire Fox for the sheer ballsiness of that one.
You admire a company that presents itself as a fair and balanced national news organization that wants to deliberately lie to it's viewers and lead them like sheep to the slaughter? :confused:
To drift a bit further OT... PBP, I think you're dead wrong on this one. Trying to find a balanced, more less conservative media outlet in this nation is like finding a needle in a haystack. Doing it the Mythbusters' way, and you'll find one in a hundred. But, the left rules the media: New York Times, Altanta Journal Consitution, Houston Chronicle, the list goes on and on. I don't think I need to post all that's out there. It will be a waist of bandwidth. NBC IIRC, is owned by an anti-2A. Time Warner is only the icing on the cake...

Now, back on topic...

Is our economy going down the tank? Well, the long of the short of my answer is...maybe.

I think the media sensationalizes the situation to provide scare tactics and to make it one of, if not, the biggest issue for election time. IMO, I think people in general have this asphyxiation(sp) that the president is the key person responsible for the nation's economy. That is one of the biggest fallacies I know in govt. Yes, he does play an important role in economics, but there are far more key points that affect the economy...

The number one key is the almighty consumer. No matter what products, employment, or benefits businesses or the govt. provides, it's the consumer that ultamately drives the economy.

Unfortunately, with that, the main reason the economy is in a balance is the pure and simple answer: GREED. It's what got us here and it's what is going to sink us if we don't wake up.

We're electing the SAME people in congress that loves going nuts on killing jobs in the private sector.

We're buying too much stuff on credit, only to not pay it off.
We're buying homes that are way out of the means of supporting the payments...heck, you can add cars to this one, too.
We're not taking care of ourselves healthwise. We're eating McDonald's four times a week along with kids and wonder why our health care costs are going through the roof. I know there's other reasons of health care costs, but this is still a valid point of self infliction...

When it all comes down to it, consumers are at major fault. There's very few people in this nation that actually lives within their means. Now, we have a credit crisis. People racked up tens of thousands of dollars in CC bills and stuffed it into a 2nd mortgage. Then, go off and rack up the same CC's.

The reason why I'm hammering on the consumer is that there's already enough talk of fat cat CEOs, govt. not imposing equal tariffs on the East, and other issues that we blame. However, the greed that the average consumer has and irresponsible spending ultimatley is the blame. That's just my opinion, of course...
To drift a bit further OT... PBP, I think you're dead wrong on this one. Trying to find a balanced, more less conservative media outlet in this nation is like finding a needle in a haystack.

Well, unless you turn on AM radio or open the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, etc..
When it all comes down to it, consumers are at major fault. There's very few people in this nation that actually lives within their means. Now, we have a credit crisis. People racked up tens of thousands of dollars in CC bills and stuffed it into a 2nd mortgage. Then, go off and rack up the same CC's.
I do not entirely agree with that.

I do believe some people try to live beyond their means but the biggest problem is that most people are going into debt not to live the high life but to simply survive.

There was a time in this country where anyone willing to go to work 40 hours a week could pay his/her bills, own a car, own a home, and even pay for his/her kids education.

Those days no longer exist and it is not because of the consumer...it is because the government has taken the power away from the working man and given it all to the big company he works for and those same companies are more concerned with the quick profit and then bailing out instead of surviving for the long haul.

These comapnies buy free trade agreements, get laws passed that allow them to move overseas yet retain full tax breaks, lower requirements for benefits and full time to part time employee ratios, and hold down the minimum wage.